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Following conversations the following documents were required

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2 Following conversations the following documents were required
SEF SIAMs Evaluation Spirituality Policy Well-being policy School Development Plan Church Distinctiveness Development Plan Collective Worship Policy RE Policy Inclusion Policy Anti Bullying

3 SIAMS Pre-inspection plan (PIP)
The SIAMS Pre-inspection plan is a brief analysis of the evidence available to the inspector immediately prior to the inspection. It considers how accurately the evidence supports the school’s self-evaluation for each of the strands and the inspection grades. The lines of enquiry identify where the inspector will focus attention in order to help the school make evidence available. The PIP will form the basis of discussion with members of the school community, particularly senior leaders.




7 PIP meeting with HT and senior leaders
8.00 – 8.30am PIP meeting with HT and senior leaders 8.30am – 8.35am Introductory meeting with staff 8.35 – 9.00 Meeting with SLT – vision and values 9.00 – 9.30am Collective Worship 9.30 – 9.45 Meeting with Father Jerry 9.45 – 10.15 Learning environment and classroom walk 10.15 – 10.35 Meeting with newer/longstanding member of staff 10.35 – 10.50 Meet with children’s Faith Group who will bring: Collective Worship journal, values books and information about P4C 10.50 – 11.05 Break time 11.05 – 11.30 KS1 lesson observation 11.30 – 11.50 Meeting with inclusion manager and SEND governor 11.50 – 12.25 Sample of pupils’ RE Work and English work 12.25 – 1.00 Lunch 1.00 – 1.30 Inspector Reflection time and mid-point update of headteacher 1.30 – 1.50 KS2 observation 1.50 – 2.05 Pupils Y2 – Y6 with their books 2.10 – 2.40 P4C session and enrichment drop ins 2.40 – 3.00 Development meeting with HT 3.00 – 3.15 Meeting with parents 3.15 – 3.30 Meet with Governor – Faith Group / Vice Chair 3.30 – 4.30 Inspector reflection 4.30 – 5.00 Final Feedback

8 Sources of evidence used for analysis
Evidence requested to be made available on the day School website Previous SIAMS and Ofsted reports SEF and SIAMS self-evaluation Development planning and RE/CW action planning for current and previous years Note of Visit – diocesan Policies including: RE, collective worship, behaviour, inclusion, teaching and learning. Current data for progress, attainment and attendance Behaviour incident log Record of staff/governor CPD Recent minutes of governors/ethos committee meetings – showing involvement in vision of school (monitoring and evaluation) Most recent headteacher’s report to governors Analysis of recent questionnaire – staff, pupil, parent – focus on vision/RE/worship RE scheme of work and evidence of monitoring, evaluating quality, attainment/progress Collective worship – annual plan, any evidence of monitoring, evaluating the quality and impact of worship across the school community.

9 How well does the current evidence support the school’s self-evaluation?
How effectively does the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, enable its pupils and adults to flourish? School’s current self-evaluation grade: Good/very good The evidence so far suggests the school’s grade may be accurate (for good) The evidence so far does not provide sufficient evidence to support the school’s grade.* *Highlight as applicable The impact of collective worship In a VA school only: The effectiveness of teaching and learning in RE

10 2 Wisdom Knowledge Skills The curriculum appears to be broad and balanced and to reflect the school’s vision and values well. RE it taught for one afternoon per week using the diocesan scheme of work, adapted to meet the needs of the school. It appears to be suitable adapted to meet the needs of pupils with SEND (especially autistic pupils) who for two afternoon per week have special sessions to support them. A range of sporting, artistic and academic extra-curricular clubs run which seem to provide extension and enjoyment opportunities for pupils. Take-up of these clubs is yet to be ascertained. The school seems to have a clear understanding of spiritual development expressed on its website, in policies and in practice. It has identified the need to further improve the development of ‘spirituality’ using the Windows, Mirrors, Doors approach. Pupils and adults appear to be well encouraged to reflect and consider issues of religious and spiritual importance through for example, the worship programme, reflection diaries in Key Stage 2, through RE and other curriculum areas as appropriate. The school’s prayer, incorporating its values, was written by the faith group, and seems to point towards a recognition of the importance of prayer and reflection in school life. Attainment and progress has improved significantly over the past 3 years (now in line with or above local and national averages overall). There appears to be a good focus on meeting the needs of pupils (academically and personally) based on the school’s explicit Christian vision. This will need to be verified during the inspection day, especially with regards to the more vulnerable pupils.

