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Agenda Workshop : Suzhou Institute of Nanotech and Nanobionics (SINano) Chinese Academy of Sciences November 6th 2018 - SUZHOU.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Workshop : Suzhou Institute of Nanotech and Nanobionics (SINano) Chinese Academy of Sciences November 6th 2018 - SUZHOU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Workshop : Suzhou Institute of Nanotech and Nanobionics (SINano) Chinese Academy of Sciences November 6th SUZHOU

2 Presentation of the platform Danm
(Deposit and Analysis under Ultra-high Vacuum of nanoMaterials) Danielle PIERRE Engineer in thin film materials development Technical manager Danm platform Danm is a technological platform for research in elaboration and in situ characterization of nanomaterials. This platform offers a multi-material and multi-analysis approach, with the objective of developing new materials under ultra-high vacuum. It allows studys of growth up to the properties and functionalities of these new materials. We present here a global view of the platform, its organization and the possibility of collaborations between our institute and Sinano.

3 Nitride thin films deposited by reactive sputtering
Prof. J.F. Pierson Transition metal nitride (TMN) thin films are widely used for mechanical, optical and electrical applications. In this presentation, the elaboration of TMN films by reactive magnetron sputtering will be described. A special attention will be given to the characterisation of the film structure and microstructure using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Among the various nitrides synthesized in our group, this talk will be focused on titanium and zirconium nitride based materials. Indeed, these nitrides exhibit high mechanical properties, high temperature stability. They are also electrical conductive materials. Recently, it has been shown that transition metal nitrides are promising candidates for energy storage devices (supercapacitors). Finally, the effect of nitride alloying for high temperature plasmonic applications will be detailed.

4 Electrical Initialization of Electron and Nuclear Spins in a Single Quantum Dot at Zero Magnetic Field Dr. Yuan LU Over the last decade, interest and ongoing research have been devoted to the study of polarized light emitting devices such as Spin-Light Emitting Diodes (Spin-LEDs). Those devices provide the ability to propagate the information contained in a magnetic bit over long distances and at high speed by converting electron spin information into circular polarization information carried by the light. In this talk, I will present our recent results on the demonstration of the emission of circular polarized light from a single quantum dot without applying an external magnetic field. Up to 35% degree of circular polarization is obtained which is a record. The injection of spin-polarized electrons is achieved by combining ultrathin CoFeB electrodes on top of a spin-LED device with p-type InGaAs quantum dots in the active region. We measure an Overhauser shift of several microelectronvolts at zero magnetic field for the positively charged exciton (trion X+) EL emission, which changes sign as we reverse the injected electron spin orientation. This is a signature of dynamic polarization of the nuclear spins in the quantum dot induced by the hyperfine interaction with the electrically injected electron spin. This study paves the way for electrical control of nuclear spin polarization in a single quantum dot without any external magnetic field.

5 Prof. Yannic Fagot-Revurat
Quasi one-dimensional band dispersion and surface metallization in long-range ordered polymeric wires Prof. Yannic Fagot-Revurat On-surface covalent self-assembly of organic molecules is a very promising bottom–up approach for producing atomically controlled nanostructures. Due to their highly tuneable properties, these structures may be used as building blocks in electronic carbon-based molecular devices. Following this idea, here we report on the electronic structure of an ordered array of poly(para-phenylene) nanowires produced by surface-catalysed dehalogenative reaction. By scanning tunnelling spectroscopy we follow the quantization of unoccupied molecular states as a function of oligomer length, with Fermi level crossing observed for long chains. Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy reveals a quasi-1D valence band as well as a direct gap of 1.15 eV, as the conduction band is partially filled through adsorption on the surface. Tight-binding modelling and ab initio density functional theory calculations lead to a full description of the band structure, including the gap size and charge transfer mechanisms, highlighting a strong substrate–molecule interaction that drives the system into a metallic behaviour.

6 New semiconductors for next generation optoelectronics & energy harvesting
ZnO nanostructures & (Mg,Zn)(Si,Ge,Sn)N2 for LEDs, solar cells, water splitting Dr. Patrice MISKA : Objectives: Probing new class of materials & screening different famillies of II-IV-N2 materials considering different II & IV elements Optimizing luminescence & absorption phenomenon In situ analyzing the interfaces and confinement properties Probing nanostructures for device integration Considering the introduction of such materials in original optoelectronic devices architectures Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2018, Abstract: I will show different recent evelpment of new mterials for PV and LED devices. These materials can be used for cartalysis & hydrogen production. We aim at analysing the heterointerfaces using in situ growth & characterizations

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