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18th Century Nationalism

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1 18th Century Nationalism

2 Germany formed Leader : Otto von Bismarck “Iron Chancellor”
Realpolitik >> “Blood & Iron” speech Unification: Zollverein > 1848 Frankfurt Assembly > War to gain land + unite people 3 Wars: Danish, Austro-Prussian, Franco-Prussian Development: Resources > Industrialization = Steel, Chemical Crush opponents + Kulturkampf v RCC (failed) Outcome: German Reich (Empire) created 1871 Wilhelm II (Kaiser) Industrial powerhouse w/ Social Welfare programs Nationalism: Used to unite Germans

3 Italy formed Leaders: Unification: Constitutional Monarchy 1861
Mazzini: Young Italy 1840s Failed b/c French interfered Cavour: 1850s used war + alliances to gain land Garibaldi: 1860s Red Shirts (S) fight, unites with Cavour (N) to avoid civil war Unification: Constitutional Monarchy 1861 King Victor Emmanuel II Challenges: N (biz) v. S (agri) differences, RCC (Papacy)  Outcome:Modern Italy 1871 Italy + Venice + Papal States > Rome is capitol Nationalism: Used to unite Italians

4 Russia & Romanov Dynasty
Crimean War EXPOSES R weakness R loses v. OE + GB + F 1850s Tsar Alexander II = Reformer Emancipates serfs + Zemstvos + laws, but killed! Tsar Alexander III = Autocrat Secret Police, Censorship, Russification, Pogroms Industrialized >> Trans-Siberian RR Tsar Nicholas II = Error prone? Bloody Sunday > R-J War loss > Revolt 1905 Duma created, dissolved  

5 Austria >> Austria-Hungary
Hapsburg control Conservative! Multi-ethnic, national Francis-Joseph reign Limited reforms Dual Monarchy Ferenc Deak led Separate nations but same king Nationalism Creates Austria-Hungary but… Causes unrest…

6 Ottoman Empire Multi-ethnic, national Muslims, Christians, Jews
“Sick Man of Europe” = weak! External Balkan Wars Loses land to Russia & A-H Internal Corruption & poor leadership Ethnic revolts: Greeks, Serbs

7 1800s Nationalism Force for unification Force for independence
Germany & Italy Force for independence Greece, Serbia, Hungary (A-H) Force for division Austria-Hungary,Ottoman & Russian empires Reform or not reform Multi-ethnic Modernize or remain traditional

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