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2 What is an argument? Argument is a kind of statement that contains base reason of certain situation, activity, or statement.

In this case, positive opinion usually is delivered by the first speaker whether singular or plural (I, We). In my opinion the situation will turn back from now. It seems that the oposite team start to strike back. What we have in our mind is taking the work will make her progress.

4 Examples of negative opinion
I don’t think that is a good decision I am sorry that is not what we expect. Everybody will laugh when they hear the concept. You should change what you want to do.

5 Complete the dialogue with the words given below
Complete the dialogue with the words given below. Then practice it with your partner. Woman : What are your………….on this government………? Man : Well,…………I think we have to……………any contract which…. the government. We have to………public…… Woman : I……..what you say about the problem with public opinion,……. I…….feel that this government………..could be very…….for us. Choice of words : - feeling contract - advantageous opinion - personally consider - accept but - project still


7 Now, make your own arguments to the following statements.
Number one has been done for the example X : Success comes with hard work Y : That’s true, but don’t forget that praying also helps much 2. X : Job satisfaction is more important than money Y : On one hand I agree with you, but on the other hand……….. 3. X : It’s the money you have that counts. Y : I suppose you’re right, but…………………………………... 4. X : You should be able to save about one third of what you earn. Y : I agree to a point, but……………………………………….. 5. X : You can judge a man by a quality of his work Y : They may be so, but………………………………………….

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