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Use Figurative Language

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Presentation on theme: "Use Figurative Language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Figurative Language
State a Fact or Statistic State Your Opinion Hooking the Reader Paint the Setting AQQS Anecdote Quote Question Statement of Intrigue Make a Bold Or Challenging Statement

2 Make your writing a page turner!
The lead (beginning or introduction) establishes the direction your writing will take. A good lead grabs your reader's attention and refuses to let go. In other words, it hooks the reader.

3 Hooking a reader when you are writing an essay is just as important as a movie trailer is to the success of the movie.You want to give “a little bit” of the content, but you really want them to “buy the ticket.” This presentation will introduce you to some types of introductions so that you can use them as your own when you write.

4 Get the reader’s attention- HOOK
REMEMBER THE RULE OF 3! Your introduction should have at least 3 concise and clear sentences. You can have more, but these are a MUST. You should accomplish 3 things with your introduction: Get the reader’s attention- HOOK Present your topic and purpose- TOPIC is evident or we can infer it somehow even through tone and mood Connect with your audience- INTERESTING in someway, don’t be boring and vague.

5 Your INTRO will take the shape of an inverted triangle!
HOOK- 1st sentence or two Present your TOPIC and Purpose Connect with your Audience

6 Let’s Take a Closer Look at Some Examples

7 Ask a Thought Provoking Question
AVOID meaningless questions that don’t ask the reader to think critically; a question you don’t expect the reader to answer. Examples of Meaningless Questions Do you hate school uniforms? I do and here’s why. Do you have a favorite season? Well I do. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to score a goal in soccer? Well, I’ll tell you about mine.

8 Acne, baldness, high blood pressure. Sound attractive, fellas
Acne, baldness, high blood pressure. Sound attractive, fellas? Or ladies, how about a deep voice, facial hair, and female baldness? All of these appealing attributes, along with many others, are side effects of using steroids, yet people continue to use them!

9 They assured me that my choice would change nothing
They assured me that my choice would change nothing. But, how could it not? How can you sit down at ten years old and choose between your father and your mother, knowing the other will be devastated?

10 Use a Personal Experience- Anecdote
I remember the day like it was yesterday. April 23, 2015 will be a day that will live with me forever. I hung my head in grief and through tears, took one last look at my dog Max. He was the best dog anyone could ask for and will always live within me.

11 “10, 9, 8, 7, 6…” It was my first basketball game
and I had the ball with the clock ticking away. I was standing on top of the world. However, to get to that point, I had to go through pre-game jitters, the embarrassing shot, and the opponent’s hard stares. Yes, it takes determination to succeed.

12 One day, when I was nine years old, my mom and dad woke me for school
One day, when I was nine years old, my mom and dad woke me for school. We had cereal together in the kitchen. They asked if I’d brushed my teeth. They walked me to the bus stop and told me to have a good day. It was a completely normal morning, which is what really gets me, because eight hours later, they would drop the bomb on me that we were moving to Louisiana. I never saw that coming.

13 OPEN WITH A QUOTATION Be sure to put quotation marks around the direct words spoken and say who said it!!!! You can use a quotations from your own mouth or others in your story or from a famous person, song, or movie.

14 Examples of Famous Quotes
“A penny saved is a penny earned.” –Benjamin Franklin “All that glitters is not gold.” – Shakespeare Student Example: John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I think today's Americans have forgotten Kennedy's message. We expect our country to take care of us, but we are not taking care of our country.

15 Use Figurative Language to Hook Your Reader
Time flies when you are having fun! Begin with a simile - Comparison using “like” or “as” Begin with a metaphor - Comparison stating one thing is another thing Begin with personification - Give non living objects human characteristics

16 Mississippi is the red-headed step-child
of Hurricane Katrina. The loss of life and property in this gulf state have almost been completely forgotten by the rest of the country after the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina back in September 2005.

17 Tardies have overtaken our schools like cancer. (simile)
Bad school lunches have become the pimple on our school’s otherwise clear complexion. (metaphor) The wind howled with fear as the storm raged on. At any moment, I was afraid that my roof would collapse onto us as we sat by candlelight and prayed the storm would pass. (personification)

18 MAKE A BOLD STATEMENT- Statement of Intrigue
Making a bold or strong statement can get the reader’s attention. It can be weird, shocking, funny, or just plain bold.

19 It's time we faced the facts of the matter
It's time we faced the facts of the matter. They have been gassed, poisoned, starved and sterilized. Yet, they still thrive today in vast numbers and are multiplying at alarming rates. If we do not fight back, they could take over the world! Unfortunately, the Orkin man did not accomplish his mission. Cockroaches are taking over humanity! There is no such thing as free will. If it existed, I would have had a say in when, where, and to whom I was born.

20 State a Fact or Statistic The idea here is to present your reader with a fact or statistic that they are unaware of. The fact will somehow have to relate to you personally or to your topic. Every cell in the human body is replaced over the course of about seven years. That means, not one part of me from that November day, eight years ago is still with me today. 25% of anorexia and bulimia sufferers with eating disorders are men, so why did I feel so alone? Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, could spend one million dollars per day, every day, seven days a week and would not run out of money until he was 311 years old! Most would agree that he has reached a point of financial security. In fact, it would be almost impossible to figure out how one could spend one million dollars per day. For most Americans, finding an occupation that is satisfying, earning enough money to live comfortably, and figuring out a realistic blend between work and leisure are three essential factors in beginning one’s career.

21 Setting You can do this by clearly describing your setting so your reader can envision it; once in, it will be difficult for them to get out. As he pounded on the door, the room shook. I knew it would open eventually, and nothing would be the same, but I wasn’t watching the door. I couldn’t take my eyes off the Little League trophy that was slowly moving closer and closer to the edge of my shelf. I knew I was in big trouble. There was an old water tower in my hometown that I’d climb from time to time. I’d sit dangling my feet off the edge, picking at the flaking turquoise paint, and watching the cars carry those lucky people down that road, towards the setting sun, far away from me. I couldn’t wait for the day I could actually leave this town too. Tomorrow wasn’t soon enough.

22 DON”T FORGET! Do NOT use the following phrases:
“In this story…” “I am going to tell you about…” “I will write about…” “The first reason is…” “The second reason is…”

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