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Collimator Wakefields

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1 Collimator Wakefields
Igor Zagorodnov BDGM, DESY

2 References Codes ECHO CST MS ABCI MAFIA GdfidL VORPAL PBCI Tau3P Used
by me K. Yokoya, CERN-SL/90-88, 1990 F.-J.Decker et al., SLAC-PUB-7261, 1996 G.V. Stupakov, SLAC-PUB-8857, 2001 P. Tenenbaum et al, PAC’01, 2001 B. Podobedov, S. Krinsky, EPAC’06, 2006 I. Zagorodnov, K.L.F. Bane, EPAC‘06, 2006 K.L.F. Bane, I.A. Zagorodnov, SLAC-PUB-11388, 2006 I. Zagorodnov et al, PAC‘03, 2003 and others

3 Outline Round collimators 3D collimators (rectangular, elliptical)
Inductive regime Diffractive regime Near wall wakefields Resistive wakefields 3D collimators (rectangular, elliptical) Simulation of SLAC experiments XFEL collimators Effect of tapering and form optimization Kick dependence on collimator length

4 Effect of the kick



7 Round collimator. Inductive
 [mrad] a [mm] b [mm] l [mm] Q [nC]  [mm] TESLA 20 17.5 0.4 1. 0.3 NLC 0.2 0.1

8 Round collimator. Inductive


10 Round collimator. Diffractive
Figure 2:Kick factor vs. collimator length. A round collimator (left), a square or rectangular collimator (s = 0.3 mm, right).


12 Round collimator


14 Round collimator. Resistive wall wakes
Analytical estimations are available. To be studied. Can the total wake be treated as the direct sum of the geometric and the resistive wakes? Numerical modeling is required. Discrepancy between analytical estimations and measurements. Transverse geometric kick for long collimator is approx. two times larger as for the short one.

15 3D collimators. Regimes

16 3D collimators. Regimes

17 3D Collimators. Diffractive Regime
S.Heifets and S.Kheifets, Rev Mod Phys 63,631 (1991) I. Zagorodnov, K.L.F. Bane, EPAC‘06, 2006

18 3D collimators. Diffractive Regime

19 3D collimators. Inductive Regime

20 3D collimators. Inductive Regime

21 3D collimators. Inductive Regime

22 3D collimators. Inductive Regime
Round: 2D vs.3D Blue-3D Green-2D accurate

23 3D collimators. Inductive Regime
Dipolar Quadrupolar I estimate that error in this numbers is about 5%

24 Simulations of SLAC experiment 2001

25 Simulations of SLAC experiment 2001


27 XFEL collimators. Tapering
Inductive When a short bunch passes by an out-transition, a significan reduction in the wake will not happen until the tapered walls cut into the cone of radiation, i.e until

28 XFEL collimators. Tapering
Geometry of the “step+taper” collimator for TTF2 Collimator geometry optimization. Optimum d ~ 4.5mm

29 Geometry of the “step+taper” absorber for XFEL
XFEL collimators. Tapering Geometry of the “step+taper” absorber for XFEL d mm 10 / 20 mm 4.5 mm 3.4 mm taper 20 mm step (d=3.4mm) taper (d=4.5mm) step+taper (d=4.1mm) Loss, V/pC Spread, Peak, step 110 43 -156 taper 20mm 38 42 -83 taper 20mm +step 50 (45%) 29 (67%) -82 (53%)


31 Click here to see a movie
Acknowledgements to K. Bane, M. Dohlus, B. Podobedov G. Stupakov, T. Weiland for helpful discussions on wakes and impedances, and to CST GmbH for letting me use CST MICROWAVE STUDIO for the meshing. Click here to see a movie

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