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San Antonio BEST 2018 Kick-off

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Presentation on theme: "San Antonio BEST 2018 Kick-off"— Presentation transcript:

1 San Antonio BEST 2018 Kick-off
September 15, 2018 St Mary’s University

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Scholarships & Sponsors
Teacher Service Awards Awards Schedule & Contact Information Kit Reminders Game Overview Q & A Game Demo & Kit Pick-up

3 Teams – 1/3 SAISD Advanced Learning Academy Alamo Home School
JB Alexander HS Antonian College Preparatory HS Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Brennan HS Canyon HS Canyon Lake HS CAST STEM HS Clemens HS Davis MS Devine HS Edison HS El Campo HS Anne Frank Inspire Academy

4 Teams – 2/3 Harlandale HS Holy Cross of San Antonio
IDEA San Benito College Prep John Jay Science and Engineering Academy Lyndon B Johnson HS Jourdanton HS Jubilee Academy- San Antonio La Feria HS Longfellow MS Madison HS Marshall HS Memorial Early College HS Navarro HS Pieper Ranch MS Pleasanton HS

5 Teams – 3/3 St. Anthony Catholic HS School of Science and Technology
Smithson Valley HS Smithson Valley MS Stacey HS STEM Early College HS Stevens HS Taft HS United Engineering and Technology Magnet United South HS Uvalde HS Warren HS Weslaco HS Winston School San Antonio

6 2017 Results BEST Award Contest UET Magnet Smithson Valley MS
John Jay SEA JB Alexander Holy Cross Spring Branch MS IDEA San Benito Antonian Prep. Contest UET Magnet Winston School St Gregory Alamo Home Canyon Lake HS John Jay SEA Lanier HS Madison HS

7 SA BEST Sponsors – 1/2 Saint Mary’s University Corporate Gold Silver
Andeavor Foundation Gold Cutshall Consulting, LLC Southwest Research Institute Silver Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)

8 SA BEST Sponsors- 2/2 Bronze
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Central Texas Section Security Services FCU Friends AT&T Creative Trophies CH Guenther & Son Tom & Susanne O’Brien United Health

9 Scholarships St. Mary’s University
$60,000 & $50,000 St. Mary’s scholarship to a senior on the 1st and 2nd place competition teams, respectively. Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Cash scholarships to seniors on the BEST Award and Competition teams.

10 BEST-wide Sponsorship
National Partner MathWorks – MATLAB and SIMULINK software Equipment Provider igus – precision plastic and aluminum components Software Provider Autodesk – CAD software HSMWorks – CAM software for SolidWorks Intelitek – EasyC software Robomatter – RobotC Software Siemens – SolidEdge & Catchbook (CAD) SolidWorks – solid modeling software Wolfram – Mathematica software Resource Provider Solidwize – Training for SolidWorks

11 Teacher Service Awards
5 Years Brandon Baldwin 10 Years Patrick Fallin Manuel Gonzalez Curtis Hatch 20 Years Jeff Szabo 25 Years Susan Ng These awards are for teachers reaching the listed milestone this year.

12 Mentor/Volunteers In addition to the teachers, there are many others that help with the success of SA BEST. If you’re a mentor or a volunteer, please stand!

13 Awards List (… and the 2017 recipients)
BEST Award – First through Fourth Founders Award – First and Second (St Gregory & Winston) Most Robust (Holy Cross HS) Good Lookin’ John Wigand Most Photogenic (Madison HS) BEST T-shirt (Devine HS) BEST Table Display/Interview (Smithson Valley MS) Most Spirit (IDEA San Benito) Most Sportsmanship (Alexander HS) Best Use of Game Theme (Alamo Home) Blood Sweat & Duct Tape (Stevens HS) SAME Award (Antonian Prep) Software Design Award Simulation (UET Magnet) Details can be found in the provided documents and on the USB Drive

14 BEST Award Components Project Engineering Notebook (30 pts)
Marketing Presentation (25 pts) Team Exhibit & Interview (20 pts) Spirit & Sportsmanship (10 pts) Robot Performance (15 pts) All teams must submit a notebook. Notebooks must be submitted online at the SA BEST web site.

15 Engineering Notebook Format your notebook by judging criteria: make it easy for the judges, i.e., section headings consistent with and in the order of the judging criteria. Please review the award policies and score sheets.

16 Marketing Presentation
Presentation geared as a company (the team) marketing their product (the robot) to prospective buyers/investors (the judges). Emphasis on the team brand. Review the scoresheets.

17 Team Exhibit and Interview
Exhibit: Show interaction with other teams and community promotion of BEST. Provide brand experience and demonstrate sustainable methods (game theme) in exhibit. Interview: Student’s demonstration of product and brand knowledge with clarity and confidence.

