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Gentleness 1 Timothy 6:11.

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Presentation on theme: "Gentleness 1 Timothy 6:11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gentleness 1 Timothy 6:11

2 Gentleness What is gentleness? Who should be gentle?
How do we show a spirit of gentleness? Why should we be gentle?

3 What Is Gentleness? Webster: generous, kind, tame, patient, not harsh or rough Vine: equitable, fair; to look humanely and reasonable at the facts of a case “sweet reasonableness” Wycliffe: moderation in action, refinement in mannerisms and disposition, and the absence of what is rough Opposite of contentious Bible: James 3:17

4 Who Should Be Gentle? Elders 1 Timothy 3:3 Man of God 1 Timothy 6:11
Wives 1 Peter 3:1-4 Servant of the Lord 2 Timothy 2:24 Part of “worthy walk” Ephesians 4:1-2

5 How Do We Show a Spirit of Gentleness?
Seek to solve problems Jesus used gentleness to solve problems Mark 10:35-45 Gentleness always makes for a better solution

6 How Do We Show a Spirit of Gentleness?
Seek to solve problems Be willing to suffer wrong Jesus was willing to suffer wrong John 10:17-18 Jesus practiced what He preached Luke 6:27-30

7 How Do We Show a Spirit of Gentleness?
Seek to solve problems Be willing to suffer wrong Seek the opportunity to forgive Even from the cross, Jesus forgave Luke 23:34 The gentle pursue forgiveness Matthew 5:23-24

8 How Do We Show a Spirit of Gentleness?
Seek to solve problems Be willing to suffer wrong Seek the opportunity to forgive Seek to change offender’s heart Jesus tried to change hearts of His accusers Luke 22:66-71 Dealing with sinful brother is all about forgiving Matthew 18:15-17 It takes gentleness Galatians 6:1

9 Why Should We Be Gentle? It is a commandment
God has been gentle with us Isaiah 40:11 So others will be gentle to us Luke 6:31 To lead others to Christ 2 Timothy 2:24-26 God will reward the gentle 1 Timothy 6:11-12

10 Conclusion Gentleness makes this world a better place
The Lord needs elders, preachers, teachers, mothers, fathers, and neighbors with gentle spirits elders preachers teachers mothers fathers neighbors

11 What Must I Do To Be Saved?
You believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1 Unless you repent, you likewise will perish. Luke 13:3 Confess Me before men, and I’ll confess you before My Father. Matthew 10:32 He that believes and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16:16 Be faithful unto death... Rev. 2:10

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