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deft (ADJ) Definition:

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Presentation on theme: "deft (ADJ) Definition:"— Presentation transcript:

1 deft (ADJ) Definition:
skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands Synonyms: skillful, agile, nimble, handy

2 destination (n) Definition:
the place designated as the end, as of a race or journey Synonyms: journey's end, end of the line

3 diminish (V) Definition: decrease in size, extent, or range Synonyms:
decrease, lessen, decline, reduce

4 disdain (N) Definition:
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike Synonyms: contempt, scorn, disrespect

5 dismal (adj) Definition: Causing gloom or depression Synonyms:
miserable, sad, unh appy, sorrowful, des olate, wretched

6 dispel (v) Definition: To cause to drive away; disperse Synonyms:
banish, eliminate

7 eavsedrop (v) Definition:
To listen carefully to the private conversation of others. Synonyms: listen in on, spy on

8 egregious (adj) Definition: Well beyond the bounds of what is right
Synonyms: shocking, appalling,  terrible,awful Do NOT Push

9 ember (n) Definition: A glowing piece of burning wood or coal
Synonyms: glowing coal, live coal

10 emerge (V) Definition: To become visible and known Synonyms:
Appear, surface, materialize

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