18 Spirit & Sportsmanship
Includes: enthusiasm, posters, signs, props, costumes, cheerleaders, mascots, bands. Helping other teams.

19 Awards Wrap-up Please review the score sheets! The judging focus continues to evolve – what worked well last year, may not be correct this year. Project Engineering Notebook is mandatory for ALL teams. It’s important for the BEST Award: 30 Points, and it may earn you a spot in the semi-finals via the wildcard game. Have a plan for your notebook and document your process as you go. Plan to be done with your notebook before your robot is complete. Most Important - Have Fun!

20 Advancing to the State Level Competition
There are two state level championships combined into one competition: Texas BEST Championship UIL State Championship As in the past, teams can advance to Texas BEST based on either: BEST Award Performance Final Ranking in the Robotics Competition UIL advancement is separate and is based on: Registration to participate as a UIL team at the SA BEST level Texas BEST and the UIL Championship will determine the advancing team allotment for SA BEST for both events. The allocations for advancing UIL teams are specific to school size. The number of teams advancing will be determined after all kickoff events have been completed.

21 Summary of Important Dates
10/15 (Mon) – Online program information deadline 10/21 (Sun) – Demo Day (test your robot here!) 10/21 (Sun) – BEST Notebook and Demographics File due online by 3:00 PM 10/27 (Sat) – BEST Presentations Signup on Demo Day. 10/27 (Sat) – Machine Compliance Check Driver’s roster due. 10/28 (Sun) – SA BEST Competition 11/29 – 12/1 (Thu-Sat) – UIL & Texas BEST Competition Remember: Demo Day is Required! (and a great time to practice)

22 Game Day Program Information
By October 15, teachers need to provide the team information (lists of students, mentors, and teachers, team name, team statement, etc…) for the printed program that we hand out on game day. The Team Information form is to be filled out online at the SA BEST web site (you must be logged in to have access to the form for your team). Please contact if you need help with this.

23 Notebook & Demographics Submission
Each team must submit a notebook and their demographics information online at the SA BEST website by Demo Day (Sunday, 10/21) at 3:00 pm. The notebook must be a pdf file (use “Save as” in MS Word) The demographics file must be the (completed) Excel spreadsheet available in the SA BEST files area. Please verify that you have uploaded a complete pdf document (you can download your document to check this). Even if not participating in other aspects of the BEST Award, the notebook must be submitted. You’ll need to be logged in to your SA BEST account to perform this task.

24 National Registration
BEST Robotics, Inc. requires registration for all: Teachers Mentors Students This is to help maintain contact with participants. Proof of registration should be documented in your engineering notebook. Use your SA BEST team number with leading zeros (e.g., team number 1 is team 0001)

25 Important Information Booklet
The information booklet included in your returnable kit provides additional information on: Demo Day Presentations Machine Check-in Drivers List Displays Game Day Kit Info!

26 Contact Information addresses and phone numbers for the volunteers can be found on the web site: Messages to must have “sabest” in the subject or they will not be delivered. Leave a message at – please include your team name and number in the message and a phone number or other contact method. Teachers & Mentors: Make sure that we have your -correct address - update your sabest account when it changes. Check your at least once a week and check our web site for the latest information. Make sure that your box is not full. You can also find us on Facebook – just look for San Antonio BEST

27 Kit Composition USB Drive with all documents Return Kit (RK)
Part of SA BEST Return Kit Return Kit (RK) Electronics, motors, servos … Power, cabling, reusable parts non-robot/support components Consumable Kit (CK) raw stock some items are team-acquired Don’t use any “old” material – it’s not legal. You are only allowed to use what is listed on your Kit Lists. Check the RULES, because we will!

28 SA BEST Requirements: If you’re going to face-mount the motor, you must use the short screws provided with the motor mounts. Teams must use crimp connectors to connect wires to the motors. Please do not solder to the motor leads. Friction tape may not be used on wheels or other parts in contact with the carpet (or the beam this year). Please review the “important information” booklet included with your return kit materials.

29 Available Software Programming Software for VEX
EasyC (V6), RobotC, and SIMULINK CAD/CAM/Training/calculations Solidworks, SoldWize, HSMWorks, Mathematica, Autodesk Inventor, etc Licensing & download information is provided on the USB drive and on your “important info” booklet. The EasyC license key is printed in the important info booklet.

30 Training and Documentation
Check the “Team Resources” link at the BRI ( site for links to materials and additional online training. Includes Mathworks SIMULINK recorded webinars Tutorials, online presentations, forums, etc are available to help with programming information, and other kit details. BEST community forum is also available for peer-to-peer support, but not for rules questions! Q&A is the source for interpretation of kit use issues.

