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Poster Lightning Talks

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1 Poster Lightning Talks
The 6th International Women in HPC Workshop In collaboration with the SC17 conference Chair: Misbah Mubarak

2 Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS
Marla Meehl | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Boulder, CO, USA

3 Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS)
Team Marla Meehl - PI - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Wendy Huntoon – Co-PI - KINBER Kate Petersen Mace, Lauren Rotman and Jason Zurawski - ESnet/DOE Eileen Waukau & Belinda Housewright - UCAR Rasha El-Jaroudi – UT Austin

4 Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS
Challenge: Scaling - how many women can SCinet support - new and returning (13 total to date) How many women can the WINS Management team support, e.g. travel, logistics, report-outs Funding: report-outs, international participants, alternative funding (non- NSF), workforce grants, SC, scholarships Broader Impact: Professional development Build professional network Raise awareness throughout community Create a more diverse pipeline for SCinet volunteers while raising overall visibility of the SC volunteer opportunity Deliverables: Have funded 19 women to participate in SCinet Have provided 15 report- outs to diverse communities Have successfully partnered with Internet2 Gender Diversity and SC diversity efforts Metadata tag:

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