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Let’s Prepare! two different colors BYOT is allowed.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Prepare! two different colors BYOT is allowed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Prepare! -------two different colors. -------BYOT is allowed.
Vocabulary Sheet

2 Let’s Review! Definitions 10 minutes Synonym Swap 3 minutes
Utilize the literary packet in order to define the following words on your vocabulary sheet. ANECDOTE: ALLUSION: CLAIM: a statement describing the position the writer is taking on the issue. CONNOTATION: DENOTATION: DICTION: FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: PERSONIFICATION: RHETORICAL APPEALS: emotional, ethical, and logical arguments used to persuade an audience 1. ETHOS: 2. PATHOS: 3. LOGOS:

3 Hope, Despair, and Memory
Lesson 4

4 Let’s Review!

5 Let’s Prepare!

6 Let’s Prepare! -------two different colors. -------BYOT is allowed.
Vocabulary Sheet

7 Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT use annotating skills, specifically for words and phrases that convey an idea, to further comprehension. TSWBAT discuss how an author develops a claim. TSWBAT read, comprehend, and evaluate a novel to increase the volume, fluency, and proficiency of various reading skills.

8 Let’s Discuss! Annotating is not just highlighting and underlining…it is a record of your thoughts and impressions as you read.

9 Let’s Discuss! I will be guiding you through these steps in the next few slides to help you focus on analyzing MULTIPLE elements at a time: Denotative Meanings Connotative Meanings Rhetorical appeals

10 Step 1: Put a box around unknown words.
Synonym Swap 5 minutes Let’s Discuss! Step 1: Put a box around unknown words.

11 Step 2: Highlight any CLAIMS Wiesel makes in his passage.
3 minutes Let’s Discuss! Step 2: Highlight any CLAIMS Wiesel makes in his passage.

12 Let’s Discuss! Patterns 3 minutes
Step 3: Determine the meanings of words and phrases with FIGURATIVE or CONNOTATIVE meanings. What patterns emerge? Highlight the patterns, and note the effects of these words and phrases. How does Wiesel develop his argument?

13 Let’s Discuss! 3 minutes Rhetorical Appeals
Step 4: Label Wiesel’s development of ethical, logical, or emotional claims (ethos, pathos, logos).

14 Let’s Discuss! Summary 5 minutes
Step 5: Write a brief OBJECTIVE SUMMARY of the passage in the space provided on your handout.

15 Step 1: Put a box around unknown words.
Synonym Swap 3 minutes Let’s Discuss! Step 1: Put a box around unknown words.

16 Step 2: Highlight any CLAIMS Wiesel makes in his passage.
2 minutes Let’s Discuss! Step 2: Highlight any CLAIMS Wiesel makes in his passage.

17 Let’s Discuss! Patterns 3 minutes
Step 3: Determine the meanings of words and phrases with FIGURATIVE or CONNOTATIVE meanings. What patterns emerge? Highlight the patterns, and note the effects of these words and phrases. How does Wiesel develop his argument?

18 Let’s Discuss! 3 minutes Rhetorical Appeals
Step 4: Label Wiesel’s development of ethical, logical, or emotional claims (ethos, pathos, logos).

19 Let’s Discuss! Summary 5 minutes
Step 5: Write a brief OBJECTIVE SUMMARY of the passage in the space provided on your handout.

20 Step 1: Put a box around unknown words.
Synonym Swap 3 minutes Let’s Discuss! Step 1: Put a box around unknown words.

21 Step 2: Highlight any CLAIMS Wiesel makes in his passage.
2 minutes Let’s Discuss! Step 2: Highlight any CLAIMS Wiesel makes in his passage.

22 Let’s Discuss! Patterns 3 minutes
Step 3: Determine the meanings of words and phrases with FIGURATIVE or CONNOTATIVE meanings. What patterns emerge? Highlight the patterns, and note the effects of these words and phrases. How does Wiesel develop his argument?

23 Let’s Discuss! 3 minutes Rhetorical Appeals
Step 4: Label Wiesel’s development of ethical, logical, or emotional claims (ethos, pathos, logos).

24 Let’s Discuss! Summary 5 minutes
Step 5: Write a brief OBJECTIVE SUMMARY of the passage in the space provided on your handout.

25 Let’s Express Our Understanding!
Discussion 5-6 minutes Let’s Express Our Understanding! Group response group member’s names

26 Let’s Close! I got this! Help!

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