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Bible Bowl 2018 Paul’s Letters to Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, and Thessalonica.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible Bowl 2018 Paul’s Letters to Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, and Thessalonica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible Bowl 2018 Paul’s Letters to Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, and Thessalonica

2 Where did Paul say he had the Philippians?
A. In the city. In his heart B. In his heart C. In his mind Philippians 1:7

3 Because of his expectation and hope, Paul said he would
A. rest in peace be ashamed in nothing B. be ashamed in nothing C. rejoice always Philippians 1:20

4 Paul said the things sent to him from Philippi were
A. Sweet, acceptable and pleasing to him a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. B. a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. C. overdue Philippians 4:18

5 Christ will transform our __ that it may be conformed to his
A. Spirit Lowly body B. Wicked nature C. Lowly body Philippians 3:21

6 Who joined Paul in writing Philippians?
A. Timothy Timothy B. Titus C. Peter Philippians 1:1

7 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 530

8 We are those who __ God in the spirit.
A. Pray to Worship. B. Praise C. Worship. Philippians 3:3

9 We are to hold fast the A. Word of life Word of life
B. Hope of salvation C. Son of God Philippians 2:16

10 Paul did not want to run or labor __
A. In vain In vain B. Alone C. At Philippi Philippians 2:16

11 Paul longed for the Philippians with
A. Afflictions Affection B. Dreams C. Affection Philippians 1:8

12 Let each of you look out ___
A. On a woman to lust Not only for his own interests B. Not only for his own interests C. Upward Philippians 2:4

13 God gave Jesus A. The keys to the kingdom
A name which is above every name B. A name which is above every name C. Power over death Philippians 2:9

14 Paul said he had confidence he would abide and continue with them for their
A. Good and hope progress and joy of faith B. prayers were answered. C. progress and joy of faith Philippians 1:25

15 Let this be in you, which was also in Christ
A. Mind Mind B. Spirit C. Love Philippians 2:5

16 Jesus came in the likeness of
A. Mary Men B. Men C. Joseph Philippians 2:7

17 We are to __ every saint in Christ.
A. Honor Greet B. Greet C. Pray to Philippians 4:21

18 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 540

19 I press toward the mark for the
A. Prize Prize B. Savior C. Crown Philippians 3:14

20 This one thing I do, forgetting
A. Scripture references Those things which are behind B. The bad times C. Those things which are behind Philippians 3:13

21 I can do A. All things through Christ who strengthens me
B. Anything I like C. All things Philippians 4:13

22 Paul said to depart and be with Christ was
A. his aim in life far better B. the hope of all Christians. C. far better Philippians 1:23

23 Brethren, follow __ A. That which is good my example B. Jesus Christ
C. my example Philippians 3:17

24 ___ in the Lord always A. Pray Rejoice B. Rejoice C. Hope
Philippians 4:4

25 Paul said that God was his
A. Only hope Witness B. Witness C. Savior Philippians 1:8

26 Paul wanted them to stand fast in
A. One spirit One spirit B. Christ C. The gospel Philippians 1:27

27 Our __ is in heaven A. Hope Citizenship B. Citizenship C. Jesus
Philippians 3:20

28 Some preached Christ out of
A. Hope for gain Envy and strife B. Envy and strife C. Necessity Philippians 1:15

29 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 550

30 What comes from God and Jesus?
A. Grace and peace Grace and peace B. Salvation and Hope C. Mercy and goodness Philippians 1:2

31 The __ of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
A. Grace Grace B. Praise C. Servant Philippians 4:23

32 Paul said the Philippians were “my
A. Pride and joy Joy and crown B. Joy and crown C. Work and example Philippians 4:1

33 Let nothing be done through
A. Strife or vain glory Selfish ambition or conceit B. Selfish ambition or conceit C. Hatred or vain glory Philippians 2:3

34 Let your __ be known to all men
A. Gripes Gentleness B. Hope C. Gentleness Philippians 4:5

35 For me to live is A. Fun Christ B. Christ C. Right Philippians 1:21

36 Jesus became A. The Son of God Obedient to the point of death
B. Our savior C. Obedient to the point of death Philippians 2:8

37 Every __ will bow at the name of Jesus
A. Head Knee B. Heart C. Knee Philippians 2:10

38 We are the __ A. Children of God Circumcision B. Circumcision
C. Light of the world Philippians 3:3

39 Paul said he had no one A. Like Titus Like-minded B. As good
C. Like-minded Philippians 2:20

40 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 560

41 Paul did not want the brethren at Philippi to be
A. Unfruitful in the kingdom of God. Terrified B. Overcome with evil C. Terrified Philippians 1:28