11 3 Character Development: Hope Aspiration Courageous Advocacy It seems that pupils are developing good attitudes towards learning based on the school’s Christian underpinning. It appears that pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and others well across the school, including through charitable giving and involvement in the local community. RE and the worship programme seem to encourage pupils to consider issues of social and moral concern and to equip pupils to think about the difference they can make. The school has plans in place to develop further a ‘big questions board’, to establish a debating club and to become a Forest School as part of the ways in which it expresses its Christian vision and supports the character development of pupils. How the school develops a global awareness of justice and equality for example is something that is not clear on current evidence. 4 Community and Living Well Together It seems that the school’s Christian ethos and values, based on its underpinning vision, supports pupils and staff across the community – behaviour and attitudes both appear to be positive with clear practices (including restorative justice) in place to support improvements in attitudes/behaviour. These appear to be consistently applied. Philosophy 4 Children (P4C) approaches alongside collective worship and RE would seem to effectively encourage thinking and action.



14 St John’s Church of England Primary School
School Development Plan Priority 1: Church Distinctiveness 1.1 Vision and Leadership: vision and values is made explicit and the school lives out the Christian Vision 1.2 Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills: the Christian vision meets the academic and spiritual needs of all learners 1.3 Character development, hope, aspiration: developing social action 1.4 Community and living well: practice of forgiveness and reconciliation encouraging good mental health 1.5 Dignity and respect: curriculum encourages respect for difference 1.6 Impact of Collective Worship: Planning, monitoring and evaluating CW involves a range of members of the community. Pupils are involved in this process 1.7 effectiveness of RE: curriculum planning for RE reflects theology, philosophy and human science. Pupils develop appropriate skills. RE lessons discuss religious, spiritual and philosophical ideas. Actions from the SDBE review FG 2.1 Wider curriculum review: assess what is taught against the school values and the CofE Vision for Education FG 2.2 Strengthen the role of the full governing body in understanding church school distinctiveness, e.g. the expectation that each governor would attend one collective worship annually as a minimum FG 2.3 the links between the school and the parish so that there is a wide variety of interactions FG 2.4 Continue to develop creativity in the RE curriculum, particularly at KS2 where there is further work to do, through the ongoing Schemes of Work review FG 2.5 Develop the RE subject knowledge of all staff, particularly in the area of other world religions FG 2.6 Pursue the Philosophy 4 Children approach as planned, to deepen pupil understanding and independent thinking


16 Our Mission: Guided by our Christian values, strive for ‘Excellent and Enjoyment’ in all that we achieve For every member of the school community to fulfil God’s gift of reaching their full potential in a Christian environment. Our values are informed by the values central to Christianity – Faith, Love, Respect and Thankfulness We want every member of the school to discover and realise their true potential in a Christian environment. Our vision We would like our vision to inspire further progress and developments in the future. To be an inclusive, caring, Christian community all are considerate of each other, supportive To promote communal responsibility for the local and global environment – breaking the barrier global links supporting other, blogs, To develop independence, new skills, new knowledge and an enquiring mind – independence and initiative. Children responsible for everything to develop their skills To provide a safe, happy and friendly environment which encourages all to succeed in reaching their potential through a desire for excellence, using challenging, active and creative learning – quality over quantity – always. Engaging project based learning and exciting opportunities – Forest school, FFLP, outdoor learning To provide a ‘next generation’ learning environment that promotes new technology for stimulating learning and advancing skills

17 Our Values Our Christian values help guide us and shape who we are Faith Love Thankfulness Respect Our values play a positive role in pupils’ development and help to guide us through our lives. Opportunities are provided for our Pupils to reflect on these values - which will help to guide them through their lives and to develop Christian attitudes in making positive contributions to our community.

18 Faith 1 Samuel 17: David And Goliath Luke 1:26-38
Isaiah 43:2 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. 3For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; 4since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you, 1 Samuel 17: David And Goliath Luke 1:26-38 The Birth Of Jesus Foretold Exodus14: Moses

19 Training Collective Worship Spirituality RE curriculum and progress / assessments Faith Group and Governors Small Faith Group Leadership Partnerships Website Surveys Inclusion / Data



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