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promontory Examples: Synonyms: Antonyms:

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Presentation on theme: "promontory Examples: Synonyms: Antonyms:"— Presentation transcript:

1 promontory Examples: Synonyms: Antonyms:
(noun) – a high point of land projecting into the sea Examples: Standing on the promontory, the man could see the remote ships towards the horizon. Synonyms: Cape, peninsula Antonyms: inland

2 quibble (verb) – to make a minor objection; to evade; to change the point (noun) – a small objection The student was quibbling about his low grades. Synonyms: to equivocate, to be irrelevant Antonyms: cogent

3 Rectify (= right) (verb) – to fix, correct Examples:
The student needs to rectify his inappropriate behavior. I need to rectify my homework. Synonyms: Correct, repair, mend, resolve, redress Antonyms: Break, to make worse

4 reminiscence Examples:
(noun) – a story of past experiences (verb) – to reminisce = to remember past experiences (adj.) - reminiscent Examples: What is the best reminiscence about your school days in your native country? What do you reminisce about your first day of school? Synonyms: Memories, recollection Antonyms: forget

5 repertoire (noun) – supply of songs, stories, skills or devices Examples: The piano player had a wide repertoire. Synonyms: Catalog, collection, list

6 reticent (adj.) – untalkative, shy, reluctant to speak (n.) reticence
Examples: The student is reticent to speak in front of the class. Synonyms: Reserved, shy, restrained, silent, uncommunicative Antonyms: Talkative

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