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Welcome to English class!

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1 Welcome to English class!
January 30, 2012 – Vocabulary Welcome to English class! Unit 10

2 The student acquiesced and served his detention.

3 acquiesce –(v) to accept without protest; to agree or submit Synonym= to comply with

4 Dreams of stardom allured many people to the show American Idol.

5 allure – (v) to attract someone by seeming to offer something pleasant or exciting; (n) the strong attraction Synonym=to tempt/tempatation Travel allures millions of people around the world.

6 The yellow lines in the road have gone askew!
“The best laid schemes of mice and men go oft askew.” –Robert Burns

7 askew – (adj.)crooked; twisted to one side Synonym=lopsided

8 Students (and teachers) are often blithe in the summertime when they do not have to attend school!

9 blithe – (adj.)cheerful, lighthearted; casual synonym=carefree

10 This contentious cat is always ready for an argument.

11 contentious –(adj.) likely to cause a lot of argument Synonym=argumentative

12 Do you ever covet other people’s cell phones?

13 covet –(v) to desire something belonging to another synonym= to yearn for

14 The student was crestfallen to learn that he did not have a snow day. 

15 crestfallen – (adj.)discouraged synonym= disappointed and sad

16 Pig Pen is a disheveled cartoon character from the comic strip Peanuts.
A synonym for disheveled is _____________ ?


18 disheveled – (adj.) untidy, rumpled Synonym=unkempt

19 Martin Luther King, Jr. was an exponent of civil rights.

20 exponent – (n) one who advocates, speaks for, explains AND the power to which a number is raised (in math) Synonym=defender, champion

21 Garrulous people often have very high cell phone bills!

22 garrulous – (adj.)chatty synonym= talkative, loquacious

23 Superman was an insuperable comic strip character.

24 InSUPERable – (adj.) incapable of being defeated Synonym= invincible Will the Pats be insuperable next Sunday???

25 The lamentable deaths of Romeo and Juliet could have been easily avoided.

26 lamentable – (adj.)very disappointing or in a regrettable state Synonym=deserving pity
The state of our current economy is lamentable.

27 Can you guess why the words eggplant and pineapple are misnomers?

28 misnomer – (n) an unsuitable or misleading name Synonym= a wrong name

29 Everyone should feel comfortable professing their love of English class!

30 profess-(v) to openly state; to claim Synonym= to delcare

31 During spring break, I suggest you find respite by basking in the sun with a good book!

32 respite –(n) a period of relief or rest synonym=a breather

33 Ms. LoBue is seeking retribution against the person who hit her car!

34 retribution – (n) a repayment synonym= retaliation; revenge
Lady Capulet seeks retribution against Romeo for killing Tybalt; she wants to poison him!

35 Lombard Street in San Francisco, California is known as the most sinuous street.

36 sinuous – (adj.)winding, having many curves synonym=twisting

37 Professor Dumbledore speaks with a sonorous voice!

38 sonorous – (adj) rich in sound, impressive in style synonym= full; deep in sound

39 Cell phone companies remain in constant competition for the vanguard position.

40 vanguard – (n.)the leading position Synonym= cutting edge; forefront
The ipad will keep Apple in the vanguard of technology.

41 A wastrel is a person (or cat) who squanders money and loafs about!

42 wastrel – (n) a wasteful person, spendthrift synonym= a loafer; someone who wastes time and money

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