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Georgia Environmental and Natural Resources CDE

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1 Georgia Environmental and Natural Resources CDE
Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Scott Register and Dr. Frank Flanders April 2006 presents: Fish ID: Slide set 6 of 9 Georgia Environmental and Natural Resources CDE

2 Identify this Fish:

3 Answer: Black Crappie

4 Identify this Fish:

5 Answer: Bowfin

6 Identify this Fish:

7 Answer: Bluegill

8 Identify this Fish:

9 Answer: Brook Trout

10 Identify this Fish:

11 Answer: Brown Trout

12 Identify this Fish:

13 Answer: Chain Pickerel

14 Identify this Fish:

15 Answer: Channel Catfish

16 Identify this Fish:

17 Answer: Flathead Catfish

18 Identify this Fish:

19 Answer: Gizzard Shad

20 Identify this Fish:

21 Answer: Grass Carp

22 Identify this Fish:

23 Answer: Hybrid Striped Bass

24 Identify this Fish:

25 Answer: Largemouth Bass

26 Identify this Fish:

27 Answer: Rainbow Trout

28 Identify this Fish:

29 Answer: Redbreast Sunfish

30 Identify this Fish:

31 Answer: Redear Sunfish

32 Identify this Fish:

33 Answer: Smallmouth Bass

34 Identify this Fish:

35 Answer: Striped Bass

36 Identify this Fish:

37 Answer: Threadfin Shad

38 Identify this Fish:

39 Answer: Walleye

40 Identify this Fish:

41 Answer: Warmouth

42 Identify this Fish:

43 Answer: Crab

44 Identify this Fish:

45 Answer: Crayfish

46 Identify this Fish:

47 Answer: Freshwater Shrimp

48 The End! Thanks

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