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Higher National 6 Badminton

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1 Higher National 6 Badminton
Mechanical Principles

2 Mechanical Principles
These are the key movements and positions which influence performance: Balance (individual and team) Transfer of Weight Application of force Rotation Resistance Follow through Levers

3 Balance What is it? Balance is the ability to retain the centre of gravity over your base of support It requires the control of different groups of muscles dependent on the nature of the task

4 Balance What does that mean? You need to keep your body in a stable
position through good body tension and a lower centre of gravity and larger base of support Different muscles will be used for either static balances (hold still) or dynamic balances (maintain balance under constantly changing conditions)

5 Balance Get into a space and try to push each other over (gently)
Easy or hard? Now Stand on one leg and try to push each other over… Easier or harder?

6 Balance Name 2 reasons why a headstand is easier to hold than a handstand? *Think about the centre of gravity and base of support!

7 Balance In the handstand the centre of gravity is higher and the base of support is smaller In the headstand the centre of gravity is lower and the base of support is larger

8 Transfer of weight can increase power in a throwing/ striking action
Moving your weight from back foot to front foot (or vice-versa!) Why is this a good thing? Transfer of weight can increase power in a throwing/ striking action

9 Transfer of Weight For example- In hockey, a player will transfer their weight from the back to front foot as they push the pass quickly to their team mate Can you think of an example in Badminton?

10 Follow Through Happens in kicking, striking and throwing actions
Comes after the preparation and action phases of the skill (RECOVERY) Usually in the direction of the throw or strike

11 Follow Through Why? Helps the throw/ strike go in the right direction
Increases power

12 Application of Force For movement to occur in activities, muscles must contract and apply a force against a resistance to allow movement in the opposite direction. FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS AN EQUAL OPPOSITE REACTION

13 Application of Force For example: Individual :
Swimming- push and glide Running- sprint start Team: Football – kicking the ball Basketball – lay up

14 Application of Force HOW IS FORCE CREATED? Bending knees Bending arms
Contracting muscles to push against something

15 Application of Force Describe one technique where there is an equal and opposite reaction to the force applied.

16 Resistance Disadvantage: Created when you apply a force
Can be an advantage/ disadvantage Disadvantage: Swimming – Water Cycling/Running – Wind (air resistance) How could they reduce this resistance?

17 Resistance Resistance can be also be an ADVANTAGE: Sailing
Athletics - Sprinting blocks Football - Studs Running –Wind behind you WHY?!

18 Streamlined Swimmers have to overcome the resistance of water. This is achieved by using a streamlined body position. To streamline the body the swimmer would put their body into a shape or position, which offers the smallest surface area and offer the least resistance. This would allow the swimmer to cut through the water easier and swim faster.

19 Friction When two surfaces touch friction occurs.
In football, players wear boots with studs. This enables them to grip the ground better, helping them to turn quickly. If a player used flat soled trainers, the lack of friction between the shoe and the ground would result in the player slipping when turning.

20 Levers These are your LIMBS! i.e. your arms and legs
Long Levers are when you strike an object with a straight arm or leg Short Levers are when you strike an object with a bent arm or leg or short implement

21 Long Levers Create power – increase speed and distance Less accuracy
Examples Long badminton racquet Golf Clubs Striking with straight arm

22 Short Levers More accuracy Less Power Examples Table Tennis
Short badminton racquet Golf – pitching wedge

23 Rotation In different activities you rotate in order to carry out effective skills and techniques There are 3 axis of rotation: Vertical Axis – top to bottom (ie – Full turn jump) Transverse Axis – side to side (ie – front somersault, backwards roll) Antero Posterior Axis – front to back (ie – cartwheel)

24 Rotation Transverse Vertical Antero-Posterior

25 Rotation The speed of rotation depends on your body shape
If your body shape is close to the axis you will rotate more quickly If your body shape is further away from your axis you will rotate more slowly E.g. –A trampolinist will tuck his body into a tight ball in order to spin round fast, then extend his arms and body out wide when he wants to slow down. Can you give an example from your National 4/5 Course where you used this principle to help with your performance of a skill?

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