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REVISION GUIDE Gosfield School: FRENCH Area for Revision Resources

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1 REVISION GUIDE Gosfield School: FRENCH Area for Revision Resources
Anticipate Change Get Ready For The Cheese To Move REVISION GUIDE Area for Revision Resources Strategy Tenses Learn 7 verbs in the present tense, future tense, past tenses (perfect and imperfect), conditional BBC Bitesize AQA textbook p.185 – 189 CGP AQA book p. 80 – 88 Look – cover – write – check Practise writing in sentences on the topics studied Complex structures Learn a variety of complex structures: Negatives Comparative Infinitive phrases Quand Si structures Pronouns (y / en) and (qui / que) Après avoir / être AQA Textbook p.191 p.179 p.56 p.56 / p.183 p.66 / 128 CGP AQA book p.73-79 p.89 p.70 p.73 Use the grammar section in your folder to review your notes. Use the structures to write sentences on the various topics. Create questions that require complex structures and write developed answers for them.

2 REVISION GUIDE Gosfield School: FRENCH Area for Revision Resources
Anticipate Change Get Ready For The Cheese To Move REVISION GUIDE Area for Revision Resources Strategy THEME 1 Family and friends Technology Free time Customs and festivals AQA textbook p / p.42-47 p.30 – 41 / p.42-47 p / p.76-81 p / p.76-81 CGP AQA book p.6-13 p.22-25 p.14-20 p.26 Listening Complete listening tasks in CGP book and in your textbook using your Kerboodle access. Read transcripts and learn new vocabulary. Reading Complete reading/translation tasks from CGP book and AQA textbook. Extract new vocabulary and learn it. 15 Minutes X 3 times a week on Memrise Speaking Look for a photo and prepare its description. Create 5 questions on the topic and answer them. Record yourself on and send to your teacher. Writing Write a 40 / 90 / 150 word task from your textbook or previous assessments. Complete written tasks in CGP book. Create a personalised check list of higher structures/grammar points and use it every time. THEME 2 Home and area Charity work Healthy lifestyle Environment Poverty Holidays p / p p.96-99/ p p / p p / p.124 / p p / p.125 / p p / p p.29-38 p.44/46 p.39-41 p.42-44 p.46 p.48-53 THEME 3 School Life post 16 Jobs and careers p / p p / p p / p.168 / p p.54-57 p.58 p.59

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