31 Machine Check-in At Machine Check-in (the afternoon before game day):
Your team will turn in its official and final drivers' roster. Your machine will be weighed & measured. All return-kit parts will be checked; you must bring the entire kit including parts not mounted to your machine. Your machine will be checked to make sure it contains no parts not on the parts lists. Remember: if it's not on the list, it's not legal for use on your machine. If your machine is out-of-compliance, you will not be allowed to compete until you correct the non-compliance issues.

32 Basic Kit Info Check the web page and your e-mail
Parts are limited - there may not be replacements… Leave ALL stickers on parts. If you are using a part on contest day that should have a “Property of SABEST” sticker on it, but doesn’t, you may be disqualified. No Velcro, epoxy, duct tape on any RK parts. You may be disqualified if these are found after a match. Refer to diagrams/files online at Kits must be turned in at the end of the SA BEST competition for those not advancing to UIL/Texas BEST. (Advancing teams must turn in RK at UIL/Texas BEST) Bring ALL Return Kit parts to Machine Check-in !

33 Consumable Kit Changes
Random Elimination Protocol 3 Consumable Kit items randomly removed each year. Items change each year. Make sure to use new material each year. Returned for 2018 ¼-inch polypropylene sheet ½-inch aluminum rod Flat angle bracket Removed for 2018 Rigid foam Piano wire Shock cord

34 Team Supplied Custom Part
Made from a uniform (homogenous) material. Must fit in a 4x4x2 inch space. Single continuous piece of material. Raw stock must be cylindrical or rectangular if solid (liquids that harden can also be used). Kit parts cannot be embedded into part. A total of two parts are allowed. See generic rules for complete info.

35 Kit Pick Up Pick up your Consumable Kit from the big truck outside the gym doors (exchange claim check button for kit) cardboard box of materials includes sheet stock includes round stock ¼” threaded rod and dowel rod PVC pipe bundle: 3/4”,1”, 4” PVC pipe and 1/2” metal conduit Plywood: 1/4 ”, 3/8” and 1/2” Pick up your Return Kit in the practice gym. Make sure you get both kits: Return & Consumable. Fill out your Return Kit check-out sheet prior to getting in line. Buttons, pens, packaging, etc, are NOT part of the kit.


37 Game Story – 1/4 A gyre | ˈjī(ə)r | is a naturally occurring vortex of wind and currents that rotate in a clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. These create a whirlpool effect, whose vortex moves more slowly at the center and that is where marine plastic debris collects. There are 5 major gyres in the oceans worldwide, all of which are believed to contain plastic and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). These consist of carbon-containing chemical compounds that, to a varying degree, resist photochemical, biological and chemical degradation.

38 Game Story – 2/4 In 1992, a shipping crate containing 28,000 plastic bath toys was lost at sea when it fell overboard on its way from Hong Kong to the United States. Nearly 30 years later, those same bath toys have revolutionized our understanding of ocean currents. Since then, scientists have used the duckies to calculate how long it took to complete a circuit through a gyre and to provide new information on how ocean currents interact throughout the globe.

39 Game Story – 3/4 Further, there is a growing concern that the coral reefs around the globe are in major trouble and may be dying at a faster rate than predicted. The reefs are extremely sensitive to climate change and are struggling. So-called “bleaching”- a consequence of warming water is a major concern. There may be hope in a new project that proposes development of artificial reefs to lure fish and baby coral polyps to new locations. Of particular interest is the use of 3D printers to construct these reefs.

40 Game Story – 4/4 BEST Inc. poses this question: Can we tackle several problems at once by using recycled trash from the gyres to feed the 3D printers and construct new artificial reefs? To complete the objectives, robots must be able to “navigate and ride” the ocean currents to travel into the different gyres to sample, sort, assess and recover pollution types. Robots will be operating near the ocean surface and will have to “fight the currents” through the use of an unstable, elevated Current (rail) while working to recover and sort, from potentially turbulent gyres, the ocean’s debris.

41 Tasks/Objectives Remove, sort, and recycle garbage.
Create reef blocks. Install reef blocks on an artificial reef structure. Collect data relevant to ocean currents and the health of sea turtles. Demonstrate robotic flexibility and diversity.

42 Field Overview (half) Atlantic Gyre Indian Gyre Field Engineer Area
Current (Rail) Robot Starting Area Reef Structure Receiving Shelf Pacific Gyres Field Scientist Area Driver Area

43 Game Play The robot operates on the current (rail).
Game pieces are collected by the robot and delivered to either the Field Engineer or the Field Scientist. Game pieces can be delivered to the various boxes. The field scientist can retrieve dropped pieces (from the ocean floor) with a net.