42 Be __ for nothing A. Anxious Anxious B. Hopeful C. Wanting
Philippians 4:6

43 Paul was appointed for A. the defense of the gospel
B. the hope of salvation C. the race set before him Philippians 1:17

44 What officers were in the church at Philippi?
A. Bishops and deacons Bishops and deacons B. Deacons and Preachers C. Pastors and elders Philippians 1:1

45 Not only did they believe in Christ, but they also __ for his sake.
A. Taught others Suffered B. Served him C. Suffered Philippians 1:29

46 ___ was sick and near death
A. Epaphroditus Epaphroditus B. Paul C. Timothy Philippians 2:27

47 Paul wanted Christ to be
A. Magnified in his body Magnified in his body B. With him always C. Revealed to the people of Philippi. Philippians 1:20

48 I know how to be A. A Christian Abased B. Good C. Abased
Philippians 4:12

49 Paul wanted to know the power of
A. His resurrection His resurrection B. The Holy Spirit C. God Philippians 3:10

50 The things that happened to Paul turned out for
A. Evangelism the furtherance of the gospel. B. the furtherance of the gospel. C. the dis-pleasure of God Philippians 1:12

51 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 570

52 What was Paul confident of?
A. His own salvation That God would perform a good work at Philippi B. Jesus‘s resurrection C. That God would perform a good work at Philippi Philippians 1:6

53 l have learned, in _ to be content
A. whatever state I am whatever state I am B. Good times C. All things Philippians 4:11

54 To our God and Father be A. Praise Glory B. Glory C. Honor
Philippians 4:20

55 Paul wanted to attain to
A. The glory of Christ The resurrection from the dead B. The resurrection from the dead C. The heights of heaven Philippians 3:11

56 Paul was __ the eighth day
A. Spanked Circumcised B. Saved C. Circumcised Philippians 3:5

57 With what should our requests be made known unto God?
A. Humility Thanksgiving B. Prayer C. Thanksgiving Philippians 4:6

58 To die as a Christian is A. Gain Gain B. Tragic C. a shame
Philippians 1:21

59 Paul said, The things which you have learned, received, heard, and saw in me, _“
A. Do Do B. Practice C. Follow Philippians 4:9

60 Jesus took the form of A. a bondservant. a bondservant. B. God
C. Mary, his mother Philippians 2:7

61 Concerning righteousness in the law, Paul was
A. Blameless Blameless B. Guilty C. Righteous Philippians 3:6

62 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 580

63 Jesus ___ himself A. Loved Humbled B. was true to C. Humbled
Philippians 2:8

64 Paul was from the tribe of
A. Levi Benjamin B. Benjamin C. Judah Philippians 3:5

65 What fruits did Paul want them to be filled with?
A. Apples and oranges Righteousness B. Righteousness C. Good works Philippians 1:11

66 Jesus did not consider it __ to be equal with God.
A. Robbery Robbery B. Boastful C. Necessary Philippians 2:6

67 Our ___ should be worthy of the gospel of Christ.
A. Conduct Conduct B. Confession C. Life Philippians 1:27

68 Paul concidered it necessary to send
A. Timothy Epaphroditus B. Epaphroditus C. Titus Philippians 2:25

69 Paul intended to send __ to Philippi
A. Timothy Timothy B. Philemon C. Titus Philippians 2:19

70 Let each ___ others better than himself.
A. Support Esteem B. Esteem C. Count Philippians 2:3

71 C. Send Jesus to receive you
My God shall A. Save you Supply all your need B. Supply all your need C. Send Jesus to receive you Philippians 4:19

72 Beware of __ __ __ A. Dogs, evil workers, the mutilation
B. Dogs, wicked men. and wild women C. Dogs, wild animals, evil companions Philippians 3:2

73 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 590

74 What happened to the brethren when they heard of Paul's bonds?
A. they hid in fear they spoke the word with boldness and without fear. B. they spoke the word with boldness and without fear. C. they lost their faith Philippians 1:14

75 Paul wanted them to have one __ as they strove together for the faith.
A. Spirit Mind B. Preacher C. Mind Philippians 1:27

76 What did Paul want for Eoudia and Syntyche?
A. That they be of the same mind in the Spirit That they be of the same mind in the Lord B. That they speak the same things in love C. That they be of the same mind in the Lord Philippians 4:2

77 You have done well that you _ in my distress.
A. Helped Shared B. Sympathized C. Shared Philippians 4:14

78 How is Jesus described? A. The Lord Jesus Christ The Lord Jesus Christ
B. Our blessed savior C. The king of the Jews Philippians 1:2

