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Training XX Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Training XX Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training XX Hospital

2 Cleaning Bundle Staff Training Defined Technique Product use Enhanced Audit Better Communication

3 Healthcare Associated Infections
Every year: 200,000 cases 2 million bed days Prevention is important

4 HAI and the environment
400 people 3.3 environment, 3.6 their face – eyes/nose/mouth 12hours Over 55,000 interactions – this does not count people to people interactions, just the one between ourselves and the environment

5 Days Weeks Months Years Norovirus FCV Influenza
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clostridium difficile (spores) Acinetobacter spp. Staphylococcus aureus - MRSA Pseudomonas aeruginosa Escherichia Coli Klebsiella spp. Enterococcus spp. - VRE, CRE Adapted from [5, 29, 81, 84] *Survival time on dry inanimate objects. Range depends on experimental methods.

6 HAI and the environment
High touch objects are greater risk Daily cleaning as a minimum - every 24hr Prior room occupation – up to 40% more likely Your role is vital to preventing infections!

7 Frequent Touch Points Activity 1

8 Cleaning Technique Focus on frequent touch points
Most organisms are removed via manual action Thoroughness over speed Apply adequate pressure to remove contamination Clean the whole surface – including edges, corners, underneath S/Z pattern or other single direction FTP

9 Avoid Cross Contamination
Remember your hand hygiene – wash your hands or use the hand-rub Change your PPE regularly (including gloves) Change cloths and mops regularly – fold inwards to avoid cross contamination

10 Product use Detergent helps remove dirt and organisms Disinfectant kills organisms We use both detergent and disinfectant in combination where there is a higher risk

11 Hospital specifics here

12 Product use Contact time Dilution/ concentration Safety requirements/ Other relevant product info or site specific requirements

13 Question and answer Activity 2

14 Enhanced auditing Why? Know what we are doing well/ could improve
To protect patients What’s new? UV dots with direct individual feedback Reporting and recognition

15 Time to try it Activity 3

16 Start with DAILY communication with the NUM
Clinical staff Patients Each other

17 Scenarios Activity 4

18 Key messages… Add daily communication on the ward
Focus on your frequent touch points – every day Be thorough – whole surface and enough pressure Correct product use: Hospital specifics here Disinfectant must remain wet for 10 minutes Get feedback on UV audits

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