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KOMPAS-3D V11 Key features overview. More than 50 novelties.

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Presentation on theme: "KOMPAS-3D V11 Key features overview. More than 50 novelties."— Presentation transcript:

1 KOMPAS-3D V11 Key features overview

2 More than 50 novelties

3 Software protection

4 Software protection system New version of software protection system - HASP SRM by Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. Trial period during 30 days since the software has been started first time. Demo mode automatically switches on after trial mode finishing.

5 Public access

6 Add-Ons Novelties

7 Steel Structures 3D New Add-On!!!

8 Steel Structures 3D Steel Structures 3D application, which is intended for automation of design process of metal constructions from metal rolling profiles. The library is a perfect solution first of all for using in the area of machine building and designing of steel frameworks;

9 The frameworks can be set as trajectories: straight-line segments of sketches, polyline segments, straight-line edges of solids. Steel Structures 3D

10 Template container contains a set of standard assortments: Predefined set of profiles User defined profiles parameters Steel Structures 3D

11 Steel structure can be orientated by the following ways: Changing the anchor point Mirroring Rotating Moving

12 Various combination of Trim/Extend features: Trim/Extend by plane, Angular splicing, Butt splicing, Trim by indent. Steel Structures 3D

13 Report command. Creates BOM lists on selected objects. The report can be saved as: KOMPAS-Drawing (*.cdw), KOMPAS-Fragment (*.frw), KOMPAS-Table (*.tbl), Open Office Spreadsheet (*.ods), Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls), Text document (*.txt). Set Properties command. Allows changing object properties. Steel Structures 3D

14 Standard Parts library New Add-On!!!

15 Catalogues of fasteners according to DIN and ISO standards: Bolts Nuts Pins Rivets Screws Split pins Washers Standard part library

16 Various holes catalogues: Standard part library

17 Unwrap library New Add-On!!!

18 Unwrap library The application is intended to automate the design of dust, gas and air flues, pipelines and similar parts of sheet material.

19 Unwrap library Various shapes can be unwrapped by the library

20 Pipelines 3D New improvements

21 Path from library Object Info Create pipe template Pipelines 3D

22 Joint segments Diagnostics Pipelines 3D

23 Set properties Report Pipelines 3D

24 Mathematical core improvements

25 Mathematical core of «KOMPAS-3D» is completely development of ASCON company. Mathematical core of «KOMPAS-3D» developed on С++ in Microsoft Visual Studio Mathematical core r 1 (u 1,v 1 ) = p + r cosu 1 i x + r sinu 1 i y + h v 1 i z 0 u 1 2,0 v 1 1. r 2 (u 2,v 2 ) = p + u 2 i x + v 2 i y. r 3 (u 3,v 3 ) = p + u 3 i x + v 3 i y + h i z. Parameters (u 2, v 2 ), (u 3, v 3 ) inside of circle u 2 (t) =u 3 (t) = r cost, v 2 (t) = v 3 (t) =r sint, 0 t 2.

26 Windows XP Pro SP2 View creation faster 2-4 times. View update faster 2-4 times. More faster Barrel-type magnetic direct-flow separator OAO Uchalinsky Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise, Russia 1292 details Punch AETZ Record, Russia 331 details Machining center NIPTI Micron, Russia 4283 details

27 Accelerate 3D designing Fast loading of an assembly Rotation 10 times faster Adding new components 5-7 times faster User type of loading

28 3D Curves Arc of Circle 3D Join Curves Round Curves Trim Curves Intersectional curve of surfaces Spline by Objects

29 Even easier learning

30 Easy learning Easy-Learning with KOMPAS-ABC Built-in interactive learning system

31 Easy learning Start Learning of Drawing process with KOMPAS-Graphic ABC

32 More intuitive Interface

33 Context toolbar Extended command toolbars Hide commands toolbar Pop-up Messages Increase usability of designing

34 Four sizes of icons are available High resolution supporting

35 Accelerate 3D designing

36 New features for 3D modeling

37 3D Scaling

38 Select the portions to be saved Multiportions in 3D

39 Assembly structure editing Merge in sub-assembly Explode Sub-assembly Copying and moving components More flexible

40 Local Coordinate System

41 Mechanical mates Rotation – rotation Rotation – move Cam – pusher

42 Tangent mate improving Enhanced Functionality

43 Bodies to part Part to assembly, Assembly to part Properties (MP, color, optical) for separate bodies Up to down design Project: PLOTER FREZUJACY Author: MICHAL PRECH, Poland

44 Sheet metal functional: Bend by sketch

45 Collaboration

46 Easy collaboration and integration All basics CAD formats supported Free data exchange with 3D Model Recognition System 2D user3D user Text documentation, BOM Import DXF, DWG, IGES®, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TGA; IGES®, SAT, Parasolid, STEP; ASCII (DOS), ANSI (Windows) text file, RTF files, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TGA; Export DXF, DWG, 2D IGES®, e-drawing, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TGA; IGES®, SAT, Parasolid, STEP, VRML, STL, e- drawing, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TGA; ASCII (DOS), ANSI (Windows) text file, RTF, DBF, Microsoft Excel, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TGA; Collaboration

47 Direct 3D-DWG models import Export to STL format Improved Import/Export: SAT, STEP, IGES, XT, Parasolid Improved collaboration

48 Drawings and 2D documents

49 Hyperlinks

50 Links to variables Hyperlinks

51 Multilanguage spell checking Enhanced Functionality

52 Advanced Color and Transparency Management of Fill Enhanced Functionality

53 Thank you!

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