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Disability Equality Index (DEI) Updates

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Presentation on theme: "Disability Equality Index (DEI) Updates"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability Equality Index (DEI) Updates
September 11, The Session will begin at 1:00pm ET Disability Equality Index (DEI) Updates Presented by Disability:IN 2018

2 Listening to the Webinar
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3 Listening to the Webinar, continued
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4 Listening to the Webinar, continued
MOBILE Users (iPhone, iPad, or Android device and Kindle Fire HD) Individuals may listen** to the session using the Blackboard Collaborate Mobile App (Available Free from the Apple Store, Google Play or Amazon) Lynn

5 Captioning Real-time captioning is provided during this webinar.
The caption screen can be accessed by choosing the CC icon in the Audio & Video panel. Once selected you will have the option to resize the captioning window, change the font size and save the transcript. Lynn

6 Submitting Questions You may type and submit questions in the Chat Area Text Box or press Control-M and enter text in the Chat Area If you are listening on the phone and are not connected to the webinar platform your questions to If you are connected via a mobile device you may submit questions in the chat area within the App Please note: This webinar is being recorded. Lynn

7 Customize Your View Resize the Whiteboard where the Presentation slides are shown to make it smaller or larger by choosing from the drop down menu located above and to the left of the whiteboard. The default is “fit page” Lynn

8 Customize Your View continued
Resize/Reposition the Chat, Participant and Audio & Video panels by “detaching” and using your mouse to reposition or “stretch/shrink”. Each panel may be detached using the icon in the upper right corner of each panel. Lynn

9 Disability Equality Index (DEI) Updates
Presented by Disability:IN 2018

10 DEI Overview The DEI is a collaborative partnership between the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and Disability:IN. It is an annual benchmarking tool for disability inclusion within Am Law 200 and Fortune 1000 companies. The DEI educates the business community on disability inclusion best policies and practices. The DEI also guides people with disabilities in choosing businesses that are authentically committed to providing a supportive work environment.

11 DEI Exclusive Technology Founding Partner
DEI Founding Partners DEI Exclusive Technology Founding Partner DEI Founding Partners Series of corporate logos: DEI Excludive Technology Founding Partner: Comcast NBC Universal; DEI Founding Partners: American Airlines, Anthem, CVS Health, DuPont, EY,GSK, Highmark Health, JP Morgan Chase and Company, Lockheed Martin, Merck, New Editions Consulting, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Walmark, Office Depot

12 Industries That Participated in the 2018 DEI
Aerospace and Defense Agriculture Airlines Automotive Banking Chemical Consumer Products Energy and Utilities Entertainment and Leisure Financial Services Food, Beverage, and Groceries Health Services Healthcare Hotels, Resorts, and Casinos Insurance Law Firm Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals Professional Services Retail Technology Technology and Media Telecommunications Travel Total DEI Companies in 2018 = 145 (32% increase from 2017)

13 Why You Should Aim To Score High
The goal is to ensure that the recognition meaningfully builds a company’s reputation for diversity and inclusion with potential employees, investors, and customers, including customers with disabilities. Top-scoring companies are recognized as the “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion™”. As such, AAPD and Disability:IN will recognize top-scoring companies in the following ways: Use of 100%/90%/80% DEI Best Places to Work logo Best Places to Work listing on the DEI website Best Places to Work listing in the DEI Annual Report Mention in press releases and digital marketing, which includes social media Invite-only “DEI Top-Scoring Companies” reception and award recognition at Disability:IN Conference May have a best practice(s) published in the DEI Annual Report Media inquiries on a case-by-case basis

14 2018 vs. 2019 DEI Measurements (by weight)
Graphic showing 2018 DEI Measurement 5 categories (4 weighted) = 100 points Employment Practices (40%) Enterprise Wide Access (10%) Culture and Leadership (30%) Supplier Diversity (0%) Community Engagement and Support services (20%) Graphic showing 2019 DEI Measurement 6 categories (5 weighted) = 100 points Employment Practices (40%) Enterprise Wide Access (10%) Culture and Leadership (30%) Supplier Diversity (10%) Community Engagement (10%) Non-U.S. Operations (0%) 2018: 5 categories (4 weighted) = 100 points 2019: 6 categories (5 weighted) = 100 points

15 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 1 of 2)
Culture & Leadership (NO CHANGES) Culture: Formal statements, Employee Resource Groups, Hiring Goals (20 points) Leadership: Internal Advocacy and Support, Executive Sponsorship, Public Statement and Performance Metrics (10 points) Enterprise–Wide Access Communication Support Systems, Emergency Procedures, Physical Accessibility, Electronic Accessibility, Training and Support for Accessibility Requests (10 points) Employment Practices Benefits (NO CHANGES): Counseling services, Short and Long-Term Disability Benefits (10 points) Recruitment: Outward Statements, Recruitment, Accommodations, Proactive Efforts (10 points) Employment, Education, Retention & Advancement: Awareness & Supervisory Training, Self-Identification Processes (10 points) Accommodations: Formal policies, Communication Practices, Funding, Off-site Meeting Accessibility (10 points)

16 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2)
Community Engagement Community Engagement: Philanthropy, Public Impact, Feedback Programs (10 points) Supplier Diversity Supplier Diversity: Evaluating supplier diversity practices that fully include and utilize disability owned, veteran–disability owned businesses and service-disabled veteran owned businesses (10 points) Non-U.S. Operations (non-weighted)

17 2019 DEI New Weights (slide 1 of 4)
Employment Practices: Recruitment 5: If your business uses personality profile screening tests/instruments for any position as part of the employment screening process, do you allow applicants with disabilities the option to opt-out of the test as an accommodation? Employment Practices: Employment, Education, Retention, & Advancement 4: Do you currently have any employees who utilize supported employment?

