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The Crucible Act 3 Vocabulary

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1 The Crucible Act 3 Vocabulary

2 Imperceptible (adj) Extremely slight, gradual, or subtle
His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.

3 Deferentially (adv) In a manner of showing respect and esteem due a superior or elder Alex met the king’s gaze with a small smile and deferentially bowed his head.

4 Befuddled (v) To make someone confused
Most of the applicants were befuddled by the wording of the questions on the driving test.

5 Gait (n) Pace; manner or rate of movement or progress
The man’s gait was hard to keep up with.

6 Callously (adv) In a manner of showing or feeling no emotion
When I told her my grandmother was very sick, she callously responded by telling me my shift starts in 10 minutes.

7 Incredulously (adv) Skeptically; with disbelief
When he told me he won the lottery, I stared at him incredulously.

8 Slovenly (adj) Lazily; messy and dirty
Her slovenly appearance did not help her get the job.

9 Unperturbed (adj) Untroubled; not concerned
The students were unperturbed when the teacher told them there would be a quiz on the material.

10 Gulling (v) Taking advantage of; deceiving
The students tried to be gulling, but the teacher knew the truth.

11 Effrontery (n) Shameless; boldness
One kid had the effrontery to challenge the teacher.

12 Probity (n) Honesty; integrity
Ms. Hackshaw values probity in a person.

13 Qualm (n) Feeling of uneasiness about a point
You shouldn’t have any qualms about the quiz since you studied all week.

14 Abundant (adj) Having plenty of something
There is an abundant amount of chocolate in Willy Wonka.

15 Audible (adj) Able to be heard
When she was sick, she was barely audible.

16 Immaculate (adj) Spotlessly clean
Your room has to be immaculate before you are allowed to have a party.

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