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Major World Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Confucianism Hinduism

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1 Major World Religions Christianity Islam Judaism Confucianism Hinduism
Buddhism Sikhism Animism

2 Two Types of Religion Monotheism – One God
Mono equals single, one, or alone Polytheism – More than one god or gods Poly = many or multiple

3 Other Viewpoints Atheism – Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. (Not a type of religion, but an opposing concept.) Secularism – The belief that life’s questions can be answered apart from religion.

4 World Religions

5 Christianity Dominant in Europe, Latin America, North America
Members usually worship in a church Bible is considered the sacred text Multiple forms of the faith Jerusalem is the sacred city Jesus is the Son of God Jesus is the prophet Abrahamic Faith Monotheistic

6 Islam 5 Pillars – faith, daily prayers, giving, fasting, pilgrimage
Jerusalem is a city considered holy by Islam Muhammad was the prophet and founder Members (Muslims) worship in a Mosque Dominant religion of the Middle East Koran (Qur’an) is the sacred text Allah (God) is the deity Mecca is the holy city Abrahamic Faith Monotheistic

7 Judaism God is the deity – Tetragrammaton, YHVH, Yahweh
The Torah is the sacred text (5 books of Moses) Jerusalem is a city considered holy by Judaism Worship in a synagogue or temple Israel is a key location for Judaism Moses is consider to be a founder Jesus is not the messiah Abrahamic Faith Monotheistic

8 Hinduism Believe in social hierarchy under the Caste System
Thought to be the oldest of the world’s major religions Believe in karma and dharma within the Caste System Ganges River – sacred site to cleanse sins Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the deities Believe in reincarnation (Soul is reborn) No single founder or date of origin The Vedas are the sacred texts Complex philosophies Worship in a temple Polytheistic

9 Hinduism

10 Buddhism Eight fold path to reach Nirvana – An Enlightened State
Take refuge in 3 jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Meditation is used to transcend worldly desires Four Noble Truths – Suffering, Cause, Path, End Sacred text is the Tripitaka (Three Baskets) Practiced mainly in south and east Asia Born with name Siddhartha Gautama Buddha means the Enlightened One Sacred city is Bodh Gaya, India Worship in a temple Bodhi Tree

11 Confucianism Referred to as a religion, but is truly a philosophy
Grounded in ethical behavior and good governance Sacred symbol is Yin-Yang – harmony and balance 3 Areas of Philosophy - Social, Political, Educational Influenced social order and social hierarchy Sacred Site – The temple of Qufu in China Based on the teachings of Confucius Followers view it as a way of life Sacred Text is the Analects

12 Sikhism Sacred Site is Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple)
Communicate with God through meditation Influenced by Islam and Hinduism Forbids discrimination of any kind Sacred city is Amritsar, India Adi Granth is the sacred text Khanda is the sacred symbol Guru Nanak is the founder Mainly found in India Monotheistic

13 Animism – Indigenous Religions
Inanimate objects and natural events have spirits Close relationship with the environment Celebrate with music and dance Shinto in Japan is the largest Traditions are generational Practiced mainly in Africa Native Americans Oral traditions Polytheistic

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