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Vocab words 6-10 by Randy Jaouhari.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab words 6-10 by Randy Jaouhari."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab words 6-10 by Randy Jaouhari

2 culled(kuhl) verb Definition: To choose and gather parts; Collect; selected. Sentence: He culled which pieces of candy he wanted from his bag. Way to Remember : Cull is like collect.

3 Inanity(ih-han-i-tee)
noun inanities Definition: something that lacks sense; an idea that is silly; foolishness Sentence: The idea that witches were real is now considered and inanity. Way to remember: inanity sounds like insanity.

4 spurn noun Definition: To reject; to scorn
Sentence: If you spurn your child he probably will grow up to hate you. Way to remember: spurn rhymes with scorn

5 Inconsequential (in-kan-si-kwen-shul)
adjective inconsequentially and inconsequentiality Definition: An event that doesn’t have an important outcome Sentence: Some people believe their vote for president is inconsequential. Ways to remember:

6 despondent(dih-spon-duhnt)
Adjective Definition: Discouraged; feeling of hopelessness Sentence: He felt despondent after getting cut from the team Way To Remember: Mr.Vaglio’s class

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