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Discovery and Discoverability

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1 Discovery and Discoverability
Current Issues and Trends Marshall Breeding Independent Consultant, Author, and Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides Big Ten Academic Alliance Library Initiatives Conference May 30, 2018

2 Description The Big Ten Academic Alliance Libraries as a consortium of major academic libraries are engaged in many initiatives to enable enhanced discovery and delivery of their collection resources. Breeding reviews the current state of discovery products and the technologies and services able to make library collections more widely discoverable beyond the library-provided interfaces.

3 Library Technology Guides

4 Big Ten Libraries Technology data from Library Technology Guides

5 Big 10: Automation Systems

6 Big 10: Discovery Services

7 Library Technology Industry Reports
American Libraries Library Journal 2013: Rush to Innovate 2012: Agents of Change 2011: New Frontier 2010: New Models, Core Systems 2009: Investing in the Future 2008: Opportunity out of turmoil 2007: An industry redefined 2006: Reshuffling the deck 2005: Gradual evolution 2004: Migration down, innovation up 2003: The competition heats up 2002: Capturing the migrating customer 2014: Strategic Competition and Cooperation 2015: Operationalizing Innovation 2016: Power Plays 2017: Competing visions for Technology, openness, workflows 2018: New Technologies enable an expended vision of library services

8 “Competing visions for technology, openness, and workflow”
Library System Report 2017 “Competing visions for technology, openness, and workflow”

9 2017: Competing Visions Assembly of companies with involvement in business activities spanning technology and content Synergies among business activities which will give insight to inform business strategies without imposing control on their library customers Horizontal and Vertical Consolidation Mergers among companies with similar business activates Expansion into new areas of business Library technology increasingly part of the mix

10 Consolidation: deep and wide
Horizontal consolidation: M&A among ILS and RFID companies SirsiDynix Innovative Bibliotheca Lucidea Vertical Consolidation: Acquisition into top-level companies Content + Technology + Services ProQuest: Acquisition of Ex Libris, Serials Solutions EBSCO: FOLIO, Stacks, etc Follett: Acquisition of Baker & Taylor

11 “New Technologies Enable an Expanded vision of Library Services”
Library System Report 2018 “New Technologies Enable an Expanded vision of Library Services”

12 2018: New Tech / Expanded Vision
Resource Management and Discovery products relatively mature Increased interest on products supporting services beyond collections Extend academic library technologies in support of the research agenda of the university Support teaching through learning management integration and copyright management Advancing resource sharing strategies Ex Libris: shared resource management infrastructure for multi- campus systems and consortia OCLC: Consolidation of products for centralized and peer-to- peer interlibrary loan (WorldShare ILL, Relais D2D, Tipasa)

13 ProQuest – EBSCO dynamic
EBSCO Information Service Content: ProQuest platform OASIS acquisitions Ex Libris + PQ product suite Alma Primo, Summon Strategy of platform bundling: Alma + Primo EBSCOhost EBSCO Discovery Service GOBI acquisitions service Strategy of Integrating discovery into all other platforms Open Source Strategy: FOLIO Koha

14 Scientific Workflow and Analytics
Elsevier Digital Science Clarivate Citation database Scopus Dimensions Web of Science Content indexed 69 million publications from 5,000 publishers; 22,800 journals; 150,000 books 89 million publications; 870 million citations 68 million publications; 33,000 journals; 88,000 books Analytics SciVal Plum Analytics PlumX Altmetric InSites Essential Science Indicators Reference Manager Mendeley EndNote Research information management system Pure Symplectic  Converis Journal Publication Manager ScholarOne / Publons Repository  bepress FigShare Scientific collaborative network SSRN Ownership RELX Holtzbrinck Publishing Group Baring Private Equity Asia

15 Models of Content Scope

16 Online Catalog Scope of Search
ILS Data Online Catalog Search: Scope of Search Books, Journals, and Media at the Title Level Not in scope: Articles Book Chapters Digital objects Search Results