79 Only the Philippians shared with Paul
A. Concerning giving and receiving Concerning giving and receiving B. As concerning the gospel C. As concerning the health Epaphroditus Philippians 4:15

80 What did Paul pray would abound in the church at Philippi?
A. Love Love B. Love, knowledge and judgment C. Evangelism Philippians 1:9

81 Paul said the Philippians were partakers of
A. Hope Grace B. Glory C. Grace Philippians 1:7

82 I have learned both to A. Repent and be baptized
Be full and to be hungry B. Be full and to be hungry C. Hear and Believe Philippians 4:12

83 That Paul's chains were in Christ was
A. evidence that he served Christ evident to the whole palace guard B. proof God did not love him. C. evident to the whole palace guard Philippians 1:13

84 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 600

85 Concerning zeal, Paul had
A. Very zealous Persecuted the church B. Persecuted the church C. Righteous Philippians 3:6

86 Paul said he would have joy if he was poured out as a drink offering on
A. The altar The sacrifice and service of their faith B. The sacrifice and service of their faith C. The cross like Christ Philippians 2:17

87 We must have no __ in the flesh
A. Fellowship Confidence B. Confidence C. Works Philippians 3:3

88 We must ___ our own salvation.
A. Pursue Work out B. Plan C. Work out Philippians 2:12

89 What does the peace of God surpass?
A. All understanding All understanding B. Peace on earth C. Peace at home. Philippians 4:7

90 Concerning the law. Paul was a
A. Sadducee Pharisee B. Priest C. Pharisee Philippians 3:5

91 Do all things A. Without complaining and disputing.
B. Well C. Quickly Philippians 2:14

92 Jesus made himself A. By Mary . of no reputation B. Human.
C. of no reputation Philippians 2:7

93 With what did Paul make request to God in prayer?
A. Joy Joy B. Confidence C. Hope Philippians 1:4

94 Christ was in the ___ of God
A. Bosom Form B. Form C. Love Philippians 2:6

95 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 610

96 Paul speaks of ___ and mercy.
A. Hopes Affection B. Affection C. Joys Philippians 2:1

97 Others preached out of A. Respect for Christ Goodwill B. Goodwill
C. the Bible Philippians 1:15

98 What did Paul rejoice in?
A. The hope of salvation That Christ was preached B. The fellowship of love C. That Christ was preached Philippians 1:18

99 Paul said that Timothy had served him as
A. A son with a father A son with a father B. A bond servant. C. A father with a son Philippians 2:22

100 Every _ will confess that Jesus is _.
A. Person, savior Tongue, Lord B. Thing, God's Son. C. Tongue, Lord Philippians 2:11

101 Paul said to remain in the flesh was
A. Better Needful for the people at Philippi. B. Needful for the people at Philippi. C. His hope Philippians 1:24

102 We are to ___ in the Lord A. Rejoice Rejoice B. Hope C. Serve
Philippians 3:1

103 Some thought their preaching would add
A. Stars in their crown affliction to Paul B. More people to the church C. affliction to Paul Philippians 1:16

104 Paul wanted the Philippians to fulfill his
A. Dreams Joy B. Joy C. Goals Philippians 2:2

105 Paul wanted the Philippians to be
A. Like him Like-minded B. Like-minded C. Like Christ Philippians 2:2

106 10 Questions Done! Let's Check Our Work!
Did you get 10? NICE GOIN'! Movin' On! Did you get 8? GREAT! Less than Seven? It's not Armageddon. 620

107 Many walk as __ A. This world Enemies of the cross of Christ
B. Enemies of the cross of Christ C. Christians Philippians 3:18

108 Paul wanted the fellowship of his (Christ‘s)
A. Crucifixion Suffering B. Suffering C. Followers Philippians 3:10

109 What things were __ to me I counted __
A. Good, gain Gain, Loss B. Gain, Loss C. Fun, OK Philippians 3:7

110 Let us walk by the same A. Standard Rule B. Rule C. Drummer
Philippians 3:16

111 Fill in the blanks: “If there is any __ in Christ, any __ of love, any __ of the Spirit.
A. people, spirit, gift fellowship consolation, comfort, fellowship. B. person, comfort,of the Spirit C. consolation, comfort, fellowship. Philippians 2:1

112 I count all things loss for the excellence of
A. the knowledge of Christ the knowledge of Christ B. the approval of men C. The hope of Heaven Philippians 3:8

113 Paul was a Hebrew of __ A. Hebrews Hebrews B. Palestine C. Syria
Philippians 3:5

114 In a crooked and perverse nation, we
A. Follow them Shine as lights B. Preach the word C. Shine as lights Philippians 2:15

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