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Plant Names and Nomenclature

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1 Plant Names and Nomenclature
“If you do not know the names of things, the knowledge of them is lost too”. Linnaeus, 1751

2 What is Taxonomy? Greek derivation:
“taxis” = arrangement “nomia” = method Taxonomy is the naming, describing, and classifying of organisms What is systematics? Why is Taxonomy Important? What is Systematics? Systematics is the study of evolutionary relationships among taxa, but is sometimes broadly applied to encompass Taxonomy

3 Phylogenetic relationships & biogeography of Fuchsia (Onagraceae) based on noncoding nuclear and chloroplast DNA data. Berry et al. 2004

4 Why not just use common names?
Doesn’t reflect evolutionary history/relationship of the organisms Two different plants can have the same common name One plant can have multiple common names Example 1: Amelanchier arborea = common serviceberry, Alabama serviceberry, downy shadbush Example 2: Helianthus angustifolia = swamp sunflower, narrow leaf sunflower Example 3: Calycanthus floridus = eastern sweet shrub, Carolina allspice, bubby bush

5 International Code of Nomenclature
for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011 prepared and edited by J. MCNEILL, Chairman F. R. BARRIE, W. R. BUCK, V. DEMOULIN, W. GREUTER, D. L. HAWKSWORTH, P. S. HERENDEEN, S. KNAPP, K. MARHOLD, J. PRADO, W. F. PRUD'HOMME VAN REINE, G. F. SMITH, J. H. WIERSEMA, Members N. J. TURLAND, Secretary of the Editorial Committee Koeltz Scientific Books 2012 The printed and only official version of the Code has been published as International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code). Regnum Vegetabile 154. Koeltz Scientific Books. ISBN

6 To provide a set of rules for naming of
Nomenclature provides a means of referring to taxonomic groups and of assigning ranks Purpose of “The Code” To provide a set of rules for naming of plants to promote stability and prevent nomenclatural chaos. Basic purpose is stability -

7 Linnaean Hierarchy Kingdom – Plantae
Subkingdom – Tracheobionta (vascular plants) Superdivision – Spermatophyta (seed plants) Division – Magnoliophyta Class – Magnoliopsida Order – Nymphaeales Family – Nymphaeaceae (nim-fee-a-si-ee) Genus – Nuphar Sm. Species – Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. Subspecies – Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. ulvacea (G.S. Mill. & Standl.) E.O. Beal

8 Requirements for naming plants
Check type specimens associated with similar taxa (including synonyms) Criteria for valid publication: Name must not have been previously used Taxon rank must be clearly specified A holotype must be designated Lectotype – designated when holotype has not been Isotype – duplicate of holotype Name must be effectively published

9 Starting point for species names = 1 May 1753
Priority – the correct species name is the earliest published name dating back to 1 May 1753

10 Components of a scientific name
Genus name – first letter is always capitalized; treated as a noun Isoetes louisianensis Thieret Author citation Specific epithet - all lower case; used as an adjective

11 Meanings of Selected Genus Names
Derivation Acer Latin for maple Lindera Named for John Linder Quercus Latin for oak Trifolium Means three leaves/leaflets Kalmia Named for Peter Kalm Pinus Latin for pine Eleocharis Greek for “marsh grace”

12 Lycopersicon Mill. “wolf peach”

13 Meanings of Specific Epithets
Latin Derivation arvensis growing in a field esculentus edible officinalis used medicinally palustris growing in a marshy place arenicola growing in sandy soil salina growing in a saline environment australis southern borealis northern orientalis eastern occidentalis western

14 Meanings of Specific Epithets
Latin Derivation sempervirens long-lived tenax tough or resistant annua annual plant perennis Perennial biennis Biennial lutea yellow (sometimes orange) alba White viridis Green rubra Red nigra black

15 Meanings of Specific Epithets
Latin Derivation pensylvanica (one or two n’s) From Pennsylvania americana From America (North or South) texana From Texas louisianensis and ludoviciana From Louisiana engelmannii Named for George Engelmann eastwoodiae Named for Alice Eastwood eastwoodiana thieretii Named for John Thieret obtusetrigona Trigonous with obtuse angles melanocarpa Black-fruited

16 Common Names There are no official rules for assigning and applying common names to plants Often common names are translations of scientific names e.g. Quercus alba = white oak, Cyperus viridis = green flat sedge, etc. For this course Apply the common name provided or a name obtained from a flora or field guide Capitalize only when commemorating a person or place

17 Conserved Family Names
Apiaceae = Umbelliferae - parsley carrot family Arecaceae = Palmae - palm family Asteraceae = Compositae - sunflower family Brassicaceae = Cruciferae - mustard family Clusiaceae = Guttiferae - St. John’s wort family [Hypericaceae = Guttiferae] Fabaceae = Leguminosae - legume or bean family Lamiaceae = Labiatae - mint family Poaceae = Gramineae - grass family

18 Useful Nomenclature Websites
Dictionary of Botanical Epithets International Plant Names Index International Code of Botanical Nomenclature-2005 Angiosperm Phylogeny Website Plants National Database Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid


20 Plants USDA Database:

21 International Plant Names Index:




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