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Kelowna Municipal Election 2018

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1 Kelowna Municipal Election 2018
Social Studies 9

2 Part 1: Democracy and Government

3 Municipal Government QUIZ time (don’t worry, not for marks)
There will be CANDY prizes! All about the municipal government structure in Kelowna

4 3 Levels of Canadian Government
Federal (Ottawa) Provincial (Victoria) Municipal (Kelowna) VIDEO

5 Federal Provincial Municipal
Question Federal Provincial Municipal What is the name of the role represented by the Sovereign at this level? Who currently holds this position? Governor General Julie Payette Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon n/a What is the official title of the leader at this level of government? Who currently holds this position and which party does he or she represent? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Liberal Party Premier John Horgan New Democratic Party Mayor Colin Basran What is the official title of the elected members at this level of government? How many members are there? Who currently holds this position for your geographic area? Member of Parliament (MP) 338 Stephen Fuhr (Liberal) Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) 85 Steve Thompson (Liberal) Councillors 8 Where does this level of government meet (name of building and city)? House of Commons Ottawa BC Legislature Building Victoria Council Chambers Kelowna What are two or more responsibilities at this level of government? Foreign Affairs, Immigration, Currency, National Defence Education, Health, Environment, Agriculture, Advanced Education Waste management, libraries, community services, local parks

6 Research Time Use page 2 in your booklet to research the leadership positions in municipal government All resources are linked through my website and on google classroom. Please also complete your platform ideas for Mayor AND School Trustee!

7 Part 2: Educate Yourself

8 What can you do to become an informed voter???

9 How to Choose a Mayoral Candidate
Intro Video Research Time! Visit the suggested websites to complete the graphic organizer on page 3 Don’t forget to complete the reflection question too

10 Part 3: Voting Process

11 Elections Question Federal Provincial Municipal
How often are elections held? At least every 4-5 years At least every 4 years Every 3 years When is the next election? October 21, 2019. October 16, 2021 October 20, 2018

12 Voter Turnout Click here for video
Why do you think this was “Rick’s Rant”? What is his message? Do you agree? Disagree?

13 Voter Turnout – Federal Voter Turnout – Provincial Voter Turnout – Municipal – 31% – 19% – 33% – 29%

14 Voting Process What examples can you think of about ways to collect a vote? You might have seen different strategies used by teachers, coaches, friends or family members. What do we use in Canada for federal, provincial and municipal votes? Please complete all reflection questions in your booklet.

15 Part 4: Post Election Analysis

16 2018 OKM STUDENT VOTE Municipal Election Results
Mayor Colin Basran

17 2018 Kelowna Municipal Election Results
City Councillors Maxine Deheart Gail Given Luke Stack Brad Sieben Mohini Singh Charlie Hodge Ryan Donn Loyal Wooldridge Mayor Colin Basran School Trustees Lee-Ann Tiede Norah Bowman Rolli Cacchioni Julia Fraser

18 2019 Student Vote Results Kelowna Results 57% Basran 30% Dyas
Period 1/2 Period 3 Period 5/6 Period 7/8 58% Basran 16% Dyas 21% Kennedy 5% Schewe 62% Basran 33% Dyas 5% Kennedy 0% Schewe 47% Basran 21% Dyas 11% Schewe 56% Basran 36% Dyas 4% Kennedy 4% Schewe OKM Student Vote Kelowna Student Vote 57% Basran 27% Dyas 12% Kennedy 4% Schewe 54% Basran 23% Dyas 16% Kennedy 7% Schewe Kelowna Results 57% Basran 30% Dyas 8% Kennedy 5% Schewe VOTER TURNOUT 32,132 (UP from 29,783)

19 Reflection Please complete your final reflection and self-assessment before handing your booklet in.

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