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New Teacher Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "New Teacher Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Teacher Orientation

2 Today’s Schedule 9:30 Welcome 10:45-11:00 Break 12:15-1:15 Lunch on your own 1:15-2:30 optional (depending on content covered prior to lunch)

3 Transfer Info/ Comp Services Statement
Separate Document- see Transfer procedures

4 IEP Team Members All required members of committee must stay the entire time. A team member may be excused from a meeting only if area of expertise is not being modified or dismissed. This excusal must meet 2 conditions: 1. parent and LEA agree 2. the agreement is in writing. There is a form that most teachers/SLPs use for the written agreement. If a member is excused by written agreement and it becomes evident during the meeting that the absence of the excused member inhibits the development of the IEP, then team must reconvene. Required members; Gen Ed teacher, LEA, special ed teacher/SLP, any others that have knowledge and can help add to development of IEP Remember to have LEA sign as LEA, not Principal or Assistant Principal. Alan

5 Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)


7 Present Levels - continued
In present levels you must mention the need for accommodations. There must be the consistency in PLAAFP, classroom & testing accommodations. In order for an accommodation to be used on State testing, it must be used consistently for classroom tests.

8 Annual Goals Annual Goals tell us: What we expect the student to learn or be able to do in 1 year; and How we will know when the student has learned or demonstrated that he can do it Annual Goals must: Directly link to the Academic and Functional Strengths and Needs, PLAAFP and when applicable, the Transition needs of the student Must include baseline data point that you mentioned in present levels This goal needs the baseline data point! How would we include that??

9 Objectives – only students that are assessed with SCAlt or NSCS
Objectives/Benchmarks “Spell out” what the student will need to do to complete the annual goal. Are the same skill in each benchmark with degree of proficiency to which the student performs the skill changing from benchmark to benchmark

10 Accommodations to the General Curriculum
Do not reduce learning expectations Provide access by enabling the student to participate more fully in instruction and assessment Permit the student to better demonstrate skills Must be part of daily instruction Should never be introduced for the first time when a student is participating in state-wide or district assessments

11 Accommodations Be as specific as possible on ALL accommodations listed within the IEP. For example, extended time should be listed as a percentage of time and for what subjects. Are the accommodations clear enough for all team members? Write the accommodation for the weakest member of the team Reduced spelling list is NOT an accommodation – it is a MODIFICATION

12 Modifications in the General Curriculum
Change learning expectations Must be clearly described If a student is in self-contained there would be modifications in the curriculum

13 Special Education Services
Special Education and Related Services must be denoted in MINUTES, with the exception of transportation. That should be put in times per day Subtract the total MINUTES in special education and related services from the total amount of minutes in the school week for the LRE portion

14 Supplementary Services
Aids services and supports that can be provided in general education, education-related settings and in extracurricular and nonacademic settings Might include parent training, providing the student with a one-on-one assistant, or providing staff with professional development to assist in meeting the unique needs of the student Training for gen ed teacher MUST be included as a supplementary service in D6 Enrich

15 Related Services The IDEA regulations contain a list of related services IEP teams can consider and they include: Audiology, Counseling Services (including rehabilitation counseling), Early Identification and Assessment of disabilities in children, Interpreting Services, Medical Services, Occupational Therapy, Orientation and Mobility Services, Parent Counseling and Training, Physical Therapy, Psychological Services, Recreation, School Health Services and School Nurse Services, Social Work Services in Schools, Speech-language pathology services and Transportation Related Services are: Supportive services provided to students with disabilities to assist them in benefiting from Special Education Like the need for special education, determined on an individual basis as part of the IEP process Connected to other parts of the IEP to include, Functional Strengths and Needs and the PLAAFP Accompanied by measureable annual goals that are denoted in section IV IEP Goals and Objectives

16 LRE Itinerate students Co-teach/Inclusion students Resource students
Self-contained students

17 LRE Are there any special instructions or more details that would be needed?

18 Progress Monitoring of IEP Goals Progress Reports to be sent home
Progress must be monitored as often as gen ed- 4 times a year. Watch your dates to complete and send home as written in IEP. Appropriate measures must be put in progress monitoring. Statements like, making progress is not enough. Percentages and numbers that directly link to the goal measurement must be used. Enrich requires that Goal Status AND Remarks are entered.

19 Example

20 Transition A Transition Assessment MUST be used and recorded in Post School Consideration portion of the IEP 13+ must have transition goal in IEP and information in Post-School Considerations Post secondary Goal on page 1 of IEP- must use survey or some instrument to record future plans for student. 2 different sentences! Stephanie PWN Do not include statement such as N/A, none, no other factors considered. This should be a brief review of what was discussed in the meeting.

21 Self-Advocacy Self-Determination is KEY in postsecondary options and in the student’s future! Meaningful participation in IEP meetings Lessons must be done 3 times a week for self-contained students and every other week for resource students. All students should be aware of their IEP and their progress towards their goals. Have them help monitor that progress. Keep a data notebook for self-advocacy and data collection. All students can help with organization and upkeep of goals, data, and progress.

22 Other Important Information
Annual review dates are scheduled for the month and date of the re-evaluation date. For example, if the reeval date is 3/12/2018, then the annual review is due by 3/12/ Some of your current IEPs may not indicate this date, you MUST be aware and have the review that will then run from 3/13/16-3/12/17. By law, an IEP must be reviewed every 364 days. There is no reason that you can miss this timeline. Parents rescheduling is not an excuse. Be a team player! Do NOT mark your IEPs finalized until all service providers have finished. Communicate with each other to know when to complete IEP. However, the IEP needs to be finalized within 2 weeks of the annual review. Request to invite outside agencies form. Have this in your folders in case someone shows up to the meeting from an agency. Have parents sign this if they bring someone to the meeting. All interpreters must be certified and approved. If you need interpreters for before/after school meetings, you must contact Annie Means. She has to request funding for the interpreters.

23 During the IEP meeting have your laptop with you
During the IEP meeting have your laptop with you. Best case is to have your screen projected so that the team is really making changes. If you don’t bring your laptop, after the meeting make sure you go in and make any necessary changes to the IEP. Finalize the IEP when you finish. All IEPs should be finalized no later than 10 school days after the meeting. Send copy home to parents, send front page, original signature and minutes to DO Someone MUST take minutes- be as detailed as possible in minutes. Read minutes at end of meeting and have all sign. Minimum services: 50 minutes for speech only, 250 minutes for all other – this is the key for funding!! When a team is gathered (anytime, for any reason) it should be documented and appropriate paperwork must be done to document. Even if changes are not made to the IEP, it is still an amendment. You sign the amendment signature page, not the IEP signature page on all special reviews.

24 Misc Curriculum in the classroom
Utilizing the paraprofessionals in the classroom Weebly (password for teacher portal is Sped 6) Training sessions throughout the year Buddy system for new teachers Enrich/ PowerTeacher – start menu  teacher menu Policy and Procedures Manual Risk Assessments/Eating Disorders

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