44 Receiving Shelf and Reef Structure
Filament Tube Receptacles Reef Shelves Receiving Shelf

45 Game Play The Field Engineer can assemble reef blocks by placing like pieces into the reef boxes. The Field Engineer can assemble filament tubes by filling them with hollow plastic (golf balls). Completed reef blocks and filament tubes can be delivered to the robot via the receiving shelf. The robot can install completed blocks and tubes onto the reef structure.

46 Field Personnel Actions
Driver Operates the robot. Cannot touch the garbage or field elements. Field Scientist Handles/gathers data from delivered sea turtles and rubber duckies. Assesses current flow and examines sea turtle contents. Retrieves dropped garbage. Field Engineer Handles delivered garbage. Handles the reef boxes, filament tubes, and recycling box. Delivers completed boxes and filament tubes to receiving platform.

47 Atlantic (12) Pacific (2 ea)
Game Pieces - Scoring Item/Description No. per ½ Field Point Value Start Loc (Gyre) Score Loc. 10 oz Soup Can 16 10 Atlantic (8) Indian (8) Boxes 8 oz Plastic Bottle Atlantic (12) Pacific (2 ea) 16 oz Plastic Bottle Indian (12) Pacific (2 ea) 1 L Plastic Bottle Atlantic (2) Indian (2) Pacific (6 ea) Plastic Golf Ball 80 5 Pacific (40 ea) Tube Sea Turtle 2 Atlantic (1) Indian (1) Habitat Box Rubber Duckie 4 Current (2 ea)

48 Reef Scoring Item No. Per Team Items to Complete Point Value Completed
Installed 6x6x4 Reef Box 6 One of the following: 4 ea 10 oz cans 4 ea 8 oz bottles 4 ea 16 oz bottes 25 100 7x7x7 Reef Box 3 4 ea 1 L bottles Filament Tube 4 8 ea golf balls 50

49 Additional Scoring Current Flow Analysis – 150 pts Sea Turtle Bonus
Determine the correct current pattern based on information collected from the duckies in all portions of the field (each has a unique number). Sea Turtle Bonus Doubles points for specific garbage item determined by retrieving info inside sea turtle. Flexibility Bonus 200 pts – two installed reef blocks using different types of garbage. 200 pts – installed reef block and installed filament tube. 400 pts – four completed reef blocks using each type of garbage, and one installed filament tube.

50 Additional considerations
Robots may touch the gyres and other field elements as needed for support/operation. Robots may not attempt to take game pieces that are being grasped by another robot. Intentional blocking is not allowed. Robots may not remove reef blocks installed by another team. Aggressive/malicious actions may result in a penalty or elimination from the match. Lots of other restrictions – please read the rules carefully.

51 Tournament Details of the tournament procedures are part of the generic rules. Each team will play eight times in the seeding competition. Teams will be ranked by the average points scored during the seeding matches. The top 14 teams from the seeding competition will advance to the 16-team semi-final competition. The notebook score will be used as a tiebreaker if needed.

52 Tournament - Wildcard To determine the 15th and 16th teams advancing to the semi-finals, the eight teams with the highest notebook scores, which are not already one of the teams advancing to the semi-finals based on seeding position, will play in a “Wildcard” match. To accommodate eight teams, two matches will be played (at the same time.) The top scoring teams in the wild card games will advance to the semi-finals. Note that both advancing teams may come from the same game.

53 Tournament – Semi-finals
Game changes for semi-finals: one of three options will be executed. (rail change, gyre change, or turtle location change). During the semi-final competition, each of the 16 advancing teams will play a total of three matches. The team ranking for the semi-finals will be based on the accumulated points for the three semi-final matches. The notebook score will be used as the tie-breaker if needed.

54 Tournament – Finals The four top ranked teams from the semi-finals will advance to the final competition where they will play three additional matches. Points from the semi-finals will not carry forward into the Finals; all scores will be reset to zero. The final team ranking will be based on the total points accumulation during the final three matches.

55 Additional Items Drivers must rotate, but rotation of the field engineer & field scientist is left to the team to decide. There are (many) additional restrictions and details contained in the rules – please read them carefully. If something isn’t clear or doesn’t make sense, check the Q&A first for already posted answers. Please ask a question only after checking the existing answers!

56 Remember … Referee decisions are final.
Read all rules and the Q&A before submitting Q&A questions. The password for protected files on the site is in the team packet. All rule changes in the Q&A page become part of the final game rules. Remember to read the generic rules (e.g., size, weight, components, drivers, etc…) This presentation is only a summary and is not official. Help promote BEST by using hashtags in posts to social media: #CurrentEventsBESTRobotics #Thanks2BESTRobotics #BESTRobotics25Years

57 What’s Next? Game demonstration. Returnable kit pickup.
Please bring your filled out check-out sheet. Consumable kit pickup in the truck just outside the building: Exchange your claim check button for kit. There are multiple parts to the consumable kit; please make sure that you have them all because we don’t deliver!

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