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PBIS is “In The House!” Borland Manor Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS is “In The House!” Borland Manor Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS is “In The House!” Borland Manor Elementary School
Canon-McMillan School District Canonsburg, Pennsylvania @BmeCmsd House!”

2 The Project Team House represents a place of unity and respect.

3 implementation framework, PAWS To Think! for
The marrying of the TEAMology Project TEAM platform with our current PBIS implementation framework, PAWS To Think! for comprehensive building-wide programming.

4 PAWS to Think! Practice Safety Act Respectful Work Hard Show Success

5 PAWS to Think!: Bathroom
Practice Safety: Use soap and water wisely. Clean up after yourself. Act Respectful: Flush toilet. Wait your turn. Work Hard: Get in and out! Show Success: Get back to class in a timely manner. It is important to PAWS to Think! in the bathroom. By remembering to PAWS to Think!, all students will stay safe in the bathroom.

6 PAWS to Think!: Bus Practice Safety: Sit in assigned seat facing forward; Use inside voices Act Respectful: Hands and feet to self; Listen to the bus driver Work Hard: Follow the bus rules Show Success: Be a good passenger It is important to PAWS to Think! on the bus. By remembering to PAWS to Think!, all students will stay safe on the bus.

7 PAWS to Think!: Cafeteria
Practice Safety: Stay in seats. Walking feet at all times. Act Respectful: Listen to adults. Use inside voices. Work Hard: Keep your area clean. Listen for directions. Show Success: Clean up and line up quietly. It is important to PAWS to Think! in the cafeteria. By remembering to PAWS to Think!, all students will stay safe in the cafeteria.

8 PAWS to Think!:Hallway/Stairs
Practice Safety: Eyes forward; Walking feet Act Respectful: Hands to self Work Hard: Stay quiet; Follow traffic: stay to the right side. Show Success: Walk in a straight line It is important to PAWS to Think! in the hallway and on the stairs. By remembering to PAWS to Think!, all students will show respect and stay safe.

9 PAWS to Think!: Inside Recess
Practice Safety: Walking feet during recess; Use inside voices Act Respectful: Share and take turns; Listen to adults Work Hard: Play fair; Clean up toys Show Success: Be a good friend It is important to PAWS to Think! during inside recess. By remembering to PAWS to Think!, all students will stay safe during inside recess and have fun.

10 PAWS to Think!: Playground
Practice Safety: Use equipment safely, walking feet to and from playground and stay in assigned area Act Respectful: Share equipment, take turns, and listen to adults Work Hard: Play fair and clean up toys when 5 minute bell rings Show Success: Be a good friend It is important to PAWS to Think! while on the playground. By remembering to PAWS to Think!, all students will stay safe on the playground.

11 The Project Team Foundations
Helping Others Positive Change Anti-Bullying Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution Resiliency Leadership ** Building our house together **

12 Harper’s Super Power is...
You Can Help Others By… Being a good friend Keeping our classroom and school clean Complimenting someone Doing something nice for someone else Following the classroom and school rules Harper Shows Her PAWS By… ACTING RESPECTFULLY and PRACTICING SAFETY!


14 Project TEAM House Helping Others- Harper Color: Yellow Symbol: Heart
Part of House: Wall One Career Pathway: Human Services

15 Paco’s Super Power is... You Can Make Positive Changes By…
Turning around negative behavior Use different strategies to help you deal with anger or sadness when you don’t get your way Making good choices, even if you’ve made the wrong ones before Working hard and learning new things Paco Shows His PAWS By… WORKING HARD and SHOWING SUCCESS!


17 Project TEAM House Positive Change- Paco Color: Blue
Symbol: Light Bulb Part of House: Wall Two Career Pathway: Health Services

18 Amelia’s Super Power is...
You Can Stand Up Against Bullying By... Being yourself! Standing up when you see a student who is being bullied Being kind and respectful to everyone at BMES Including others when they are left out Amelia Shows Her PAWS By… ACTING RESPECTFULLY! Characters were introduced to the student body at the TEAMology kick-off assembly on September 28, This slide is from the Google Slide presentation.


