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Insidious- proceeding in a gradual way with harmful affects

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1 Insidious- proceeding in a gradual way with harmful affects

2 Insidious Insidious- proceeding in a gradual way with harmful affects

3 Synonyms stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, cunning, crafty, treacherous, artful, sly, wily, shifty, underhanded, indirect; informal sneaky.

4 Bellicose- demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

5 Bellicose Bellicose- demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

6 Synonyms aggressive, hostile, warlike, warmongering, hawkish, antagonistic, pugnacious, truculent, confrontational

7 Acquiesce- accept something reluctantly but without protest

8 Acquiesce Acquiesce- accept something reluctantly but without protest

9 Synonyms accept, consent to, agree to, allow, concede, assent to, concur with, give the nod to; comply with, cooperate with, give in to, bow to, yield to, submit to; informal go along with

10 Gauche- lacking grace, socially awkward

11 Gauche Gauche- lacking grace, socially awkward

12 Synonyms awkward, gawky, inelegant, graceless, ungraceful, klutzy, inept; lacking in social grace(s), unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, unrefined

13 Capricious – given to sudden or unexplainable changes of mood or behavior

14 Capricious Capricious – given to sudden or unexplainable changes of mood or behavior

15 Synonyms fickle, inconstant, changeable, variable, volatile, unpredictable, temperamental

16 Importunate- persistent to the point of annoyance

17 Importunate Importunate- persistent to the point of annoyance

18 Synonyms clamorous, disturbing, dogged, harassing, persevering, persistent disturbing, dogged

19 Circumnavigate – sail all the way around

20 Circumnavigate Circumnavigate – sail all the way around

21 Synonyms Circle, compass, move around

22 Precipitous- dangerously high or steep

23 Precipitous Precipitous- dangerously high or steep

24 Synonyms steep, sheer, perpendicular, abrupt, sharp, vertical

25 Enervate – lacking in energy or vitality

26 Enervate Enervate – lacking in energy or vitality

27 Synonyms exhaust, tire, fatigue, weary, wear out, devitalize, drain, sap, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate

28 Feign

29 Feign

30 Synonyms fake, sham, affect, give the appearance of, make a pretense of

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