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Advanced Molecular Dynamics

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Molecular Dynamics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Molecular Dynamics
Velocity scaling Andersen Thermostat Hamiltonian & Lagrangian Appendix A Nose-Hoover thermostat

2 Naïve approach Velocity scaling Do we sample the canonical ensemble?

3 Partition function Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution

4 Fluctuations in the momentum:
Fluctuations in the temperature

5 Andersen thermostat Every particle has a fixed probability to collide
with the Andersen demon After collision the particle is give a new velocity The probabilities to collide are uncorrelated (Poisson distribution)


7 Velocity Verlet:

8 Andersen thermostat: static properties

9 Andersen thermostat: dynamic properties

10 Hamiltonian & Lagrangian
The equations of motion give the path that starts at t1 at position x(t1) and end at t2 at position x(t2) for which the action (S) is the minimum S<S t x t2 t1 S<S

11 Example: free particle
Consider a particle in vacuum: v(t)=vav Always > 0!! η(t)=0 for all t

12 Calculus of variation At the boundaries: η(t) is small
η(t1)=0 and η(t2)=0 η(t) is small True path for which S is minimum η(t) should be such the δS is minimal

13 A description which is independent of the coordinates
This term should be zero for all η(t) so […] η(t) Integration by parts If this term 0, S has a minimum Zero because of the boundaries η(t1)=0 and η(t2)=0 Newton A description which is independent of the coordinates

14 The true path plus deviation
Lagrangian Cartesian coordinates (Newton) → Generalized coordinates (?) Lagrangian Action The true path plus deviation

15 Desired format […] η(t) Partial integration
Should be 0 for all paths Equations of motion Conjugate momentum Lagrangian equations of motion

16 Newton? Valid in any coordinate system: Cartesian Conjugate momentum

17 Pendulum Equations of motion in terms of l and θ Conjugate momentum

18 With these variables we can do statistical thermodynamics
Lagrangian dynamics We have: 2nd order differential equation Two 1st order differential equations With these variables we can do statistical thermodynamics Change dependence:

19 Legrendre transformation
Example: thermodynamics We have a function that depends on and we would like We prefer to control T: S→T Legendre transformation Helmholtz free energy

20 Hamilton’s equations of motion
Hamiltonian Hamilton’s equations of motion

21 Newton? Conjugate momentum Hamiltonian

22 Extended system 3N+1 variables
Nosé thermostat Lagrangian Hamiltonian Extended system 3N+1 variables Associated mass Conjugate momentum

23 Nosé and thermodynamics
Delta functions Recall MD MC Gaussian integral Constant plays no role in thermodynamics

24 Equations of Motion Lagrangian Hamiltonian Conjugate momenta

25 Nosé Hoover

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