20 Anti-Bullying- Amelia
Color: Orange Symbol: Peace Sign Part of House: Ceiling Career Pathway: Industrial Technology & Engineering

21 Philo’s Super Power is... You Can Be a Problem Solver By...
Using “Philo’s 5” to solve problems between friends Sound out a word when reading Use a tool or strategy to help you with a math problem Asking a question when you don’t understand something Philo Shows His PAWS By… WORKING HARD and SHOWING SUCCESS!


23 Problem Solving- Philo
Color: Green Symbol: Puzzle Piece Part of House: Window One Career Pathway: Natural Resources

24 Ruby’s Super Power is... You Can Be Resilient By...
Being able to “Bounce Back” after something tough happens Making the right choice, even when the wrong choice seems easier Taking care of others AND yourself Solving a problem in a positive way Ruby Shows Her PAWS By… ACTING RESPECTFULLY, WORKING HARD and SHOWING SUCCESS!


26 Resilency- Ruby Color: Purple Symbol: Bouncy Ball
Part of House: Window Two Career Pathway: Business & Marketing

27 Lamar’s Super Power is... You Can Be a Leader By...
Being a member of our TEAM, and encouraging your friends to be good TEAMmates! Being respectful and responsible Motivating yourself and others Following all of our school’s PAWS expectations Lamar Shows His PAWS By… PRACTICING SAFETY, ACTING RESPECTFULLY, WORKING HARD and SHOWING SUCCESS!


29 Leadership- Lamar Color: Red Symbols: Tie & Muscle Part of House: Door
Career Pathway: Arts & Communication

30 Earning PAWS for Our TEAM!

31 Hey Kindergarten... Do Your Thing!
Your Red Paws Will Help us Count to 10,000!

32 Hey First Grade... Do Your Thing!
Your Orange Paws Will Help us Count to 10,000!

33 Hey Second Grade... Do Your Thing!
Your Yellow Paws Will Help us Count to 10,000!

34 Hey Third Grade... Do Your Thing!
Your Purple Paws Will Help us Count to 10,000!

35 Hey Fourth Grade... Do Your Thing!
Your Green Paws Will Help us Count to 10,000!

36 Teachers in Other Grades
Other Important Paws! Specials Teachers in Other Grades Office Staff These Paws Will Help Us Count to 10,000!

37 And...THE GOLDEN PAW! Be A Part of The Principal’s 100!

38 14 Classrooms 314 Students 45 Staff Members 1 TEAM 1 House

39 Join Us in Saying the TEAMology Pledge!
Today, I am making a pledge to Project TEAM.

40 I am pledging to help those around me when in need.

41 I am pledging to make the right choice, even when the wrong choice seems easier.


43 I am pledging that I will pick myself up when I am down, and help pick up those around me when they are down.

44 I am pledging that I will accept others for who they are, and celebrate our differences.

45 I am pledging to help make this school and this world a better place by always being willing to give a helping hand and work together as a team!

46 Are YOU In The House?


48 We’re In The House!

49 Integrating and Utilizing Directed Social Emotional Learning Platform and its Effects on School Climate Setting a Firm Foundation for Your House by Prioritizing Staff Buy-In TEAMology’s Platform, Resources, and Ease of Use Sample “Roll Out” Plan for Character to Showcase Building-Wide Involvement


51 Engaged staff= Excited students!
Boosting Staff Buy-In TEAMology does not have to be extra and “on top of” everything else we do as teachers All teachers will be involved- no one has to shoulder “the brunt” of it Curriculum ties into all areas and all specialties- especially related arts; everyone has a hand in it! TEAMology is very low-prep and is not a huge time involvement all at once What are ways to energize your staff? Engaged staff= Excited students!


