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Task Force on Annual Financial Accounts

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Presentation on theme: "Task Force on Annual Financial Accounts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Force on Annual Financial Accounts
Item 4. NAPS-S Project & Validation Services Frankfurt, 9 March, 2017 Eurostat Directorate C Eurostat

2 Contents National Accounts business process flow Before After
Implementation scenarios for data providers Scope: Struval & Conval Report examples Timeline

3 Contents National Accounts business process flow Before After
Implementation scenarios for data providers Scope: Struval & Conval Report examples Timeline

4 Summary: Current ESA business process
National Production Generate SDMX-ML PUSH Transmission Structural Validation Content Validation Processing & Calculation Data Sharing & Dissemination Data provider Eurostat Structural Validation

5 New architecture (NAPS-S)
Shared / Replicated Services For NA and others Structural Validation Content Validation Statistical Service A Statistical Service B SDMX Registry VTL Repository Common Repository Common Repository

6 Contents National Accounts business process flow Before After
Implementation scenarios for data providers Scope: Struval & Conval Report examples Timeline

7 3 possible ways to achieve the goal…
Connect to the process Transmission to Eurostat required Eurostat runs service and delivers report Connect to the service Integration of service into own workflow Connect to the repository Installation of service or tool in own environment Only access to repository (SDMX DSDs, validation rules)

8 3 possible ways to achieve the goal…
Connect to the process Transmission to Eurostat required Eurostat runs service and delivers report Connect to the service Integration of service into own workflow Connect to the repository Installation of service or tool in own environment Only access to repository (SDMX DSDs, validation rules)

9 Transmission flows: Eurostat process
“Production transmission” NASEC_T0610_A Eurostat production storage EDAMIS Manual review “Validation only” VNASEC_T00610_A Nothing  Shared / Replicated Services For NA and others Structural Validation Content Validation SDMX Registry Ruleset Repository

10 Contents National Accounts business process flow Before After
Implementation scenarios for data providers Scope: Struval & Conval Report examples Timeline

11 Structural Validation SDMX Registry
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Basic logical checks Sender ID and REF_AREA Table ID is present Value "NaN" and OBS_STATUS EMBARGO_DATE and CONF_STATUS PRICES and REF_YEAR_PRICE Basic content checks Missing or unexpected series Hole in series Zero values Negative values General plausibility and consistency (within file) Additivity of breakdowns Outliers Consistency between prices Unadjusted and adjusted series Advanced plausability and consistency (across files) Revisions Quarterly versus Annual Same series across tables Cross-domain or source checks Balance of Payments Trade statistics Labour market statistics Data pulished by NSI or IO Structural Validation SDMX Registry Content Validation Ruleset Repository

12 Contents National Accounts business process flow Before After
Implementation scenarios for data providers Scope: Struval & Conval Report examples Timeline

13 Example of the STRUVAL error report
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Example of a mistake Example of the STRUVAL error report

14 Content Validation Service
Basic logical checks Sender ID and REF_AREA Table ID is present Value "NaN" and OBS_STATUS EMBARGO_DATE and CONF_STATUS PRICES and REF_YEAR_PRICE Content Validation Service Reports are… … not the same layout as Struval Struval: technical Conval: statistical … grouped by rule in the ruleset … CSV files  best opened with Excel

15 NaN is used with flags: M, L, J  used
Basic logical checks Sender ID and REF_AREA Table ID is present Value "NaN" and OBS_STATUS EMBARGO_DATE and CONF_STATUS PRICES and REF_YEAR_PRICE NaN is used with flags: M, L, J  used (H, Q, S)  not really used in ESA

16 Further details: webinars warning: URLs to change in April!
Understanding validation reports Understanding Struval, validation grids and country metadata files Conval introduction

17 Contents National Accounts business process flow Before After
Implementation scenarios for data providers Scope: Struval & Conval Report examples Timeline

18 ? Conval Phase I Done  2016 Q1-2017 Conval Phase II 2017
SDMX compliance Valid SDMX-ML file Coded according to the DSD Mandatory fields present Correct data types Dataflow definition Basic logical checks Sender ID and REF_AREA Table ID is present Value "NaN" and OBS_STATUS EMBARGO_DATE and CONF_STATUS PRICES and REF_YEAR_PRICE Basic content checks Missing or unexpected series Hole in series Zero values Negative values General plausibility and consistency (within file) Additivity of breakdowns Outliers Consistency between prices Unadjusted and adjusted series Advanced plausability and consistency (across files) Revisions Quarterly versus Annual Same series across tables Cross-domain or source checks Balance of Payments Trade statistics Labour market statistics Data pulished by NSI or IO Done  2016 Conval Phase I Q1-2017 Structural Validation SDMX Registry Conval Phase II 2017 ? Content Validation VTL Repository Conval Phase III Well…

19 Timeline for structural validation
Report error messages currently under review Struval available in production flows: NAMAIN: all flows NASEC: table 8 (tables 6, 7 from mid-March) Struval available in validation flows: VNAMAIN: all flows VNASEC: all flows Struval to be configured: (V)NASU, (V)NAPENS, (V)NAREG

20 Timeline for content validation
Pilot of Conval: mid-March to mid-April 2017 Parts of tables 1 and 8 Improvements following suggestions from pilot Rollout to all V-flows for basic content checks Phase II for selected V-flows & testing Staged go-live as decided within sub-domains

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