17 Web-scale Index-based Discovery
ILS Data Web-scale Index-based Discovery (2009- present) Digital Collections Search: Web Site Content Institutional Repositories Aggregated Content packages Search Results Consolidated Index Open Access E-Journals Usage-generated Data Customer Profile Reference Sources Pre-built harvesting and indexing

18 Bento Box Discovery Model
Aggregated Content packages Search: Open Access ILS Data VuFind / Blacklight E-Journals Consolidated Index Search Results Web Site Content Digital Collections Pre-built harvesting and indexing Institutional Repositories Term attributed to Tito Sierra

19 E-Book Integration Model
Aggregated Content packages Search: ILS Data Library Catalog Index Search Results Web Site Content Digital Collections Authentication Checkout - Download External E-Book Lending Service Local E-book Repository Discovery

20 Patron Privacy in Discovery

21 Online Privacy Concern
Operating websites and discovery services without encryption enables third parties to intercept online activity of library patrons Search terms Search Results Items selected Items downloaded and read Important to implement https: Provides end-to-end encryption of user session

22 HTTPS urgency for libraries
Browsers increasingly warn that http sites are insecure or untrusted Commercial sites mostly encrypt with https: Facebook – Twitter – Amazon - ….. Libraries continue to implement https inconsistently Running websites and discovery services on http is inconsistent with library values to protect the privacy of patrons

23 US public libraries using HTTPS (2017)

24 US Academic libraries using HTTPS (May 2018)

25 Tracking tags Involves the insertion of code snippets or images which allow external entities to capture information regarding the use of a web-based resource Especially used by advertising networks Also used in performance monitoring Allows capture of user behavior even if page delivery is encrypted Uses third party cookies or unique identifiers to track users Libraries may not be aware of the tracking tags present within their pages Ghostery is an example of a tool to detect trackers



28 Resource Sharing Models

29 Integrated Library System
Search: Bibliographic Database Library System Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility Patrons use Circulation features to request items from other branches Model: Multi-branch Independent Library System Floating Collections may reduce workload for Inter-branch transfers

30 WorldCat Resource Sharing
Patron has Citation for item not held by Library WorldCat User: Password: Place Request Needed by: Dec 30, :00pm Interlibrary Loan Request Form WorldCat Resource Sharing Request Submission ILLiad Resource tracking and fulfillment Bibliographic Database Library System A Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility Interlibrary Loan Personnel ILS Synchronization

31 Consortial Resource Sharing System
Search: Bibliographic Database Library System A Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility Bibliographic Database Library System D Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility NCIP Resource Sharing Application Bibliographic Database Discovery and Request Management Routines Staff Fulfillment Tools Inter-System Communications NCIP SIP ISO ILL Z39.50 NCIP Bibliographic Database Library System B Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility Bibliographic Database Library System E Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility NCIP NCIP Bibliographic Database Library System C Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility Bibliographic Database Library System F Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5 Branch 6 Branch 7 Branch 8 Holdings Main Facility NCIP NCIP

32 Bibliographic Database
Shared Consortial ILS Search: Bibliographic Database Shared Consortia System Library 2 Library 3 Library 4 Library 5 Library 7 Library 8 Library 9 Library 10 Holdings Library 1 Library 6 Model: Multiple independent libraries in a Consortium Share an ILS ILS configured To support Direct consortial Borrowing through Circulation Module

33 Shared Infrastructure
Participating institutions share a single instance of a Library Services Platform or Integrated Library System Consolidated bibliographic database

34 Denmark Joint Library System
Shared instance of Cicero library management developed by Systematic ServespPublic and school libraries in all 98 Municipalities in Denmark 2,428 library facilities Serves population of 4.2 million 62 Million items 50+ million annual circulation transactions

35 Resource Sharing Products
OCLC WorldShare ILL: centralized ILL Service ILLiad (Exclusive distributor for Atlas Systems) Tipasa: WorldShare app to replace ILLiad Some changes in focus of functionality Relais D2D (Acquired from founder in Jan 2017) Innovative Interfaces: Resource Sharing (formerly INN-Reach) Auto-Graphics: SHAREit

