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Countries and Nationalities

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2 Countries and Nationalities
Talking about….. Countries and Nationalities

3 Where……from? Where are you from? I’m from Mexico.

4 What……nationality? What’s your nationality? I’m Mexican.

5 Where……from? Where are you from? I’m from Japan.

6 What……nationality? What’s your nationality? I’m Japanese.

7 Where……from? I’m from India. Where are you from?

8 What……nationality? I’m Indian. What’s your nationality?

9 Where……from? I’m from Scotland. Where are you from?

10 What……nationality? I’m Scottish. What’s your nationality?

11 Where……from? Where’s Carla from? She’s from Spain. Carla

12 What……nationality? What’s her nationality? She is Spanish. Carla

13 Where……from? Where’s Sophie from? She’s from Ireland. Sophie

14 What……nationality? What’s her nationality? She’s Irish. Sophie

15 Where……from? Where’s John from? He’s from The U.K. John

16 What……nationality? What’s his nationality? He’s British. John

17 Where……from? Where’s Ronaldo from? He’s from Brazil. Ronaldo

18 What……nationality? What’s his nationality? He’s Brazilian. Ronaldo

19 Where……from? Where’s Andre from? He’s from France. Andre

20 What……nationality? What’s his nationality? He’s French. Andre

21 Where……from? Where’s Minsuh And Minjoo from? Minsuh and Minjoo They’re
South Korea. Minsuh and Minjoo

22 What……nationality? What’s their nationality? Minsuh and Minjoo
They are South Korean. Minsuh and Minjoo

23 Where……from? Where’s Bradley and Irene from? Bradley and Irene They’re
Hungary. Bradley and Irene

24 What……nationality? What’s their nationality? Bradley and Irene
They are Hungarian. Bradley and Irene

25 Yes/No question Are you from Portugal Yes, I am Jose

26 Yes/No question Are you Portuguese? Yes, I am Jose

27 Yes/No question Is Dongmei from Chaina? Yes, she is. Dongmei

28 Yes/No question Is she Chainese? Yes, she is. Dongmei

29 Is Amelia Dutch? Amelia Yes, she is.

30 Is Jessica From Canada? Jessica
No, she isn’t. She’s from South Africa.

31 Is Andreas German? Andreas Yes, he is.

32 Is Kerem from Turkey? Kerem Yes, he is.

33 Is Omar Turkish? Omar No, he isn’t. He is Saudi Arabian.

34 Is Alexandros from England?
No, he isn’t. He’s from Greek.

35 Are they American? Adrian & Michael Yes, they are.

36 Are they American? Yes, they are. Amin & Jamal

37 Is they from Mexico? Dustin & Melissa
No, they aren’t. They’re from Argentina.

38 Are you fun? Thank you for your attention

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