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The Atmosphere 15 CHAPTER

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1 The Atmosphere 15 CHAPTER Placeholder opening page, but maybe we can duplicate the look of the SE chapter opener page by using the same fonts and colors (and maybe that Ch 14 icon?)

2 Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere
The air we breathe and all the weather we see is contained in the lowest 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere.

3 Properties of the Atmosphere
Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere Properties of the Atmosphere Composition: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases Temperature: Varies and location Pressure: In general, air pressure decreases with altitude; can be measured using a barometer. Barometer

4 Properties of the Atmosphere
Ozone- O3

5 Recovery of the Ozone Layer
Lesson 15.3 Controlling Air Pollution Recovery of the Ozone Layer The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty signed in 1987 that has cut CFC production by 95% since the 1980s. Ozone levels in the stratosphere have begun to stabilize, and the ozone hole will likely start to disappear. Ozone Hole 1979 Ozone Hole 2000

6 Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere
Relative Humidity The ratio of water vapor in air to the maximum amount the same air could contain at the same temperature Is affected by temperature and location; in general, warm air holds more water. When air cools, water vapor may condense to liquid or to ice. Water vapor can only condense on surfaces, such as a petal or a dust particle. Hoarfrost on leaves

7 Layers of Atmosphere Troposphere: 0–11 km; movement of air, weather
Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere Did You Know? The stratosphere and mesosphere are cold, but the upper thermosphere can be hotter than 1500°C. Layers of Atmosphere Troposphere: 0–11 km; movement of air, weather Stratosphere: 11–50 km; ozone layer, absorbs and scatters UV rays Mesosphere: 50–80 km; meteoroids burn up Thermosphere: 80+ km; disturbances produce aurora borealis

8 Heat Transfer in the Troposphere
Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere Heat Transfer in the Troposphere Radiation: The transfer of energy through space, such as heat from the sun to Earth’s atmosphere Conduction: The transfer of heat directly between two objects that are in contact Convection: The transfer of heat by the movement of currents within a fluid (liquid or gas)

9 Convection Currents Warm air is less dense than cool air.
Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere Convection Currents Warm air is less dense than cool air. When air near the surface heats up, it rises; as it rises, it cools and then sinks. Rising and sinking fluids generate convection currents. Cause wind and heat to move through the atmosphere

10 Global Winds

11 Coriolis Effect

12 Lesson 15.1 Earth’s Atmosphere
Air Masses and Fronts Air masses: Large bodies of air with similar properties Fronts: Boundaries between air masses of different properties Warm front Boundary along which a mass of warmer, moister air pushes against a mass of cooler, drier air Can produce light precipitation Cold front Boundary along which a mass of cooler, drier air pushes against a mass of warmer, moister air Can produce heavy precipitation

13 Lesson 3.2 Systems in Environmental Science
Positive feedback loops can help erosion turn a fertile field to desert in just a few years. Dust storm, Stratford Texas, 1930s

14 Negative feedback loop
Lesson 3.2 Systems in Environmental Science Interacting Systems Inputs into Earth’s interconnected systems include energy, information, and matter. Feedback loops regulate systems. Negative feedback loops: Result in stabilization of a system Positive feedback loops: Result in a system moving to an extreme Negative feedback loop Did You Know? Predator-prey cycles are negative feedback loops. If prey populations rise, predator populations can rise in response, causing prey populations to fall. Then predator populations may decline, allowing prey populations to rise again, and so on.

15 Lesson 3.2 Systems in Environmental Science
Spheres of Function Earth can be divided into spheres that are defined according to their location and function.

16 Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres
The movement of Earth’s plates has formed the deepest ocean trenches and the highest mountains.

17 The Geosphere Rocks and minerals on and below Earth’s surface:
Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres The Geosphere Rocks and minerals on and below Earth’s surface: Crust: Thin, cool, rocky outer “skin” Mantle: Very hot and mostly solid Core: Outer core is molten metal, inner core is solid metal Rock formation, Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah

18 Plate Tectonics Crust and mantle are divided into:
Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres Plate Tectonics Crust and mantle are divided into: Lithosphere: Crust and uppermost mantle; divided into tectonic plates Asthenosphere: Soft middle mantle; heated by outer core Lower mantle: Solid rock Convection currents in the asthenosphere move tectonic plates. Collisions and separations of the plates result in landforms. Volcano lava

19 Tectonic Plates There are three major types of plate boundary:
Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres Tectonic Plates There are three major types of plate boundary: Divergent Transform Convergent

20 Divergent and Transform Plate Boundaries
Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres Divergent and Transform Plate Boundaries Divergent boundaries: Rising magma pushes plates apart. Transform boundaries: Plates slip and grind alongside one another. Divergent plate boundary Transform plate boundary

21 Convergent Plate Boundaries
Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres Convergent Plate Boundaries Plates collide, causing one of two things to happen: Subduction: One plate slides beneath another. Mountain-building: Both plates are uplifted.

22 The Biosphere and Atmosphere
Lesson 3.3 Earth’s Spheres The Biosphere and Atmosphere Biosphere: The part of Earth in which living and nonliving things interact Atmosphere: Contains the gases that organisms need, such as oxygen; keeps Earth warm enough to support life Earth’s atmosphere, seen from space

23 The cryosphere is the frozen water part of the Earth system.

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