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Senior Class Meeting September 17, 2018 6:00 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Class Meeting September 17, 2018 6:00 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Class Meeting September 17, 2018 6:00 PM

2 The College Application Process at Watkins Mill High School

3 Post High School Educational Options
Four year Institutions Two year Community Colleges-community College IS college. 42% of MC students transfer to a 4 yr. University Vocational/Trade Schools Check Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges Website at

4 Use the School Website to Access Naviance/Family Connection
Family Connection is a web-based tool that provides self-discovery activities and lessons to help students explore and plan their college and career goals. Students can discover their individual strengths and talents and explore career and college options.

5 Colleges


7 Sort Your List Once you have a list of colleges you think you will be satisfied attending, sort it into three categories: Safetys: These are colleges that you feel you have a very good chance of getting into and that you think you can afford to attend. They should also be colleges you would be happy to attend. Target: These are colleges that you feel you have a good chance of getting into and that are good matches for you overall. Reaches: These are colleges that you think may be more of a challenge to get into. Getting in is not a sure thing, but it’s realistic enough to be worth the effort of applying.

8 Ima Wolverine is interested in Applying to Goucher College

9 How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?
Target Safety Reach One to Two Two to Four One to Two Make arrangements to visit college campuses.

10 Early Action (EA) Option to submit your applications before the regular deadlines. Admission decisions from colleges come earlier than usual. Not binding  Early Decision (ED) Option to submit an application to your first-choice college before the regular deadline. Admission decision comes earlier than usual. Early decision plans are binding Enroll in the college immediately if admitted and offered a financial aid package that meets your needs.  Open Admission Accepts any high school graduate, no matter what his or her grades are, until all spaces in the incoming class are filled. Almost all two-year community colleges have an open-admission policy. However, a college with a general open-admission policy may have admission requirements for certain programs. Priority Date or Deadline The date by which your application — whether it’s for college admission, student housing or financial aid — must be received to be given the strongest consideration. Rolling Admission Each application is considered as soon as all required information (such as high school records and test scores) has been received, rather than setting an application deadline and reviewing applications in a batch. Colleges that use a rolling admission policy usually notify applicants of admission decisions quickly.

11 The school is a Common App School
* The school is a Common App School The school accepts electronic delivery The transcript must be mailed Once you have your “colleges I’m thinking about” list you can click on to find out: Application Deadlines Information About Electronic Delivery


Application Forms Application Fees $50+ ask about fee waivers High School Transcript-pick up request form in Counseling office Final High School Transcript- Mailed AFTER the year ends Admission Test Scores-SAT/ACT sent directly from ACT or College Board Letters of Recommendation Essays Auditions and Portfolios Interviews-Not all schools require an interview

14 Find it on the WMHS Counseling Page

15 Common Application – allows you to apply to several colleges using a “common application”. Accepted by over 700 colleges (Salisbury, UMBC, St. Mary’s, etc.) The student creates an account using the same address that is listed on Family Connection. Enter Common App address on the “My Colleges” tab under “Colleges I’m Applying To” on Family Connection and then click “Match.” This links the Common App account with the Family Connection account.

16 If you are applying to a Common App School Please watch the video on the homepage of your Naviance Account for instructions on how to match you application.

17 The Coalition Application

Priority deadline is November 1st. Submit by this date for best chance of admission & to be considered for Honors, Gemstone, Scholars, & merit scholarships. 95% of the class will be selected from these applicants. Test scores need to be sent directly from ACT or CollegeBoard to College Park. Request no later than October 1st. Request official transcript from Ms. Brown no later than October 11th.

19 At least 3 weeks (15 school days) prior to the college application deadline, submit to Ms. Brown in the counseling office the following: WMHS Secondary School Report Form Signed transcript request form Student Brag Sheet If the transcript has to be mailed, a 9 x 12 envelope addressed to the college with 3 Forever stamps or $1.47 postage on it Transcript request fees: first 3 are free, each transcript after that is $3.00, MC is free

20 How to Request a Recommendation
Ask teachers Early and in PERSON. Many students will make the same request of them. Ask at a Convenient Time for the Teacher. Use the “Request for Recommendation Letter” and give the following materials to your Teachers: Request for Teacher Recommendation A copy of your Brag Sheet or resume Addressed envelope with postage (if college does not accept electronic submissions)


22 LET’S REVIEW Your Application Packet
STUDENT SUBMITS: WMHS SENDS: Official Transcript (Transcript Request Form) Online Application Secondary School Report SAT/ACT Scores Letter of Recommendation (Brag Sheet) Application Fee WMHS School Profile Did your teacher send your recommendation letter?

23 Montgomery College Simple online application. Can apply October 1st! FREE for MCPS students!! Due date for the Scholars Program and Macklin Program is in January 7, Separate application. $25 fee Students must take the Accuplacer if they do not have an ACT or SAT score OR if scores are not a 21 or higher for the ACT or a 500 or higher on the Math SAT. Take assessment tests before class registration.

24 On-the-Spot Admissions
At WMHS Many schools will make on-site acceptance decsions. This year our on-site decision day will be Thursday December 6. I will be adding the list of attending schools to our website soon. UNCF/MCPS/NAACP HBCU College TBD February 8, 2019 6:00-8:00 pm Grades 9-12 welcome

25 Financial Aid and Scholarships
Financial Aid Workshop Tuesday, September 25th 6:30-8:00 pm Presented in English & Spanish Bring your Parent or Guardian Available October 1 Scholarships link on the College/Career Center webpage



28 My Contact Information: Kate Heald

29 Important Reminders: Pay Attention to application deadlines
Check your on a regular basis, MHEC will send you an if you are awarded money SSL Hours – Don’t wait to get your SSL Hours- Set a goal to get them completed by March. See your counselor or Ms. Torres-Merriweather if you have any questions Obligations – Make sure all your obligations are paid

30 Tips for Parents of Seniors
Now is the time to: Understand there will be stress Acknowledge that your student may see a peer’s opinions and ideas equally as important as yours See this as an opportunity to learn about yourselves and your child Work together. Your teen may not say so, but he/she probably wants your involvement and approval. Encourage your teen to get to know himself or herself, and then let the choices be your son or daughter’s. She/he must live with the choice Recognize that other family members have needs too Resist the temptation to be critical or judgmental Encourage your student to brainstorm about and solicit feedback about the very important college essay See home and school as working together Now is NOT the time to: Make your child’s college and career decision so that he/she feels like a failure if he/she doesn’t please you or is rejected at the school of your choice See your teen’s choice as a reflection on you Let college and career conversations dominate family life for months on end

31 Just think, this time next year you can rent out their room!!
Questions??? Just think, this time next year you can rent out their room!!

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