36 Index-based Discovery Services
Mostly for Academic and Research libraries

37 Web-scale Index-based Discovery
ILS Data Web-scale Index-based Discovery (2009- present) Digital Collections Search: Web Site Content Institutional Repositories Aggregated Content packages Search Results Consolidated Index Open Access E-Journals Usage-generated Data Customer Profile Reference Sources Pre-built harvesting and indexing

38 EBSCO Discovery Service
Most widely deployed index-based discovery service Extends EBSCOhost technology to the full body of scholarly literature (ideally) Assumes the primacy of subject indexing over keyword relevancy Designed to operate with any ILS product Partnerships with over 60 ILS vendors

39 WorldCat Discovery Service
Based on the WorldCat bibliographic service Largest representation of monographic content Enhanced with article-level citation data for all scholarly literature (ideally) Default interface for WorldShare Management Services WorldCat Local can be integrated with other ILS products

40 Summon Originally developed by Serials Solution
Became a division of ProQuest Full featured discovery interface, though not extensively customizable Central index populated with citations and full text from body of scholarly literature Relevancy rankings based on keyword algorithms optimized for scholarly resources Product will be maintained following merger with Ex Libris Central index will be synchronized with Primo Central

41 Primo / Primo Central Discovery interface introduced in 2007
Highly customizable, ILS content + repositories Customized content integration via “pipes” which define indexing rules, presentation, relevancy Primo Central index added in 2009 Designed to be integrated with any major ILS product Default interface for Alma

42 Possibilities for Open Access discovery index
Open source tools exist for discovery Interfaces: VuFind Blacklight No open access discovery indexes High threshold of expense and difficulty to build index Platform costs Software development Publisher relations Billions of content items to index and maintain

43 Yewno Discovery New approach to discovery based on exploring concepts rather than keywords Spin-off from Stanford University, led by Ruggero Gramatica Uses machine learning to extract concepts from documents Visual interface for navigating and exploring concepts within the body of documents

44 Yewno Discovery interface
Quick demo:

45 Discoverability Enabling discovery of library resources through general web search engines

46 Browser Plugins Simple way to lead users to full text Examples:
Unpaywall Offered by non-profit Impactstory Provides Unpaywall Data, a massive citation database, identifies open access content (100 million citations; 18 million open access articles) Koperio: acquired by Clarivate in April 2018 Library Access: plugin from Lean Library, startup out of Utrecht University

47 Discovery happens elsewhere*
Only a portion of library users come to the libraries own website, catalog, or discovery service for research Important to have library-provided discovery options Also essential to ensure that library resources can be discovered and accessed through the general web. Google Scholar, Google, Microsoft Academic Search, etc Use Search Engine Optimization methodologies to expose library resources Lorcan Dempsey, VP and Chief Strategist OCLC

48 More Distributed Discovery
Address the reality that discovery takes place outside of library provided interfaces Optimized exposure in the ecosystem of search engine and social network Not Concentrated on the Library web site Expression of discovery services via other campus tools and portals and beyond

49 Multi-layered discovery
Native interfaces of specialized content services Disciplinary aggregations General library discovery tools Global Internet-based discovery

50 Library opts out of Discovery
Utrecht University Library Decision to not implement a discovery service but to rely entirely on Google Scholar and other general and scholarly search engines for-literature/searching-for-articles-books-theses (ongoing strategy as of 2017) Kortekaas , Simone. “Thinking the unthinkable: a library without a catalogue — Reconsidering the future of discovery tools for Utrecht University library.” LIBER General Annual Conference 2012

51 Discoverability Strategies
Search Engine Optimization for library resources Linked data models: BIBFRAME Commercial products Demco Software DiscoveryOocal Zepheira: Library.Link network, BIBFRAME, etc SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Visibility Innovative EBSCO Information Services

52 Structured data methodology to deliver web-based resources that can be understood by computers as well as for presentation to humans Originally developed by Google, now widely supported by all search engines See:

53 coding example
<div itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=" <h2><meta itemprop="name" content="Nashville Public Library" /> <span itemprop="legalName">Nashville Public Library</span></h2> <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=" Address: </span><span itemprop="streetAddress"> 615 Church Street<br /></span> …. </div> <!-- End microdata itemscope div -->


