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Enabling Parents to Inspire a Passion for Learning in their Children. A Replication Site of the Parent-Child Home Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Parents to Inspire a Passion for Learning in their Children. A Replication Site of the Parent-Child Home Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling Parents to Inspire a Passion for Learning in their Children. A Replication Site of the Parent-Child Home Program

2 The Vision: The vision is that all children in Georgetown County will enter school prepared to learn, supported by their families, and will graduate from high school as productive citizens of their community.

3 Our Mission: Miss Rubys Kids enables identified families and caregivers to inspire a passion for learning in their children. We help prepare parents to be their childs first, best teacher and support both parents and child throughout the childs school career.

4 The Legacy "Never say, I can't, always say, I'll try. Ruby Middleton Forsythe Miss Rubys Kids is named for Ruby Middleton Forsythe (1905-1992), an educator from Charleston, South Carolina. In 1938, she began teaching with her husband in a one-room schoolhouse in the Pawleys Island community and continued to teach after his death. Miss Ruby, as she was affectionately known by her students, played an active role in the school until shortly before her death. In 1988, she received an honorary doctorate degree from South Carolina State University for her tireless work in education. Ruby Middleton Forsythe died in 1992, but her dream of equal educational opportunity for all children continues through this program. A parent is a childs best teacher. Miss Ruby's Kids knows that with a warm lap, a good book, and an ample supply of love, parents have all the tools necessary to start their children on their way to a happy, successful future. We should know; we help them do it every day!

5 Our History Miss Rubys Kids (MRK) is a local replication of the national Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) and an agency of the Georgetown County United Way. Founded by concerned residents in 2003 under the auspices of Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church, MRK became an independent 501(c)(3) organization in June 2006. The office is now in Georgetown. Miss Rubys Kids began working with five families in October 2003 and has steadily increased the number of families served. MRK holds its graduation each year in May. MRK is serving 70 children and their families in the 2013-2014 program year, including the growing Latino community.

6 The Parent-Child Home Program: The Parent-Child Home Program, a home visitation model, is a proven parenting and family literacy program that encourages verbal interaction and educational play between parents and their 2 and 3 years old preschool children in families that have had limited exposure to educational opportunities and activities.

7 How the Parent-Child Home Program Works Trained Home Visitors visit the parent and child together twice a week for two years for up to a half hour each visit. The parent and/or adult family member must be present and participate in these visits. Home Visitors model parenting techniques and encourage the parent to adapt and adopt them. Families develop interest in and enthusiasm for learning through reading, playing, listening, and talking together. Carefully chosen, sturdy books and toys are used. The program is provided at no cost and the books and toys and are presented as gifts to the families.

8 Qualifying for the Parent-Child Home Program MRK uses a tool called a Needs Index to determine eligibility. Different points values are assigned for different risk factors. To be eligible to participate in the program, families must accumulate at least six points. The Needs Index contains several characteristics of the families we serve, including low-income families, families with teen parents, families with cultural/linguistic barriers to school success, and other risk factors.

9 Needs Index

10 What Does VISM Mean? VISM = Verbal Interaction Stimulus Materials. They are the toys and books we used during home visits. They are also called curriculum materials.

11 Graduation Each May children and their parents who have finished the two year Parent-Child Home Program graduate in a special ceremony. Our graduates are ready to succeed in school.

12 The Education Mentor Program: The Education Mentor Program - provides trained volunteer mentors for graduates of Miss Rubys Kids. It began as an in- school pilot at Waccamaw Elementary School in January 2009. We expanded in the 2009-2010 school year and each year since. In the future, the Education Mentor Program will be expanded to include all area schools that serve MRK graduates. The mentors help insure our graduates' success throughout their school years by working with the children and with school administrators and parents to ensure their support.

13 How the Education Mentor Program Works Once children graduate at the age of four from the Home Visitation Program and enter elementary school, volunteer Education. Mentors visit the graduates at school once a week. Mentors offer encouragement and support as the children progress through school. Mentors regularly communicate with the family and school personnel. Activities are designed to meet the needs of each child. Mentors will continue to visit the children until they graduate from high school.

14 Executive Director The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of MRK to ensure that they are in support of the mission and vision of the organization.

15 Office Manager The Office Manager provides administrative, clerical, and program support to the Executive Director, Program Coordinators, and the MRK team.

16 Program Coordinators The PCHP Coordinator manages the PCHP delivery, supervises the program staff, and evaluates program effectiveness. The EMP Coordinator manages the EMP delivery, supervises the volunteer mentors, and evaluates the program effectiveness.

17 Home Visitors The Home Visitors job is to support the parents and model for the parents (during play sessions) how to read and play with their children so that the children are prepared for school success.

18 Interaction With Other Early Childhood Organizations Below are some examples of how MRK interacts with other organizations Institute for Child Success (ICS) – a state organization that focuses on research and advocacy for young children. ICS partnered with MRK and other organizations to present a forum for business leaders in Georgetown. Head Start – Some MRK participants are enrolled in Head Start also. We have had visits take place at local Head Start sites. MRK and Head Start jointly participate in collaborative work on a county level. MRK is presenting special workshops for child care providers and Head Start is participating in the workshops. MRK works with area child care providers by visiting and providing the group model of the Parent-Child Home Program. Baby Net – MRK refers families to Baby Net when children show evidence of developmental delays. Baby Net screen and provides services to eligible children.

19 Future Goals of MRK MRK seeks to continue advocacy and services in the areas of early childhood and literacy in Georgetown County MRK seeks to expand our programs to serve a larger percentage of the eligible children in the county through the PCHP and the EMP so that even more Georgetown County children enter school ready to succeed and graduate with their peers

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