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Copy and complete the following chart in your composition book.

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Presentation on theme: "Copy and complete the following chart in your composition book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy and complete the following chart in your composition book.
Word Know it well Have heard/seen it No clue 1. interphase 2. mitosis 3. cytokinesis 4. sythesis 5. chromosome 6. centromere 7. chromotid 8. centriole 9. spindle fibers

2 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Big Idea: Mitosis is the process in which the nucleus divides to form two new nuclei and two cells with identical DNA. Mrs. Camp 7th Grade Life Science 2

3 How do little elephants grow up
to be BIG elephants?

4 Why do animals shed their skin?

5 Notes on Cell cycle (Green slides are to be copied in composition book)
All cells have a cycle: birth, growth & development, and then death. Cells do not take the same amount of time to go through the cycle. (for example: every few seconds a few billion red blood cells are developed. However, skin cells take approximately 21 days.)

6 Phases of the Cell Cycle
The cell cycle consists of Interphase – normal cell activity Mitosis – cell division Cytokinesis – cell splits Copy & label the diagram INTERPHASE (DNA synthesis) Growth G 1 Growth G2 Cell Divsion Mitosis Cytokinesis

7 Have them copy what’s in yellow not all of the examples.
Why do cells make more cells? Three reasons why cells reproduce by asexual reproduction: 20 µm 100 µm 200 µm (1) Reproduction. An amoeba, a single-celled eukaryote, is dividing into two cells. Each new cell will be an individual organism (LM). (2) Growth and development. This micrograph shows a sand dollar embryo shortly after the fertilized egg divided, forming two cells (LM). (3) Repair and replacement. These dividing bone marrow cells (arrow) will give rise to new blood cells (LM). Have them copy what’s in yellow not all of the examples.

8 Stages of the Cell Cycle (Blue slides are for the foldable)
Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis } Mitosis

9 Interphase occurs before mitosis begins
3 stages (G1, S phase, G2) G means gap 90% of the time is spent in Interphase Heredity material is copied and prepares for division Centrioles CELL MEMBRANE Nucleus Cytoplasm

10 Interphase G1 phase – before S phase, growth occurs, organelles are copied, & normal metabolic roles continue S phase – DNA synthesis, chromosomes are duplicated G2 phase – growth and prepares for Mitosis.

Plant Cell Animal Cell Photographs from:

12 Mitosis Definition – the process in which the nucleus divides to form 2 identical nuclei 2nd stage in cell cycle Has 4 phases (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase)

13 Prophase (P…pairs) Mitosis (M1)
Centrioles (or poles) appear and begin to move to opposite end of the cell. Spindle fibers form between the poles. Chromatids condense to form a double rod-shape aka chromosome Centrioles Sister chromatids Spindle fibers

Plant Cell Animal Cell Spindle fibers Centrioles Photographs from:

15 Chromosome Structure Copy and label the diagrams

16 Metaphase (M…middle) Mitosis (M2) Pairs of chromosomes (or chromatids) attach to the spindle fibers and line up along the middle. Centrioles Spindle fibers chromosomes

Plant Cell Animal Cell Photographs from:

18 Anaphase (A…apart) Mitosis (M3) Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) are pulled apart by the spindle fibers and pulled towards the poles. Spindle fibers chromatids Centrioles

Plant Cell Animal Cell Photographs from:

20 Telophase (T…two) Mitosis (M4)
Chromosomes reach the opposite sides of the cell & begin to unravel. New membrane forms around each set of chromosomes & now…Two new nuclei Mitosis ends. Centrioles Spindle fibers

Plant Cell Animal Cell Photographs from:

22 CYTOKINESIS Animation
occurs after Mitosis CYTOKINESIS Animation 3rd stage of Cell Cycle Cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter cells – each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes

23 Cytokinesis Cell furrow – place on animal cell that separation occurs…membrane pinches apart Cell plate - place on a plant cell that separation occurs…breaks apart Cyto means cell Kinesis means movement Now, starts all over again & those 2 cells will become 4, those 4 become 8…

24 Animal Mitosis -- Review
Interphase                                                              Prophase                                                              Metaphase                                                              Anaphase                                                              Telophase                                                             

25 Plant Mitosis -- Review
Interphase                                                              Prophase                                                              Metaphase                                                              Anaphase                                                              Telophase                                                             

26 IPMATC REMEMBER! Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Cytokinesis IPMATC A mnemonic to help remember the stages of mitosis. Interesting People Make A Terrific Conversation

27 Mitosis Animation

28 This may you remember these terms:
MITosis takes the cell and Makes It Two (diploid) Meiosis has to do with sex From the cell’s point of view: mITosis results in Identical Twins mEioSis results in Egg and Sperm (haploid) Clyde Freeman Herreid – Dept. of Biological Sciences: Buffalo State Univ. of New York

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