55 Google Structured Data Testing Tool

56 Zepheira Company specializing in linked data
Involved in the development of BIBFRAME LibHub initiative: expose library data for discoverability Library.Link network open, decentralized, shared data platform Partnerships: SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Visibility Innovative: Linked Data EBSCO: Linked Library Service

57 Demco DiscoverLocal Designed to improve discoverability of library resources Library uploads records into Demco DiscoverLocal Records transformed into links harvested by search engines, enhanced with geolocation data Links are harvested by search indexing bots to better direct searches to local library’s collection

58 Koios SEO products for library collections Libre Ads
Facilitates application for Google Ad Grants Help libraries set up ad campaigns Maintain grant Ongoing assistance in marketing campaigns

59 BiblioCommons Built-in search engine optimization
Rich linking environment – one of the top characteristics Google considers for page ranking Library resources from libraries using BiblioCommons are well represented in general search results on Google

60 Mobile Discovery Google and other search engines increasingly consider search for mobile devices separately than general web search Avoid linking mobile devices to pages that they cannot display well Non-mobile friendly websites demoted or eliminated in mobile search results Essential for libraries to have responsive or mobile- friendly web sites

61 Resource Discovery Trends

62 Integrate Discovery with Resource Management?
Should there be a tight bundling of Discovery Services with Library Services Platforms: WorldCat Discovery Services + WorldShare Management Services Alma + Primo or Summon Also support for Blacklight or VuFind EBSCO rejects tight bundling Partners with almost all ILS products Support for open source FOLIO project Many libraries prefer providing discovery separately

63 Discovery from Content Providers
Two of the major discovery services are tied to content providers: EBSCO Information Services EBSCO Discovery Service ProQuest: Summon Primo + Primo Central Explicit bias would not be tolerated by libraries Providing discovery services can provide insight into content acquisition and patron behaviors

64 Open Discovery Initiative (ODI)

65 Goals of Open Discovery Initiative
Define ways for libraries to assess the level of content provider participation and for discovery services to affirm how they use that content Help streamline the process by which content providers work with discovery service vendors Define models for “fair” linking from discovery services to publishers’ content Determine what usage statistics should be collected for libraries and for content providers From Library perspective: Web-scale discovery systems are increasingly important to the work of libraries in service of their users. As these discovery systems become more complex, librarians are less able to understand or explain to their users what content is included or how. The Open Discovery Initiative's recommended practice represents a significant opportunity to understand what is indexed, where it comes from, and how it is used.  Increasing need to ensure that the coverage meets our needs.

66 Recommended Practice A technical recommendation for data exchange including data formats, method of delivery, usage reporting, frequency of updates and rights of use A way for libraries to assess content providers’ participation in discovery services A model by which content providers work with discovery service vendors via fair and unbiased indexing and linking From Library perspective: Web-scale discovery systems are increasingly important to the work of libraries in service of their users. As these discovery systems become more complex, librarians are less able to understand or explain to their users what content is included or how. The Open Discovery Initiative's recommended practice represents a significant opportunity to understand what is indexed, where it comes from, and how it is used.  Increasing need to ensure that the coverage meets our needs.

67 Library Discovery Futures
Beyond library-provided discovery

68 The future of Resource Discovery
Discovery more integrated into a broader view of library content and services More comprehensive discovery indexes Discovery services enhanced by AI and machine learning Stronger technologies for search and retrieval Discovery beyond library-provided interfaces Linked Data to supplement discovery indexes

69 Future of discovery service products
Remain one of the essential components of library technology infrastructure Loosely or tightly tied to resource management Increased sophistication in direct discovery and delivery functionality Increased expectation to syndicate content to local and global discovery context

70 The next phase of Discovery
Now in a critical point for discovery Current products evolve Reaching limits of the prevailing architecture? Current set of products and services an interim step Important for stakeholders to engage in defining the future of library resource discovery Future products must address expected changes in scholarly publishing, library priorities, and institutional strategies.

71 Questions and discussion

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