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English 10 - 11/13/18 “[D]edication and persistence in the face of obstacles are key ingredients in outstanding achievement.” – Ericson, How does.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 11/13/18 “[D]edication and persistence in the face of obstacles are key ingredients in outstanding achievement.” – Ericson, How does."— Presentation transcript:

1 English /13/18 “[D]edication and persistence in the face of obstacles are key ingredients in outstanding achievement.” – Ericson, How does this quote relate to your life and Pi’s? Who keeps the ocean clean? Kalology – the study of beauty. Goals – Examine, analyze, and compare an exemplar of intro paragraph and topic sentences to the structure outline. Check for body paragraph quotes. Go to lab 102 to write. Homework – Make sure your have a complete intro paragraph and three rudimentary body paragraphs that contain topic sentence and quote. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz 10 Friday. A mermaid.

2 English /14/18 By the end of the book Pi is still a religious man despite experiencing great trials and evil. How can he still believe in a benevolent God? Or does he? What do you get when you cross an agnostic, a dyslexic, & an insomniac? Osmics – the scientific study of smells. Goals – Understand how to include author’s purpose, layering/analysis, and how to use transition words within paragraphs. Homework – Complete at l;east one body paragraph. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz 10 Friday. Someone who stays up all night wondering if there's a dog!

3 English 10 - 11/15/18 Write on a topic of your choice.
Did you hear about the contortionist who married a fortune teller? Phobiology – the study of phobias. Goals – Learn how to construct relative clauses and closing paragraphs. Homework – Complete two more body paragraphs. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz 10 Friday. They had a child who could foresee it's own end.

4 English 10 - 11/16/18 Five minutes to study for Vocab. 10 quiz.
Did you hear about the robbery at the police station, someone stole all of the toilet seats? Polemology – the study of war. Goals - Complete and correct Vocab 10 quiz. Go to computer lab, if time. Homework – Begin Study for Vocab 11 quiz. The cops have nothing to go on.

5 English 10 - Five minutes to study for Vocab. 9 quiz.
What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal? Wonk – slang for someone who studies excessively. “Know” spelled backwards. Goals –Complete Vocab 9 quiz. Go to lab to work on Self-reliance outlines. Homework – Complete Vocab 9 quiz. Have a great break. Search Poetry Out Loud for a poem. A polar bear

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