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Best Guess.

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1 Best Guess

2 Best Guess /ai/ ai. Usually in the middle of words
ay. Usually at the end of words a-e. Overall best guess Rare graphemes: eight, grey, vein, apron, straight, great

3 Best Guess /ee/ ea/ee. Middle of a word y. End of word
e. End of a very short word Other graghemes: Donkey, chief, receipt, people, these

4 Best Guess/oo/ Overall”u-e” In the middle “oo”
Usually at ends “ue” and “ew” Rare Graphemes Uniform, do, view, you, lose, shoes

5 Best Guess/ igh/ Most common is “i-e”.
Next is in the middle “igh” eg. Night Or at the end of a word “igh”. sigh

6 Best Guess/ow/ At the end of a word or followed by “n”. Eg. cow, clown
Most other words are spelt with “ou” eg. mouth Less common Plough

7 Best Guess /oy/ Usually at the beginning or in the middle of a word. “oi” ointment, coin “oy” usually at the end of words eg. toy, destroy

8 Best Guess /oa/ Best bet is o-e
Another good guess is “oa”in the middle of words. eg.boat Usually at the end of words we have “ow” eg. bow Rare graphemes. Sew, hoe, though, soul

9 Best Guess/air/ “air” or “are” are at the start of a word. Eg. airport, area. Rare grapheme Their, aeroplane, vary

10 Best Guess /air/or /are
/air/ at the beginning of a word. Rare graphemes their, aeroplane, vary

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