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Pediatric UTI and Reflux

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1 Pediatric UTI and Reflux
By Brent Lee Lechner, DO MAJ, MC, USA

2 Epidemiology Different for different ages
Neonatal 5-8 X > in males than females Infants: F>M, 1.4% > 0.2% 4 Months, F>>M by 10 X White > Black and Hispanic 3-6 % Febrile Infants without source Circumcised vs Uncircumcised Males 5-20 X in uncircumcised below 12 months

3 UTI - risk factors Constipation Bubble Baths Sexual activity
Infrequent voiding Poor hygiene Non-circumcision Sexual Abuse Female

4 Pathogenesis Organisms on perineum - ascending up the urethra.
85 % E. coli adherence factor Bacteremia associated with UTI. 31 % Neonatal 18 % 1-3 months 6 % 3-8 months

5 Organisms Gram Negative Gram Positive Hemorrhagic Cystitis E. Coli
Klebsiella Proteus Pseudomonas H. Flu Gram Positive Enterbacter Entercoccus Staph Saprophyticus Hemorrhagic Cystitis Adenovirus H. Flu

6 Signs and Symptoms Fever Dysuria Nausea and Vomiting Abdominal Pain
Flank Pain Frequency and Urgency

7 Signs and Symptoms in Infants
Irritability - 80% Vomiting - 40% Diarrhea - 30% Poor feeding -65% FTT Lethargy

8 DDx Chemical Irritant Vaginitis Viral Infection Urethritis
Pyelonephritis Glomerulonephritis Appendicitis Diabetes STD Diabetes Insipidus Bacteremia

9 Lab Studies Urinalysis Nitrate (+) and LE (+)
WBCs - greater than 5 on hpf Unspun urine - Any Bacteria then positive. UA noted to be negative on % of positive cultures.

10 Urine Culture Suprapubic Tap Urine Cath. Urine Clean Catch Bag Urine
Any Growth - Positive Urine Cath. Greater than 100,000 colonies of a single organism Urine Clean Catch Greater then 100,000 colonies If two CC, increase by 80-90% Bag Urine Worthless

11 Treatment Antibiotic Cephalosporin (third generation without sensitivity): Rocephin, Fortaz PO: Vantin, Suprax Bactrim Amoxicillin Pediatrics - No keflex.

12 Management Adult - 3-5 days Children -- 7-10 days Infants
Under 3 months (admission) po intolerance (admission) 12 months ? Admission

13 Management Renal Ultrasound VCUG DMSA All Patients Look at Anatomy
Look for Hydronephrosis Perirenal abscess VCUG Shows reflux Must have clean urine to obtain 4-6 weeks out DMSA Gold standard for pyelo and scarring

14 Urinary Reflux Grade I - Reflux in Ureter
Grade II - Reflux to the Upper Collecting System, No dilation Grade III - Reflux into dilated ureter and/or blunted calyces Grade IV - Grossly dilated ureter Grade V - Tortuosity

15 Urinary Reflux VUR prophylaxis until Free of reflux for 1 year by VCUG. Prophylaxis medications: bactrim or macrodantin Grade III- IV need Surgery Grade II - please refer to Urology Consider screening siblings.

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