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Week Two Vocabulary.

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1 Week Two Vocabulary

2 Tract: drag or draw Distract—to draw attention to another direction
Contract—an agreement Between two or more people Tractor—a powerful vehicle used for pulling farm machinery

3 Duc: to lead Conduct—to lead Induct—to place formally in an office,
a society, etc. (Think of Hall of Fames…)

4 Sec/sequ: to follow Sequence—one thing after another
Sequel—something that follows; continuation

5 Ambi/amphi: on both sides;around
Amphibious—can operate on land or water Ambidextrous—using both hands with equal ease

6 Ep/epi: upon; besides; attached to
Epilogue—a closing section added on to a play, novel, etc. Epitaph—an inscription on a tomb, etc. in memory of a dead person “Murdered by a traitor and a coward whose name is not worthy to appear here.” (On Jesse James’ tombstone)

7 Prefix Intra-: within Intramural—between or among members of the same school, college, etc. Intranet—a private Internet computer network for one organization, company, etc.

8 Suffix -ion: act or process
Litigation—the act of disputing or contesting in a lawsuit Extraction—the act or process of drawing out by effort

9 Vocabulary Words American Literature
Week #2

10 Abdicate Wallis Simpson & Edward VIII
Representative Gabrielle Giffords Wallis Simpson & Edward VIII

11 Abdicate Definition: (v.) to give up power, duties or obligations
Synonym: resign, relinquish, step down Antonym: accept, receive

12 Aberration

13 Aberration Definition: (n.) state or condition different from the norm. Synonym: deviation, abnormality Antonym: normality

14 Bias

15 Bias Definition: (n.) partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation. Synonym: prejudice, favoritism Antonym: impartiality, fairness

16 Capacious

17 Capacious Definition: (adj.) large in capacity
Synonym: roomy, spacious Antonym: small, cramped

18 Digression

19 Digression Definition: (n.) message that departs from the main subject. Synonym: aside, detour Antonym: focus, concentration

20 Ephemeral

21 Ephemeral Definition: (adj.) lasting a very short time.
Synonym: brief, momentary, fleeting Antonym: permanent, lasting

22 Fortitude

23 Fortitude Definition: (n.) strength of mind, courage
Synonym: determination, resilience Antonym: weakness

24 Inconsequential

25 Inconsequential Definition: (adj.) lacking worth or importance.
Synonym: insignificant, petty, trivial Antonym: important, essential

26 Opulent

27 Opulent Definition: (adj.) rich and superior in quality.
Synonym: wealthy, lavish, luxurious Antonym: meager, bare, poor

28 Superficial

29 Superficial Definition: (adj.) shallow; not deep or penetrating.
Synonym: insincere, trivial Antonym: deep, thoughtful

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