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Loma Linda University School of Medicine

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1 Loma Linda University School of Medicine
2/4/2019 Loma Linda University School of Medicine

2 Master of Medical Science Background & History
Program to allow SDA students who have the nonacademic qualifications for Loma Linda School of Medicine but have not proven that they can handle the academic program Started in 1992 as a Biomedical certificate program In 2014 became a Master of Medical Science program

3 Master of Medical Science Admission Requirements
Completion of the pre-requisite courses for medical school MCAT Application through AMCAS Secondary application Recommendation letters Invited for an interview Admissions committee considers for medical school and if felt not to be academically competitive can vote to offer MMS

4 Master of Medical Science
First Year Medical School classes Gross Anatomy Human Embryology Medical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics Cell Structure and Function Medical Physiology Critical Thinking class Religion class Capstone project 10 month program

5 MMS Student Outcomes 272 students enrolled in the program since 1992
125 invited to enter the MD program from 1992 to 2013 (out of 185) 111 received an MD degree and 5 more expected to receive a degree Matched into primary care specialties as well as Cardiology, Orthopedics, ENT, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urology, Radiology, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, and Radiation Oncology 12 of those not invited received a DDS degree Others not invited have become a farmer, software developer, nurse practitioner, nurses, chiropractor, library employee, PhD in Biochemistry, pastors, and communication consultant

6 MMS Student Outcomes 87 students from 2014 to 2018 have been in the MMS program 20 students 2014 2 withdrew from MMS, 2 entered Dental School, 12 entered the MD program 19 students 2015 1 withdrew from MMS, 1 entered Dental School, 14 entered the MD program 18 students 2016 1 withdrew from MMS, 17 entered the MD program 15 students 2017 2 withdrew from MMS, 11 entered the MD program 15 students 2018

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