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Bartering and Trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Bartering and Trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bartering and Trade

2 What are strengths and weaknesses of bartering?
Strength is you get resources you need that you can’t produce yourself. Weakness is you may not get a fair trade or have to give up too much of your item in order to get what you need. Also, you might not be able to demand good quality-may have to take what you get if it’s necessary. 2) How does the barter system meet the needs of the people? The Barter System allows people to get resources and goods they may need to survive but can’t produce or grow in their own society. 3) To what extent does fairness enter into the bartering system? Fairness kind of gets thrown out the window when you need something bad enough that you are willing to make an unfair deal to get it. The more important or valuable the resource you have, the more you can get from the other person. Think supply and demand!

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