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Presentation on theme: " Some Call it Art: Case studies involving the spraying of illegal graffiti in the UK Dr. Louissa Marsh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Call it Art: Case studies involving the spraying of illegal graffiti in the UK Dr. Louissa Marsh

2 Slide 1

3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Slide 2 Spray can Rucksack Sprayed can top
Spray can nozzle Latex glove Can of paint Marker pen 4. 5. 6. 7.

4 Suspect’s clothing examined for paint balls
Slide 3 Suspect’s clothing examined for paint balls x40 stereo microscope

5 Slide 4 x100 stereo microscope

6 22 17 4 3 21 2006 & 2007: 20 submitted graffiti cases
Slide 5 2006 & 2007: 20 submitted graffiti cases 67 submitted spray cans MTN Pintura 22 Belton Molotow 17 Plasti-kote 4 Molotow Coversall 3 Others 21

7 x200 dark field microscopy
Slide 6 Green spray paint x200 dark field microscopy Orange spray paint X200 bright field microscopy (cross polars)

8 Purple spray paints mounted side by side x200 magnification
Slide 7 Purple spray paints mounted side by side x200 magnification reflected light (cross polars)

9 The same spray paints x200 magnification light through blue filter
Slide 8 The same spray paints x200 magnification light through blue filter

10 Slide 9 x200 magnification light through Ultra-violet filter

11 Submitted can sizes (%)
Slide 10 Submitted can sizes (%) Spray Cans Fullness on submission (%) Nozzle present ?

12 1st 2nd 3rd 4th % Frequency of colours found on
Slide 11 % Frequency of colours found on items in the form of paint balls % Frequency of submitted control colours % Frequency of submitted can colours Blue Black Silver 14.2% 26.8% 14.9% Green Silver Black 13.6% 19.6% 13.4% Red Red Red 12.4% 13.4% 10.4% Black, silver & Pink Blue Green 9.5% 11.3% 9.0% 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Order of Frequency

13 Many thanks for listening
Questions? Many thanks for listening

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