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Recap Define ‘Autarky/Self-sufficiency’ What was rearmament?

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Presentation on theme: "Recap Define ‘Autarky/Self-sufficiency’ What was rearmament?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap Define ‘Autarky/Self-sufficiency’ What was rearmament?
Define ‘invisible unemployment’

2 Impact of the War on the German economy and German people
Good learning: Identify key terms from previous sessions Great learning: Explain how ww2 impacted German economy and people Even better: Evaluate how much of an impact ww2 had on the Germany economy and people

3 Read p. 84 Read p. 84 on the impact of the war on the Germany economy and the people Answer the following: Were people enthusiastic about war? Was war going well or badly from ? What was the turning point of 1941? How did this impact civilians? People still had memories of WW1 Food rationing & Clothes rationing 1939 However not difficult to keep up civilian morale as war going well. H in control of much of Western & Eastern Europe = supplies of luxury goods flowed into Germany from captured territories 1941 – Hitler took big gamble. Invaded Soviet Union. Next 3 years = troops were engaged in an increasingly expensive war with Russia. Civillians = lives disrupted. Cut back on heating, work longer hours, and recycle rubbish Goebbels redoubled his censorship efforts. Maintained peoples support for war by involving them in it by asking them to make sacrifices

4 Video on Hamburg & Dresden
Dresden/media/ /193802 Bombing of Hamburg – 1943, mass bombing on city of Hamburg and civilians Bombing of Dresden, during World War II, Allied bombing raids on February 13–15, 1945, that almost completely destroyed the German city of Dresden.

5 City of Dresden City of Hamburg

6 What do you think the main aims of the bombing campaigns were?
Discuss with the person next to you & write your answer!

7 By 1944 Germany was facing defeat and life at home had become very hard for ordinary Germans …
Each table focus on: State control of the economy from 1942 onwards The loss of morale among German civilians Bombing on German cities Refugees Write the answers in your books. Your going to verbally tell the other table what you have found so that they can take notes! 1942 Albert Speer = direct Germany’s war economy. All effort focused on the armament industries. Postal services were suspended and letter boxes were closed. All places of entertainment were closed except cinemas (Geobells needed these to show propaganda films) Defeat looming, support for the Nazis weakened. Germans stopped declaring food they had. They stayed away from Nazi rallies. They refused to give ‘Heil Hitler’ salute when asked to do so British bombing on German cities began 1942 – American help between 1943 & 45. Estimated about half a mil Ger civillians died & ¾ of a mil wounded. 7.5 mil made homeless 1945 Ger people in a desperate state. As well as those made homeless by Allied bombings, refugees were fleeing the advancing Russian armies in the east. In east Ger over 3 mill Gers were fleeing but they got no help from the retreating army. No transport was easily available as priority was given to retreating German troops. Most fleeing = made to walk hundreds of miles, cold hunger & disease. Over half a mill died on journey. Survivors who reached western Germany found cities devastated by bombing and chronic food shortages

8 Hardship on the home front
Rationing Supplies were needed for the soldiers, so there were severe food shortages By Nov 1939, food and clothing were rationed. People were limited to one egg per week Goods like soap and toilet paper were in very short supply Hot water was rationed to 2 days per week Total War In 1942, Albert Speer was made Armaments Minister. He organised the country for Total War. Everything was focused on making weapons and growing food for soldiers. Anything that didn’t contribute to the war was stopped: Beer halls & dance halls & sweet shops = closed Letter boxes boarded up Factories stayed open longer Labour shortages Women were drafted in to work in factories as men were fighting the war By 1944, around seven million foreign workers had been brought in to work as slave labour in the factories. They came from the countries Germany had conquered Bombing and Refugees From 1942, Britain and America began bombing German cities, as a result: There was no electricity, water or transport in many German cities Thousands lost their homes Thousands more left their homes to find safety as refugees

9 Hardship caused by the war
Brief definition/explanation Impact on ordinary Germans Rationing Total War Labour shortages Bombing Loss of morale among German civilians Refugees

10 Source Question From ‘the Nazis: A Warning from History, in which Johannes Zahn (1907 – 2000) was interviewed in the late 1990s. Zahn was a banker who was educated in Germany and then at Harvard University in America, he served in the German army from He was director of the World Bank from One saw in the way the Nazis presented themselves as a welcome change to the earlier Weimar Republic. Rearmament helped to end the remaining unemployment so that the whole population was fully working, was earning and being fed. Rearmament also overcame the shame of surrender. We had a normal army again. You could thus say we were back to being an equal nation. -What does Zahn suggest about Nazi economic policies? Why might he suggest this? How convincing is this interpretation?

11 Flip learning Complete exam question and bring in for next lesson (4 marks) ‘Describe 2 ways in which the Second World War had an impact on ordinary German citizens’

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