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ILO-EPSU collective bargaining survey

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1 ILO-EPSU collective bargaining survey
ILO-EPSU Decent Work for Workers in Public Services Project Workshop: Sofia, 2-4 September 2015

2 Collective bargaining – ILO-EPSU survey
35 Responses: Workshop 1, Bratislava: 9 (Czech Republic 4, Hungary 1, Poland 1, Slovakia 3); Workshop 2, Budva: 12 (Albania 3, Croatia 2, FYRO Macedonia 3, Montenegro 1, Serbia 3); Workshop 3, Tallinn: 6 (Armenia 1, Estonia 2, Lithuania 3) Workshop 4, Sofia: 8 (Bulgaria 2, Moldova 1, Romania 4, Turkey 1) ILO-EPSU Decent Work for Workers in Public Services Project Workshop: Sofia, 2-4 September 2015

3 Collective bargaining – ILO-EPSU survey
Impact of legislation on collective bargaining WK 1 WK 2 WK 3 WK 4 Improved 44 25 50 Stayed the same 42 63 Worsened 11 37  Type of process Collective bargaining 89 92 67 100 Consultation 8 33 Implementation Collective agreement 78 83 Various types of agreements , including statutory regulations 22 17 ILO-EPSU Decent Work for Workers in Public Services Project Workshop : Sofia, 2-4 September 2015

4 Collective bargaining – ILO-EPSU survey
Frequency of negotiations WK 1 WK 2 WK 3 WK 4 Annual 67 17 63 Bienniel 33 37 Triennial 11 4year/Depending on situation and need 22 Timetable and start Regular timetable 50 Not regular Start with union claim Start with meeting with employers to discuss framework of negotiations 41 Other 9 Type of negotiations Competitive 44 8 13 Co-operative 56 92 83 87 Trained negotiators 75 ILO-EPSU Decent Work for Workers in Public Services Project Workshop: Sofia, 2-4 September 2015

5 Collective bargaining ILO-EPSU survey
Main issues for collective bargaining  WK 1 WK 2 WK 3 WK 4 Basic pay 100 58 50 63 Other pay elements 89 92 37 Working time 68 25 67 Pensions 33 13 Training 11 8 Gender issues 22 17 Other (conditions for trade union work) Information used to justify the claim Inflation 42 Economic growth Earnings trends Comparisons with private sector Comparisons with other industries/services Other ILO-EPSU Decent Work for Workers in Public Services Project Workshop: Sofia, 2-4 September 2015

6 Collective bargaining – ILO-EPSU survey
Member consultation before negotiations  WK 1 WK 2 WK 3 WK 4 Always 89 67 50 75 Usually 11 33 25 Sometimes 17 Keep members up-to-date during negotiations 78 83 22 Mobilisation of members during negotiations 44 42 Never Use of media 56 58 Promotion of results of negotiations 63 37 8

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