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Moderation of Writing KS1 & KS2

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1 Moderation of Writing KS1 & KS2
Sunday 12th March 2017

2 Writing acceptable as independent:
Work redrafted by the pupil after discussion with the teacher Work redrafted in response to peer or group evaluation. Pupils can also independently use classroom resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses, word banks, classroom displays, books or websites Clarification: key stage 1 and 2 teacher assessment and moderation guidance STA March 2016

3 Writing would not be independent:
if the work was modelled or heavily scaffolded, copied or paraphrased the teacher has directed the pupil to change specific words or punctuation Clarification: key stage 1 and 2 teacher assessment and moderation guidance STA March 2016

4 Writing is likely to be independent if it
emerges from a quality text, topic, visit, or curriculum experience, in which pupils have had a range of opportunities to explore and discuss what is to be written about enables pupils to apply their learning independently, possibly with an element of choice, for example writing from the perspective of a chosen character 2017 teacher assessment external moderation: key stage 2 writing for schools and local authorities: October 2016

5 Update from STA: video on 10th March 2017
For evidence presented for TA moderation, it’s important that a pupil hasn’t been ‘over aided’ e.g. Specific direct input through marking (e.g. sp in margin of a line containing incorrect spelling) The rest of the piece of work could still provide evidence for other statements.

6 Update from STA: Acceptable:
Pupil response to a more generic comment (e.g check your spellings at the end of a piece of writing, after a paragraph or block of text) video on 10th March 2017

7 Writing is likely to be independent if it:
has been independently edited and / or redrafted by the pupil. This may be in response to self, peer, or group evaluation is produced by pupils who have independently drawn on classroom resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses, word banks, classroom displays, books or websites for support or ideas is informed by clear learning objectives and limited success criteria which are not over detailed and do not over-aid pupils 2017 teacher assessment external moderation: key stage 2 writing for schools and local authorities: October 2016

8 Success Criteria update
Success Criteria must not specifically direct pupils as to what to include or where to include something in their writing. STA video on 10th March 2017

9 Success Criteria which are not over detailed?

10 Spelling The word lists in the National Curriculum for years 3 and 4, and years 5 and 6, are statutory. Pupils are not required to evidence all of these words across their range of writing where listed words are used, some, or most, must be spelt correctly 2017 teacher assessment external moderation: key stage 2 writing for schools and local authorities: October 2016

11 Common exception words
There are no ‘common exception words’ within the KS2 programme of study. The National Curriculum for years 3/4, and 5/6, includes some words that do not follow the taught rules and guidance There is no statutory requirement for pupils to include these words in their writing. Where listed words are used, some, or most, must be spelt correctly 2017 teacher assessment external moderation: key stage 2 writing for schools and local authorities: October 2016

12 Handwriting Any pupil whose work does not evidence one, or more than one, of the statements relating to handwriting can be awarded the ‘working towards the expected standard’ or ‘working at the expected standard’, but cannot be awarded ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard’. handwriting books or handwriting exercises can provide evidence of pupils’ independent application of handwriting. there must be evidence that the ‘expected’ handwriting statements are met in some pieces of independent writing. 2017 teacher assessment external moderation: key stage 2 writing for schools and local authorities: October 2016

13 Punctuation Colons and semi-colons require only for introducing and within lists for working at the expected standard (EXS) Any of either commas, brackets or dashes are acceptable to show parenthesis, not all 3 Bullet points not required at any standard, but if present need to be consistent a Ellipsis not required at any standard. STA video on 10th March 2017

14 Shifts in formality More than one shift in several pieces of work for Greater Depth. STA video on 10th March 2017

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