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Jaida, Mrs.Lynch. 4th GRD 5-21-14 KANSAS Jaida, Mrs.Lynch. 4th GRD 5-21-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Jaida, Mrs.Lynch. 4th GRD 5-21-14 KANSAS Jaida, Mrs.Lynch. 4th GRD 5-21-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jaida, Mrs.Lynch. 4th GRD 5-21-14
KANSAS Jaida, Mrs.Lynch. 4th GRD

2 KANSAS Nickname sunflower Population 2,688,418 Motto to the stars through difflculties Date of Admission january, Kansas is one of the great state that make up

3 KANSAS We have gathered large amounts information
About Kansas into one place from various sources such As the state govermors office the us geological survery USGS.

4 KANSAS Civil war veteran S.P. Dinsmoor used over 100 tons of concrete to build the garden of eden in lucas .even the flag above the mausolem is made of concrete.

5 KANSAS Handel’s messiah has been presented in lindsborgaster at easter since

6 KANSAS There are 27 walnut creeks in the state .
There are more than 600 incorporate towns in the state .

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