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Reviewing the civilization elements

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1 Reviewing the civilization elements

2 Technology in Sumer The Sumerians contributed significantly to the world. Of the many contributions, there were six areas the Sumerians made a significant contribution to… 1. Inventions – the wheel!! 2. Writing – Cuneiform 3. Astronomy 4. Medicine Bronze Irrigation

3 Government Sumer was divided into at least twelve major city-states. Each city had its own ruler and way of life. Sumerians believed their kings established rule through divine right. The lugal, or king, of each city-state was responsible for constructing buildings and temples, maintaining the city borders and irrigation systems, and enforcing the laws. In case of war, he would lead the armies. Although the king had power, he was not permitted to act with ultimate power, or as a dictator.

4 Artifacts that relate to government in Sumer

5 Art and Literature A culture’s literature is very important to becoming a civilization. Sumer’s most well known piece of literature was the Epic of Gilgamesh. What is an Epic? A long poem about a hero. What was the Gilgamesh Epic about? About a man who is 2/3 God and 1/3 Man Why is the Gilgamesh Epic important? It is one of the earliest works of literature and does have parallels to Noah and the Great flood. Where was it written? On clay tablets with cuneiform characters.

6 We’ll look at this epic next.
The Epic of Gilgamesh We’ll look at this epic next.

7 Cuneiform

8 Mesopotamian Math

9 Answer the Meso Math

10 Social Structure Upper Middle Lower

11 Religion The people of Mesopotamia were Polytheistic. Poly means many
Theism means belief So together it means the belief in many There were hundred of gods people of Mesopotamia believed in. Here is a short list: Anu: god of heaven Enlil: god of the air Enki: god of freshwater Ereshkigal: goddess of the underworld Inanna: goddess of warfare Nammu was the primeval sea (Engur), who gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first deities; eventually became known as the goddess Tiamat Ninhursag: goddess of the earth Nanna: god of the moon Ningal: wife of Nanna Ninlil: an air goddess and wife of Enlil Ninurta: god of war, agriculture Utu: god of the sun

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