53 The Team Times School Spotlight
Borland Manor Elementary School in the Canon McMillan School District showed off their #TEAMwork by doing the "Paco Walk" in Physical Education class. Thank you for showing us that Project TEAM can be used in ALL classes! Team Times, January 15, 2019

54 The TEAMology Platform
TEAMology lessons are easy to integrate on-the-fly; all planning is done for you! Modify to fit your students’ needs, your own style, or to fit into lessons you are already teaching Ex: Story at Circle Time- find one that exemplifies the character that is being highlighted Ex: Use Social Studies or Literature to show examples of other people showing traits of the highlighted character Explore the platform

55 Rolling Out a Character
Everyone in the building needs to be speaking the TEAM lingo! All faculty members will connect with students about at least one character, no matter their role in the building Plan: Who is doing what and when? Give clear assignments Give realistic timelines Come up with a way to communicate needs/completion of role for each character Use feedback to reflect and tweak as necessary

56 Illustrating how the TEAMology platform aligns with ESSA, MTSS, and PBIS.

57 ESSA Alignment TEAMology provides educators with social emotional learning (SEL) and career readiness language, tools and curriculum to reach every student and meet ESSA regulations. ESSA School Quality/Student Success Measure: School Climate & Safety Using positive behavioral interventions and supports to address the links between social/behavior performance and academic outcomes, attendance, exclusionary discipline practices, and bullying.


59 MTSS/PBIS Continuum of Prevention
Organizational buy-in, implementation across whole school, investment in prevention first, establish continuum of support for ALL students, evidenced-based practices

60 PBIS: Universal (Tier I)
Preventing problem behaviors by implementing high quality learning environments for all students and staff across all settings. School-wide Expectations Expectation Lesson Plans Common Language Core Team Meetings Individual Acknowledgement (Paws / Principal’s 100) Group / School Acknowledgement (Boosters / Celebrations)

61 PBIS & TEAMology: Universal (Tier I)
TEAMology builds on the foundations of PBIS by enhancing existing universal supports and adding new ones. Team Rules Incentives Character Lessons Character Visuals PT Language Related Arts Integration Career Tie-Ins PT Library Classroom Meetings 🔽School-wide Expectations 🔽Expectation Lesson Plans 🔽Common Language 🔽Core Team Meetings 🔽Individual Acknowledgement (Paws / Principal’s 100) 🔽Group / School Acknowledgement (Boosters / Celebrations)

62 PBIS: Targeted (Tier II)
Reducing the number of existing problem behaviors that are high- risk and/or not responsive to universal interventions Check In / Check Out Individual Behavior Plans Counselor-led groups Social Stories Structured Breaks Sensory Tools

63 PBIS & TEAMology: Targeted (Tier II)
TEAMology, again, builds on the foundations of PBIS by enhancing existing targeted supports and adding new ones. Student Teams Intervention Group based on a Leadership Model Approach Teacher Referrals based on At-Risk Students Student TEAMs meet 6-8 times with the school counselor or other staff member Students have the opportunity to work more intensively on each foundation while developing social connections 🔽Counselor-led Groups 🔽Check In / Check Out 🔽Individual Behavior Plans 🔽Social Stories 🔽Structured Breaks 🔽Sensory Tools

64 PBIS: Intensive (Tier III)
Reducing the intensity and/or complexity of existing problem behaviors that are resistant to and/or unlikely to be addressed by universal or targeted interventions Individual Behavior Plans One-on-one counseling Special Education Referral Related service consult Check In / Check Out

65 PBIS & TEAMology: Intensive(Tier III)
TEAMology builds on the foundations of PBIS by enhancing existing targeted supports and adding new ones. PT Individual Plans Behavioral Referral Process Create Individualized Plans based around PT 🔽One-on-one counseling 🔽Check In / Check Out 🔽Individual Behavior Plans 🔽Related service consult 🔽Special Education referral


67 JAM Enterprises @JAMbethekindkid JAM is a non-profit organization run by students grades K-6 that designs and sells/donates #bethekindkid shirts and other items to benefit charities.

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