18 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2)
What’s the danger with personality assessments? (slide 1 of 2) 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2) Personality tests inherently disadvantage prospective and current employees and leaders whose disabilities impact: Social communication Mood Anxiety Energy And a broad range of other cognitive differences They are also prone to reinforcing implicit biases that disproportionately hinder people of color, women, the LGBT community, people from low-income backgrounds, etc.

19 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2)
What’s the danger with personality assessments? (slide 2 of 2) 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2) Discrimination against people with certain disabilities often looks like “a bad cultural fit” or “we just didn’t click.” Personality tests feed this type of invisible discrimination. It’s a myth to think that a certain type of “personality” is required in order to succeed in a particular role. Our ideas about what leadership looks like are impacted by bias. We need to change those ideas, instead of screening out candidates who challenge them.

20 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2)
What is supported employment? (slide 1 of 2) 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2) Supported employment is a set of services and strategies used to assist (or “support”) someone with a significant cognitive disability to obtain and maintain employment. Cognitive disability could include: Intellectual disability Mental health disability Traumatic Brain Injury Not everyone within these disability categories will need supported employment services!

21 What is supported employment? (slide 2 of 2)
Services can include: Support finding and getting a job Working with the employer on job customization and/or job carving Job training (both job tasks as well as soft skills, etc.) Identifying and recruiting natural supports Training/supporting employers, managers, and coworkers Fading supports over time, with ongoing intermittent assistance as needed Employees using supported employment services may also use reasonable accommodations, assistive technology, and personal attendant services.

22 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2)
Who provides supported employment? 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2) 1: The agency: Vocational Rehabilitation The state DD agency Other state & community agencies 2: The job coach 3: Ultimately, the employer!

23 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2)
One last thing 2019 DEI Evaluation (slide 2 of 2) Supported employment and job coaching is not the same as the types of support typically available to all employees with regards to training, professional development, and career advancement. Supported employment should neither preclude nor supplant those types of support. Supported employment is a set of services that result in people with significant cognitive disabilities having the same types of jobs, careers, and opportunities for advancement as everyone else.

24 2019 DEI New Weights (slide 2 of 4)
Employment Practices: Employment, Education, Retention, & Advancement (cont.) 5: Does your business currently utilize employee retention and advancement programs? 5a: Any of your employee retention and advancement programs specifically focused on employees with disabilities?

25 2019 DEI New Weights (slide 3 of 4)
Employment Practices: Employment, Education, Retention, & Advancement (cont.) 6: Does your business pay all of your employees at least Local, State, or Federal minimum wage – whichever is highest?

26 Section 14(c) - Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
This provision allows employers certified by the United States Department of Labor (DOL), Wage and Hour Division to compensate persons with disabilities for work at a rate less than the minimum wage – a wage set by Congress for all other workers in the United States.

27 What’s the danger? This provision promotes segregation and financial exploitation of people with disabilities. Subminimum wage creates and reinforces a life of poverty and dependency on public support.

28 2019 DEI New Weights (slide 4 of 4)
Community Engagement 4: Does your business have a process in place to ensure that all contractors and subcontractors that you work with pay all of their employees at least Local, State, or Federal minimum wage – whichever is highest? 4a: Please briefly describe the process that is in place to ensure that all of your contractors and subcontractors pay all of their employees at least Local, State, or Federal minimum wage – whichever is highest.

29 Supplier Code of Conduct
Does your Supplier Code of Conduct include a clause that ensures that all contractors and subcontractors have safe working conditions and that their employees are paid at least Local, State, or Federal minimum wage – whichever is highest?

30 2019 DEI Timeline Timeline for 2019 DEI:
Now – Registration Open and Questions available September 11, 2018 DEI Webinar “What’s new for 2019” October 9, 2018 DEI Webinar “Enterprise-Wide Access” November 6, 2018 DEI Webinar “Supplier Diversity” January 11, 2019 Registration Closes January 23, 2019 DEI Benchmark Opens April 12, 2019 DEI Benchmark Responses Due July 15-18, 2019 DEI Top Scoring Companies Annouced

31 DEI Resources Register for the 2019 DEI:
2019 DEI Updates: To view all of the DEI Questions: Link to the 2018 DEI Best Places to Work: 2018 Disability Equality Index Report: 2018 Disability Equality Index Best Practices Report:

32 Thank You! Jill Houghton President & CEO Disability:IN
Deb Dagit Disability Inclusion Consultant Julia Bascom Executive Director Autistic Self Advocacy Network

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