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2 nd seminar of the joint EMF/EUROFER EU project Towards an European steel council on jobs and skills? Identifying the actors Brussels, 18 March 2011 Mrs.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd seminar of the joint EMF/EUROFER EU project Towards an European steel council on jobs and skills? Identifying the actors Brussels, 18 March 2011 Mrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd seminar of the joint EMF/EUROFER EU project Towards an European steel council on jobs and skills? Identifying the actors Brussels, 18 March 2011 Mrs. Gáborné MARCZIS Dr. executive director Association of the Hungarian Steel Industry Facts and figures of the Hungarian Steel Industry

2 Crude steel production of World and Europe (Mio tonnes)

3 Crude steel production of World and Hungary

4 Crude steel production of Europe and Hungary (Mio tonnes)

5 Production (thousand metric tons)

6 Total steel use (without import steel structures)

7 Trade of rolled products

8 Apparent Steel Use (y-o-y% growht)

9 Forecast apparent steel consumption (Mt) +9,7% +4,2%

10 Trend Apparent consumption in Hungary in kg finished steel per capita

11 Average number of employees in the Hungarian steel industry

12 Main steel companies ISD DUNAFERR Group: - ISD Dunaferr Ironworks Co. - ISD POWER Energy Producer and Supplier Ltd. - DUTRADE Steel Product Processing and Training Co. - Dunaferr Ferromark Ltd. - ISD Coking Plant Ltd. - Firing Technology Research and Development Co. Ózd Steelworks Ltd. Bolt and Drawn Products Co. Salgótarján Steelgoods Factory Co.

13 Social Partners national level The workers negotiating group: Autonomous Trade Unions Confederation Confederation of Unions of Professionals Democratic Confederations of Free Trade Union National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Union National Federation of Workers Counsils Forum for the Co-operation of Trade Unions The employers negotiating group: Union of Agrarian Employers National Federation of Consumer Co-operative Societies and Trade Associations Hungarian Association of Craftsmens Corporation National Federation of Traders and Caterers Hungarian Industrial Association National Federation of Agricultural Cooperators and Producers Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialist National Association of Strategic and Public Utility Companies National Association of Enterpreneurs and Employers

14 Social Partners sectoral level Employers: Association of the Hungarian Steel Industry Association of Hungarian Foundries Hungarian Federation of Aluminium Industrys Employers Employees: Metalworkers Union (VASAS) Federation of Aluminium Industry Workers of Hungary National Alliance of Workers Councils in the Metal and Machinery Industries LIGA Metal and Iron Industry Association

15 Bodies operating in the field of jobs and skills Non-govermental organisations such as the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry play a major role in the developement of the professional and examination requirements of OKJ qualifications, the organization of vocational examinations, quality assurance functions related to school – based IVET. National Interest Reconciliation Council. Adult Training Accreditation Body performs tasks related to institution and programme accreditation and quality assurance in adult training (national level). Seven regional developement and training committees, operated by the Education Office, play an increasingly important role in VET administration. Regional integrated vocational training centres (TISZK), have been funded to get access to structural funds.

16 In the Steel industry spesifically County Chambers Regional integrated vocational training centres Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists ISD DUNAFERR Co. Training and Developement Department (Human Institute)

17 Hungarian VET system VET system exist under the Ministry for National Economy (as a State Secretry but other state Secretaries are also involved in the development of the content of VET). The National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education assist as Ministry. The Ministrys developements, coordination, research, information and consultancy tasks are releated to VET and adult training. County goverments and local municipalities main role is to maitain public schools, including VET schools. These bodies have to develop a quality management programme defining their expectation towards its schools and their inspection activites. Further organisation with a significant role in VET administration is National Interest Reconciliation Council (OÉT).

18 REGULATION In Hungary the provision of VET is governed by Act LXXVI of 1993. All state recognised vocational qualifications obtainable within or outside the school system are defined in the National Qualification Register (OKJ) providing a unified qualification system linking IVET and CVET. Both IVET and CVET are provided in three sub-sectors of education: public education, higher education and adult training.

19 QUALITY ASSURANCE At national level the Adult Training Accreditation Body (FAT) perform tasks related to institution and programme accreditation and quality assurance in adult training.

20 Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ); Chambers; National Education and Examination Centre (OKÉV); Adult Training Accreditation (FAT); ISD DUNAFERR Human Institute or Training and Developement Department; Secondary Vocational School (Dunaújváros); University of Miskolc; Association of the Hungarian Steel Industry (member companies and experts); Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee of Metallurgy. Main point of VET In the Hungarian Steel Industry

21 Professional training (skilled workforce) in the Hungarian Steel Industry There is a lack of professionals in a lot of professions in other areas there are too many. The number of vocational students is continuously decreasing. The school-system training of the traditional metallurgists professions (smelter, roller, caster, etc.) has practically ceased by the end of the millennium. There are fewer and fewer courses at the higher-level professional training in the traditional metallurgical field. Supplying the skilled workforce has required serious organizational and financial efforts from the steel industrial companies in the past years and even presently as well.


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