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Lieân Laïc VAÊN PHOØNG TRUNG ÖÔNG TÑT. Nguyeãn Hoàng Lónh

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Presentation on theme: "Lieân Laïc VAÊN PHOØNG TRUNG ÖÔNG TÑT. Nguyeãn Hoàng Lónh"— Presentation transcript:

Lieân Laïc VAÊN PHOØNG TRUNG ÖÔNG TÑT. Nguyeãn Hoàng Lónh 12755 Brookhurst St # 104 Garden Grove, CA Tel: (714) Fax: (714) MYÕ CHAÂU TÑP. Nguyeãn Huy Cô Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Seattle ÑT. Nguyeãn Thaønh Trí Tel: (206) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Oklahoma ÑT. Taêng Hoaøng Nam Tel: (405) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Missouri ÑT. Traàn Vöông Tel: (816) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD New Jersey ÑT. Leâ Quoác Tel: (201) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Jacksonville ÑT. Nguyeãn Höõu Ñöùc Tel: (904) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Utah ÑT. Laâm Phi Huøng Tel: (801) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Boston ÑT. Leâ Vaên Thieân Tel: (781) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD San Francisco ÑT. Voõ Quyeån Tel: (415) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD San Jose ÑT. Tröông Taán Ñöùc Tel: (408) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Orange County ÑT. Nguyeãn Hoaøng Vinh Brookhurst St #202 Tel: (714) Fax: (714) Ñoaøn TN/VNTD San Diego ÑT. Mai Trí Duõng Tel: (858)   AÂU CHAÂU TÑP. Nguyeãn Hoøang Sôn Via Vertua 15 37062 Dossobuono Verona - Italia Tel: Ñoaøn Mantova (Italy) ÑT. Lyù Thò Kim Quyeân Tel: Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Vicenza-Treviso ÑT. Traàn Chí Tel: Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Thuïy Só ÑT. Nguyeãn Höõu Phöôùc Tel: UÙC CHAÂU TÑP. Nguyeãn Thanh Tuøng 16 Livingston St Deerpark, Vic Australia Tel: Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Melbourne ÑT. Minh Nhaät Ñoaøn TN/VNTD Sydne ÑT. Nguyeãn Ngoïc Dieäp Tel: Note: _____________________________________ __________________________________________ Ñoaøn Thanh Nieân Vietnamese Youth Foundation Ñ O AØ N T H A N H N I EÂ N V I EÄ T N A M T ÖÏ D O F R E E V I E T N A M Y O U T H Ngöôøi giôùi thieäu gia nhaäp ñoaøn:___________________________________________________________________ Kyù teân:________________________________________________ Ngaøy _________________ City (thaønh phoá):_____________________________CA___________Phone (ñieän thoaïi): ____________________ Addr: ______________________________________________ Fax: (ñieän thö): ______________________ First Name (teân): ___________________________ Last Name (hoï): ____________________________________ DOB (ngaøy sinh): ___________/___________/19__________Place of Birth (nôi sinh) : ______________________ Toâi kyù teân döôùi daây xin gia nhaäp vaøo ñoaøn thanh nieân vieät nam töï do ñeå goùp phaàn tranh ñaáu vì lyù töôûng töï do, daân chuø tieán boä vaø khai phoùng cho daân toäc vieät.   Addr. (ñòa chæ): ________________________________________ Gender: Male (nam) □ Female (nöõ): □ Primary language(ngoân ngöõ thoâng duïng): Vietnamese □ English □ 12755 Brookhurst St., #215 Garden Grove, CA 92840 ,

2 Vietnamese Youth Foundation
The Vietnamese Youth Foundation is dedicated to supporting the dreams and visions of young Vietnamese people throughout the world. The Vietnamese Youth Foundation was founded in January 1998 by a group of committed Vietnamese Students. These students set out to create a project that would be community beneficial, empower and give hope to young Vietnamese. Initially, it was designed as an educational tool and a meeting center to encourage these students to express their passion, to be actively involved in and to fully exercise their valuable talent to help their community, the result was far more inspirational than expected. Our mission: Recognize/promote the potential of Young Vietnamese talents. Encourage Young Vietnamese to come together to share thoughts, knowledge and experiences. Learn Vietnamese Culture and Traditions. Be involved in local Vietnamese Communities and activities. The Vietnamese Youth Foundation is a collaborative effort among youth and youth-serving organizations to share information, knowledge and solutions to promote greater Vietnamese youth engagement. The Vietnamese Youth Foundation creates the opportunity for every young person to be heard, leverages their voices to impact national and global agendas and provides tools, recognition and support for young Vietnamese who take positive action to improve our world - community by community. Nhaän thöùc raèng thanh nieân laø voán quùy vaø töông lai cuûa ñaát nöôùc. Ñoaøn Thanh Nieân Vieät Nam Töï Do (ÑTNVNTD) ñaû thaønh laäp ñeå reùo goïi vaø tuï hoïp nhöõng thanh nieân nam nöõ naøo coù taâm hoàn yeâu queâ höông cuøng ngoài laïi vôùi nhau ñeå xaây döïng nhöõng sinh hoaït laønh maïnh. Ñoàng thôøi, ÑTNVNTD ñaû thaønh laäp ñeå laøm moät nhòp caàu cho nhöõng giôùi treû cuøng tìm ñeán vôùi nhau trong tình thaân aùi, cuõng nhö ñeå baûo toàn vaø phaùt huy vaên hoùa vaø truyeàn thoáng daân toäc. Ñoaøn cuõng saün saøng taïo cô hoäi cho caùc thanh nieân tham gia caùc coâng taùc thieän nguyeän xaõ hoäi ñeå mong ñöôïc gaàn guõi vôùi caùc coäng ñoàng nhieàu hôn. “Ñoaøn Thanh Nieân Vieät Nam Töï Do," laø moät phong traøo sinh hoaït cho giôùi treû voâ vò lôïi, trong chieàu höôùng: Taïo moâi tröôøng ñeå caùc baïn treû ñeán vôùi nhau trong tình yeâu thöông queâ höông, ñaát nöôùc, chia xeû vaø ñoùng goùp cho nhöõng noå löïc chung vì töông lai cuûa daân toäc. Tieáp tay vôùi coäng ñoàng trong caùc coâng taùc vaên hoùa, xaõ hoäi nhaèm baûo toàn vaø phaùt huy vaên hoùa vaø truyeàn thoáng Vieät Nam. Sinh hoaït vaên ngheä coäng ñoàng töôi treû, xaây döïng vôùi nhöõng chuû ñeà höôùng veà queâ höông, tình ngöôøi. Ñoaøn Thanh Nieân Vieät Nam Töï Do

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